Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

July 25, 2013

This married, former B list mostly television actress from a hit show that has been canceled is now slipping down to a C because she does not work. Despite her fear of actually carrying a suitcase lest someone think she is a regular person, there is one bag she clutches and won't let anyone touch. That is because that bag has her magic pills. Not only her Adderall, but also several other prescription drugs which carry her through each and every day. She does spend a lot of her day prescription shopping.

Portia De Rossi


  1. Ok how did she get it thru security?

  2. Sounds like she might still have weight issues using adderall?

  3. Anonymous11:34 AM

    what a waste. if i were ellen's boo id quickly get and addiction to shopping and being lazy...

  4. sandybrook

    maybe she has an


  5. Is that why she is in rehab now?

  6. Title in progress FTW.

    All those names back in 2013. Where does everyone go to?

  7. Sad. Glad she is getting help.

  8. still not buying it. I don't doubt that she has an addiction problem but I don't buy that she's a stuck up bitch.

  9. stop hating on my gay ladies, enty!

  10. There was a blind about a lesbian couple fighting lately. I guess Elken n Potia bcuz they recently did some pap shots skipping joyfully at round
    NYC. (I'm exaggerating). But it looked like it could be tbe Ol' "throw em off trick" when there's trouble in paradise. "If" Portia is pill popping & pill shopping, I don't see how there wouldn't be fighting.

  11. Ellen drinks, Portia takes pills. Sounds like a good match.

  12. Title in progress got it as last guess of day out of no where. Hmm.....

  13. Faux-bian Anne Heche was another heavy drug user. What's up with Ellen choosing this in her partners?

    @sandy, if they're prescriptions that have been written out to her, Portia won't have any problem getting them through airport security.

    1. Exactly @Malibu...I have never had a problem. I have a chronic illness, not the herps btw, and passed thru many a check point and they have never checked my meds

  14. This blind makes me sad. I hope Ellen and Portia can weather this storm.

  15. Unfortunately Portia seems to have problems with her eating that has carried on since her days on Ally McBeal, and I hope those pills aren't part of controlling her weight. I remember the horrifying photos of her on an Australian dance floor where she looked like her flesh had wasted - skin and bones. I hope she gets the treatment she needs.

  16. There was a big story (maybe in Star magazine) a while back about how they were getting a divorce. Ellen denied the story and said they were wonderful. Now we know the real story. Portia is probably using the Adderall to keep her weight down but that stuff is bad news.
