Monday, July 28, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

May 22, 2014

#3- This B- list television and movie actress who only gets B list because of her famous acting family got the nose of her significant other broken after she got drunk and slapped some guy because he was not paying attention to her. The significant other stepped in and wham.

Emma Roberts/Evan Peters


  1. What does a girl need to do to get a little attention

  2. Nothing like setting the scene and letting someone else take the fall.

  3. Must be a pleasant person to be with.

  4. she is a delight. ugh

  5. Who does she think she is, Zsa Zsa Gabor?

  6. cant julia do something about her, make some calls so all the roles dry up or something

  7. She must be game for anything in the bedroom for any guy to put up with her issues.

  8. Emma honey, you in danger girl! Go to rehab! Stop breaking other peoples noses.

  9. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Don't marry her, Tate!!!

  10. I REALLY want him to dump her nepotism-riddled ass. I know people who know his people and supposedly he's Good People and fame hasn't spoiled him, blah blah blah, and I just KNOW that getting into that family is going to be a mess. Run, Evan, run!

  11. @AKM I have a friend who worked one of the cons he was at and she had nothing but good things to say about him. She said he was a bit shy at first but he opened up and was funny and engaging. He even gave her a free autograph and signed it with the bit about being in a coma from Sleepover. Which I thought was funny. She had a lot of juicy gossip about a few other actors that wasn't so nice.

    Run Evan RUN!!!

    Seriously this whole relationship is messed up. She beats the crap out of him then gets others to beat the crap out of him. I honestly don't know why he's still with her. The sex must be UNBELIEVABLE because that's the only reason I can see for him to be with her.

  12. She needs rehab. I thought she was raised by her mother and had a chance, but it seems like she is more like her father.

  13. I'm sorry but, Evan confronted a dude who his fiancé attacked because he WASN'T paying attention to her?? Well, that's drunken alcoholic logic if I've ever heard it!

  14. Sounds like "White Knight" complex to me. She neeeeds meeee.. Poor guy and I don't doubt she's done the "if you ever leave, I'll kill myself just like my aunt..." while in a drunken fit.
    Seek help , you dumb bastard!

  15. @Sifi, any gossip that you can share?

  16. She seems like such a charmer. :/

  17. Maybe world class BJs is a family trait. It wouldn't be nearly enough for me but great head turns a lot of guys into jelly.
