Thursday, July 31, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

January 30, 2014

This B- list mostly television actor who had a great role on a great hit cable show walked out of an interview last week when a reporter called him black. The actor said he isn't black and it really ticked him off.

Jason Momoa


  1. What is he then? ?

    1. "His father is of Native Hawaiian descent, while his mother is of German, Irish, and Native American ancestry."

  2. Well you should get a persons race correct. I don't like when ppl assume I'm only black because of my skin tone. Do your fucking research.

  3. He should have stayed and politely corrected them. Educate don't be bitchy. He is C list at best. He doesn't have the clout to be throwing tantrums or walking out on reporters. It was probably an honest mistake
    Educate the reporter.

    1. Or they should research who they're interviewing instead of assuming things about them.

    2. +1, Sugarbread.

    3. Some people just don't bottom from the top.

  4. Though I like him, he should have treated it as a teaching opportunity for the ill informed.

    Not all non-white people are black!!

  5. If you're doing an interview…Know your subject…Jason could have handled it better …but the interviewer was an idiot.

  6. @VIP, I can't find it in the original - did you ever deliver on the request for hot Kahl Drago pic? It's Friday, help a girl out. :D

  7. If it was a new TV show that red river thing the interviewers are probably given the assignment with little time to prepare.
    It's not like they're interviewing Scandal or Revenge where everyone is a household name. It's a new show on the Sundance channel and some low ranking intern probably got the assignment hours before
    Lose the attitude. Take it on the chin and promote your show

  8. Well it goes to the fact that interviewer did no background prep at all, I'd be annoyed too. Btw, I think he's mixed and mainly Hawaiian.

  9. There, there, Jason. (One hand caressing his cheek the other hand on his other cheek.)

  10. Agreed with those who said the reporter should have done his research.

    Still not as bad when crazy lady mentioned Martin Short's wife Nancy as still living when he was a widower. He was classy and let it slide. NOT to imply Jason wasn't but his name is obviously Hawaiian.

    Why bring up his race in the first place even?

    1. Lmao thats messed up abou martin short interview...

      I think nothing trumps the samuel jackson interview when sammy got mistaken for another black actor. LOVEDDDDD his response lol

  11. Here I thought today was Thursday.

  12. It's not Friday. I was daydreaming.

  13. Yes, the reporter should have done their research, but Jason has children with Lisa Bonet, correct? Maybe he shouldn't've stormed out like being called black was a bad thing.

  14. Man, it gets so you're afraid to talk to people. Period. Becausec u just dont want to insult them by accident!!

    1. +1. It's getting ridiculous. Invisible chips the size of boulders on shoulders, and lack of graciousness.

  15. Isn't the mother of his children half black? WTF?!?!

  16. He's Hawaiian? Interviewer is lucky he wasn't Samoan or they'da got the Stinkface (SFW).

    1. @Count Without looking, I'm guessing this is Rikishi. lol

  17. Thank God for that I thought I really tied one on yesterday :p

  18. Dang a little bit of an overreaction, but I do love his sexy a s s.

  19. If his dad is Hawaiian (Samoan) and his mother German, then he is a Mutt! -- just like me!

  20. The things I would do to that man......

  21. Momoa didn't handle it well and the interviewer sounds like a moron. Some people do NOT suffer fools gladly. For his career's sake, Momoa needs to learn to brush it off. It is kind of insulting that you're one of the most high-profile celebs of your ethnicity -- a very small group of the world's population -- and the reporter thinks your background is something entirely different. This isn't like he confused a Swede for a German.

    I don't necessarily read this as Momoa left b/c he was insulted to be perceived as Black. I think he was insulted that the guy couldn't get a very basic thing about him correct -- an aspect that may well be a source of great pride to him.

    Also, c'mon, Momoa doesn't look Black -- at least not in the sense of "this person is of 100% African lineage." At best, he *might* be seen as mixed, in which case, a professional would not assume what that was. Just really tone-deaf and irresponsible of the interviewer.

  22. I was going to say if he was Maori or Samoan or Tongan, interviewer be in real trouble.

    I don't think he was reacting to be called black more like he is proud of his Hawaiian heritage and couldn't believe the interviewer apparently did no research on him not even a 20 second glance at wiki

    but that's "journalism" today, even though not all internet sources are as accurate as the old school sources of the olden days, there is no excuse now not to have done your research you don't even have to leave your bed to do a few minutes of research before any interview

  23. Wait until this guy/girl asks The Rock that question

  24. You assume he was pissed because he doesn't want ppl to think he's black but as a person who's had to deal with ppl getting my race wrong I assume he is just proud of who he I'd and doesn't want ppl to be confused about things. It isn't his fucking job to educate ppl. Educate yourselves.

  25. To be fair though, there are alot of hawaiians who look black...whatshis face is part hawaiian-- the big dude. The rock.

    I dont see why he would be offended. His wife is bi racial and now so are his children.

    1. Plus momoa looks sorta black to me but who gives a fuck hes hotter than all get out! Hes more vanessa williams black looking to me.

  26. @Sugarbread maker, really? Little time to prepare? How much time to you need to Google Jason Mamoa and learn to which ethnic group he belongs?

    You bet he was not reacting to be called black, and you bet he was not offended to be called black, but pissed off to see his heritage brushed aside because for some stupid people in this country you can only be white or non-white, and non-white can only mean Afr-American or Latino.

  27. Wow, some of these comments... *jaw dropping*.

  28. What was the comment? There was probably more to the comment/question than "You are black".

  29. Yea, because white people are always flipping out when you think they're Jewish, or Irish, when they're not.

  30. The ignorance in these comments. So if your significant other is black that somehow implies YOU are black as well lol from now on Robert Deniro is a black man. His wife and mistresses are black so he must be too *blank stare*

  31. I doubt he was pissed about the race. He was probably pissed the interviewer didn't know anything about him. When Stuttering John would start interviews w/ "W-w-w-who are y-y-y-y-ou and why are you ff-f-f-f-amous?" lots of people would get pissed.

  32. @Jordan

    Not even a close comparison lol You tried though.

  33. I'm with you jack ducky. I'm black but I look very racially ambiguous, and in my family it was considered a non-issue. People sometimes make assumptions. I had some Puerto Rican girls mad at me because they thought, I thought, I was too good to speak Spanish to them. I am 0% Latino, speak no Spanish and meant no offense at all. Yesterday some black women got mad at me on Dlisted for complaining that Kim Kardashian has become the beauty standard for many women of various races. I never mentioned my race but did say that I my looks are similar to KK's. They basically told me I was ignorant and that no black women were doing that, only stupid white girls. Yeah, sometimes race needs to be kept out of it.

  34. FWIW, in England--at least through the early 2000s--anyone of color was referred to as "Black." Imagine the delight of my marketing colleagues at a cross-pond publisher, after I read samples from an upcoming reference about "Contemporary Black British Culture"--that we had to promote in the US--& had to inform them that in the UK ALL non-whites are "Black." x[

    That may still be the case, as the DM & other far-right UK media has a very inclusive hate hard-on about immigration policy allowing so many non-white people to settle there.

    1. Doesnt that get confusing? When referring to a person from pakistan do u call them black? What about asian?

  35. And the whole non-white thing gets complicated too. Technically, I've got lots of black and white heritage, but I don't identify as biracial because for most people that means one white parent and one black parent. The old old old school word for most of my ancestors was mulatto. They in turn married into other mulatto families making more mulatto babies. Lots of folks are uncomfortable with this so I generally identify as black.

  36. Only people of color should be responding.....white comments are way off base, not appreciated and mostly drip in race-ignorance. (It's equal to the misinformed, bigoted, centuries of ignorance comments now associated with gender). The exceptions are those who have significant others representing other ethnicities/race/hues.

    1. What a bullshit comment. An opinion is no less valid or valuable just because someone isnt black. Thats very close minded and bigoted if you ask me.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. @Freya: Yep. Amazing that as big as them Samoan sumbitches get, they still remain remarkably agile.

    @KidJones: FU "Only we can respond" talk about bigoted.

    1. Thank you, Count! I said the same thing. Who died and made him hitler.

  39. @Count Jerkula: White much? There are times when you need to STFU and learn

  40. It's my Friday! How about a lil Jason Momoa tush pretty please?

  41. Is KidJones the new JustCurious? God help us.

    People of any color can have an opinion and comment. This isn't some deep philosophical debate, it's a smutty gossip site. You have no fucking clue what race we are or what we are mixed with. You think the comments are ignorant? Welcome to CDaN! You must be new.

    1. ''You think the comments are ignorant? Welcome to cdan!'

      Snort.. truer words never stated. They need to stick around and prepare to be mindblown by the political incorrectness and ignorance. Ha lol

  42. Ay, well I cannot argue with your well articulated point.

  43. I think it's fine that people of any race comment on this but saying it's okay to be ignorant or offensive because this is the Internet is honestly the dumbest thing I've heard today.

  44. Ducky, I never made excuses for ignorant comments. All I said was that this site is full of them and if someone is looking for an intelligent debate, this isn't the place to be.

  45. If this reporter had called Chinese a Japanese / Korean person, would those commenters who say this is not big deal support him too? Or calling Kraut a Limey? Or Russki someone from the PIGS?

    It's not racism, it's having your facts OK.

  46. I think whenever people have to post comment after comment about offensiveness or ignorance on the internet or deride a gossip site for it, they might need to take a break from the internet. This isn't academia. Its for entertainment and no ones forcing you to be here. Very moronic behavior on your part to have such high expectations from a gossip blog imo.

    1. So it's okay to be offensive if it's for entertainment? And it's moronic to expect grown adults to not be ignorant and offensive just because they're anonymous on the Internet? Lol okay then.

    2. Whose being offensive? The truth is i think youre a bigot because you wouldn't have a problem with anything anyone was saying if they were non white. Offensiveness is subjective. I haven't read anything on here that is offensive. I also think that you have a problem with your dark skin and the racism youve experienced and youre taking it out on everyone in here. Thats not fair.Look to yourself. Value who you are as an individual. I dont give a shit who you are or what color you are. What is the mettle of you as an individual? That is what is truly important - not all this stupid racialized bullshit. What do you REALLY think about everything- whites , blacks etc. ? Not a white person in this room , except me would answer that question. Blame white guilt..To me, even if a person's opinions are the most biased, bigoted bullshit in the world, at least they are honest. Those opinions can be change d through life, experience and education possibly. The problem with race relations In this country is people dont talk...And the negative social stigma associated with dark skin will always be a reality until people acknowledge this is a fucking problem. Thats why momoa responded the way he did. There is a negative connotation associated with blackness and its severely fucked up. If its never acknowledged, publicized and discussed by all the worlds peoples, this will never change.

      Also i wanted to make a small point here, a test. I'm going to make a blanket statement. ' Alot of black people always make themselves out to be the victim. 'Now before you get offended, would your reaction be different if I was black. You know it would be and thats not right. People should be able to be honest about their views without being accosted. Most of the white people on here would never say truly what they believe if a topic is racial because they dont want to be judged as being racially insensitive. I dont have those issues. Im sure you know that by now though.

    3. I've already staten I'm not black so once again fuck off for assuming and secondly yeah I get annoyed and offended when anyone regardless of color makes a blanket statement about any group and thirdly I said I didn't have a problem with white ppl commenting on this. Do you read? I said I though it was dumb that ppl think it's okay to be offensive or ignorant just because this is the Internet.

    4. Youre a fucking idiot. I never called you black. My examples used black people because the topic of discussion was related to them from the beginning. You have some severe reading comprehension deficits. Im done trying to explain to someone who obviously doesn't have the mental capacity to comprehend. So peace yo!

    5. Lol becoming defensive and insulting my intelligence. Classic. Have a great day.

    6. *shrugs* I call it as I see it. Good luck with those issues

  47. @Eros

    Just admit your ignorance and keep it moving.

    1. Youre repeating the same retarded bullshit and Im ignorant. Go get your g.e.d. and then come back and lets have a frank discussion on race relations. You're dismissed.

      Also you're the bogot because if I wss anything other than white you wouldnt be offended by my comment. That's ignorance personified.

  48. I get mistaken for Mexican all the time because of my last name & I am not Mexican. I can totally see why Jason would have been agitated. When you're proud of who you are and where you came from it's frustrating when other people assume you are something else entirely. Yes he could have handled it better but the reporter should have researched him better. It's not like his last name doesn't scream pacific islander. :/

  49. @Eros

    Your ignorance is offensive. You said Momoa looks black so he shouldn't have minded that the interviewer called him so. You said the Rock was Hawaiian when isn't...he's Samoan. Please stop polluting the internet with your bullshit.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Its called honesty. Perception is sometimes reality. There is nothing ignorant in that. Its how the world operates. You look at someone and form opinions based on their appearance. Its human nature.

  50. LOL Jack Ducky gets mad all the time, just ignore his drama queen ass. Kid Jones you're the biggest racist on here. Both of ya'll need to take it to Son of Baldwin and be outraged there. But feel free to stay and keep getting angrier and respond to everyone, it's funny.

    Anyway I myself am Haitian, German, and Irish - ya'll better come correct if I help you in a store with commission, don't you dare say the "black girl" helped you. You say the Haitian/German/Irish girl helped you LOL

  51. First off I'm a girl. I'm not angry? And I don't get mad all the time? Just annoyed by people's ignorance. I do find it funny though how all of y'all's responses to being called out on being offensive is to then be insulting to somebody you don't know. Bullying at it's finest.

    Anyway I'm done for the day so continue being offensive/ignorant if you want. And insult me all you want too cause it honestly doesn't hurt my feelings.

  52. I get mistaken for at least six other races..I just smile and gently correct the mistake. In my mind, I'm bannock slapping them into next Tuesday.

  53. The only person who was really insulting to you was Eros, and he's an idiot. No one is bullying you.

    1. That comment shows you're an idiot Pip. None of you have the proverbial balls to have a frank discussion about race. You tiptoe and sidestep and never spit any real truths about how u feel. Btw, jack ducky wasnt just referring to me as the person that he was offended by. He was offended by you and others. Just wanted to make sure you were aware of that because i know that twists your silly lily white heart into pieces. Not that I give a fuck what jack or anyone else feels. I speak the truth and those who can't deal shouldn't address me. By the way im a woman. Get it right. Lol

    2. I actually wasn't offended by pip so... I was referring to you and that kels person

    3. Or correction : in addition to being offended by me he was offended by you and others as well.

    4. Eros, you still got it wrong.

    5. Lmao. In addition to your self hatred because of your skin color , I guess we can add alzheimers as a condition you suffer from as well. No worries my dear. Seek therapy. Quick. Lol

    6. My self hatred? What are you even talking about anymore?

    7. Ii think were running into that issue again -- your mental incapabilities of grasping simple concepts. I dont feel like child feeding ideas to those who aren't mentally equipped either. All I will say is this in closing, your responses bespeak your mindset and your self perception. I know you wont get that either. Thats okay. Lol. Best of luck to ya duck lmao

  54. I'm proud of my Hawaiian heritage and get annoyed when people start to speak Spanish to me because the assume I'm Latino. Not that I find Latinos less than, just that I am not and if someone is unsure of another's ancestory one should simply ask. Easy peasy. If I had made a film and were presenting at a film festival I would hope that anyone interviewing me would at the very least knew my name and whether or not I'm black, Latino or Persian. If I am unsure of someone's ethnicity I either ask or don't bring it up so not to offend.

  55. And, jack ducky has mentioned more than once she's a female, so how's about YOU get it, right, @Eros?!

    1. @ meanie.. I didnt see any comment alluding to jack's gender.

    2. See 2:03. And she was just pointing out some fallacies in your argument. Frankly the only thing on the man that even hints African heritage is the hair and even that's a moot point these days. The green eyes and olive skin and the last name should have all been indications of heritage.

  56. Hahaha! I didn't bother to read all the comments but here is my thought. Jason was perfectly happy to be viewed as a black man when he was with Lisa Bonet. Black women swooned over him. Being identified as a black man HELPED his career. To the white people who are feeling incredulous check Ebony magazine, Essence magazine, Madanoire, and Lipstick Alley. Many accounts of his efforts are there. SMDH. :-/

  57. The interviewer is clueless and inexperienced. I'm a former journalist and regularly interviewed people during film festivals where I knew ziltch about them because they were added at the last minute in a group interview, or it was a scrum. In those situations. there are loads of interesting questions that can be asked that can reveal a lot about them as a person. You don't have to ask or reference age, sex, race, relationships, religion... I would start my interviews with a quirky, humorous and mild 'insult' and how the interviewee reacted told me everything I needed to know about them regarding how seriously they took themselves and therefore guided me as to how to proceed with the rest of the interview.

    In this situation, Jason figured out fairly quickly how this interview was going to go and bailed. Good for him. The interviewer will hopefully learn from his mistake.

  58. the date of this interview hints at sundance when some 500 rookie interviewers all collide in a snowtown and get told their interview subject usually minutes before interviewing them,, no real time to prepare.. sundance always seems like a drunken madhouse on all parts. might have asked about being a black lead in an indie movie?? you don'y know the reference of question and it could have been an international journo too

  59. Eros said...
    Plus momoa looks sorta black to me but who gives a fuck hes hotter than all get out! Hes more vanessa williams black looking to me.
    9:54 AM

    Eros: You're a FUCKING IDIOT.

    That is all.

  60. Perhaps we all just need to chill out and think that maybe Momoa is the only one who knows why he reacted to the comment? Jumping to Conclusions...the new CDaN Commonwealth Games event!

  61. He's wife, Lisa Bonet, is half-black .

  62. I frequently get taken for jewish, which i am not. I correct if necessary, like when they are asking me when purim is, lol. Now jason may have his reasons, but i dont even see how it came up. Wth kind of interview is that?

  63. I guess I'm naive because I don't understand why race came up in the first place. The reporter called him black? Why call him anything at all but Mr. Mamoa or Jason or whatever. Obviously they weren't doing a biography on him (they would have known already if that was the case), so why was his race brought up in the first place?

  64. @Ay, in all fairness, Jason does look like he's mixed with black. He really does. But even mixed people shouldn't have to identify with just one race, I get that. Now on to my main point, him walking out implies that he is offended that he was called black, and not simply because the interviewer was ill-informed. Now before anyone jumps up & says he can't be racist because his wife is half black, let me just say two words: Donald Sterling. You can still fall in love with a person of a particular race and have negative views of that race as a whole. He probably sees his wife as an exception to the rule.

  65. @poppyfresh....yeah I get what you mean. I'm Native Hawaiian, but i'll be the first one to say that a majority of hawaiian islanders are usually lazy, mooch off of their families and in general have a lazy outlook on life lol. But it still annoys me when peeps assume I'm mexican or whatnot without asking me. I'm proud of my heritage, as is Jason. He's spoken about his ancestry plenty of times in the press since his Game Of Throne days so I can see that he'd think most people would already know that about him.

  66. Huh. I thought he was an angry Samoan. But he's just native Hawaiian and haole. Never thought he was African-American, though.

  67. i thought he had a little black blood in him. Probably because he looks like he's 1/4 black, he used to wear those gigantic dreads and his wife is black.
