Monday, July 28, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

May 22, 2014

#1 - This foreign born former A+ list entertainer(singer) is really sick again. He needs to come clean about his disease so people can rally around the guy.

George Michael


  1. Enty revealing this one?? Did GM pass away?

  2. Id rather have the blind instead of this horrible news.

  3. I wonder if he has AIDS related dementia. It would certainly explain the ongoing respiratory illnesses paired with erratic behavior.

    I'm not just being ghoulish, I used to work on an Alzheimer's program. Dementia is a really miserable disease and it's particularly horrific when the person is young :(

  4. Who does he need to rally round him? I'm quite sure the people he wants to know do know. And presumably that's not the readers of gossip forums.

  5. He's clearly going thru something but I don't believe he's sick. DM says he's becoming a recluse cutting off all his friends. Luv you george!

  6. DM is all over the place with him today:
    Hes shut himself off from everyone and
    He wants to reform Wham!

    1. I would love him to reform Wham! No shame there Georgie.

    2. I second that, Violet! Wham 4 ever!!!

  7. I'm sure his loved ones know if anything is going on, and have rallied around him. He doesn't owe anyone anything. If he has an illness and wants to deal with it privately, that's his prerogative.

  8. He's one of the only Gay men, I always wished was closeted strait. He was so swoon-worthy in his Prime and that voice... wow. Wish him well, no matter what he chooses to do with his life.

  9. I agree with @Pip and @Violet.

  10. Absolutely, @Pip. It's one thing to say he needs to come clean so his former partners know, quite another to suggest if he doesn't come clean, nobody will rally and he will die. WTH is a rally for HIV? Prayer circles? Shamans? Oil anointment?

  11. Some people would rather not have anyone "rally 'round" them. Personally, I find the idea appalling. Being a private person is not a character flaw.

  12. Well this is just sad. : (

  13. I wish him well....a very talented man.

  14. Maybe he doesn't want the pity.

  15. he doesnt want the lawsuits
    he knows he was infecting ppl

    1. You don't know for a fact that he has Aids no one but George himself knows

  16. Vera Christina - I agree about dementia. My MIL has it and it's been very hard for everyone! She's at the point now where she won't bathe and language and feeding herself are very difficult. She needs to be in a fulltime care facility but a family member is in denial about what she needs. It's hell.

    As far as George, maybe he doesn't want anyone to rally. I saw that with my uncle who was a very, very handsome man and losing his looks along with his health was a huge blow.

    1. @Sherry, hugs to you. My SO's grandmother had Alzheimer's and his mother took care of her until Grandma passed. A very difficult time. :( I'm sure your mom knows, somewhere, that you love and care for her even now. Many, many hugs and blessings.

  17. Yeah, everyone will rally around a dude who got tainted via anon public bathroom sex. Sure.

    1. You know what? I read this blog and the comments daily and rarely get involved in the shenanigans but...seriously?!? First of all, it's rather hypocritical to make such a remark when you so frequently choose to share your own sexual preferences which may not be to everyone's taste. I'm not sure why you think that ranking women according to the orifice of your choice is ok but anonymous, consensual sex isn't. I have no idea if George Michael has HIV or full blown AIDS but I certainly know that he is deserving of compassion if he has, regardless of how it was contracted. Knowingly spreading HIV is a criminal act and, as far as I know, not one that George Michael has been accused (legally) of. Save your nasty, homophobic remarks for such time as he is proven guilty of something other than having sex in a way that you don't...if, in fact you have sex at all.

    2. I'd hardly call getting caught cottaging a 'tainted' activity, Count.....many others have done MUCH worse and George handled with humour and aplomb and made a number 1 single out of it!
      I normally love your comments but this was a low, unfunny blow....

  18. I'm supposing our current Enty is too young to understand what it was like in the early days of the plague years. This person has no obligation to reveal his illness, if he's really in such a bad state. Have some tact.

  19. I love George so much. This is heartbreaking. The poor man.

  20. maybe he has full blown aids now, maybe there is nothing else anone can do, Steve Jobs did the same thing, he only had family visit him in the last days, cut off everyone else

  21. Just let the guy be Enty, his condition is his business and he doesn't owe any explanations to public.

  22. I think I kinda love you @demandah!

  23. Where the HELL IS MY MAIN BLIND!!!!

  24. My guess is word is out that he is dying, any hint in the Daily Mail? or soon to come or The Sun.

  25. From what I have read, George wanted to come out so many times because he was miserable with the facade but kept getting talked out of it including Andrew. I think George was devastated when the love of his life died of AIDS, a Brazilian man I believe, and he never really got over it.

    Talented guy, voice of an angel.

  26. I didnt get that enty wants him to out his illness for any other reason that to reap any love and affection coming his way. But as i learned when my mother was ill and died of cancer, everyone has a right to orchestrate their own death. Their own way, own terms. If indeed this is whats going on.

  27. Sherry, I'm sorry your family is dealing with this. I highly recommend using music (from her favorite artists and era) to soothe her.

  28. Poor beautiful George. I love him so much.

  29. I fucking love George Michael

    This is terrible

  30. He's a great talent. I hope he gets whatever help he needs.

  31. Did this new Entward not read his/her copies of the Brit tabs? Between George's new single, rumours of a tour and now him having said he and Andrew spoke about a Glastonbury performance I'm going to cross my fingers and toes for George!!
    Love him and will be first in line to buy tickets if he ever comes back to Toronto

  32. @Sherry If you haven't heard of this check into it, coconut oil for Alzheimer's. Here is a youtube of some good info:
    If that link doesn't come through google Dr. Mary Newport and coconut oil.

  33. You are assuming that him having HIV and him having a serious mental depression are one and the same. THey are not. I'm sure everyone knows he has HIV, but not everyone knows he suffered from massive depression.

  34. @BeckyMae: I don't know what cottaging is. In my comment, I meant HE got tainted, i.e. infected, not that the activity is inherently tainted. I don't care who is fucking who in public bathrooms, but if yer barebackin in there, don't expect sympathy when ya catch the bug.

    Also, I have h8d George Michael since Wham, so I don't care how much longer he is above ground.

  35. I echo what everyone's said: the man has the voice of an angel, and I've loved him since Wham! and I don't care who he sleeps with. I have the same love for Ricky Martin - it's not like I'm actually planning on trying to get a date with either of these men :-). Fantasy, people! I will cry real tears when George Michael dies :-(.

    Count, I kind of get where you're coming from - my husband waited YEARS for Harry Carey to kick the bucket - that man bugged the shit out of him.

  36. Wow, @demandah just dropped the mic and walked out of the thread. That's a burn and a half.

    1. Less is more. ;)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Ha! And twice is...more.

  37. I don't wish this horrid disease on anyone BUT his well documented antics were like playing Russian Roulette with a bullet in almost every chamber. I can't find a lot of sympathy for someone with this type destructive behavior. How can so many of you rail on Lilo and give Michael a pass?

  38. Cowbulls I think the difference is, and let me first preface this by saying like Jerkula, I too have despised George Michael since Wham; the difference is George Michael remained a professional and never let his personal life derail his career. He never had a reputation of being late, not showing up and we're speaking of someone who has had a 25 year or longer career.

    Lindsay Lohan has been documented being late if she shows up at all, not to mention having the nerve to be an entitled, pompous diva who has been given countless chances and has yet to show she has been deserving of even one of them. I understand she had a jacked up childhood with those parents of hers but she needs to get over it because now the ball is in her court and the responsibility and blame lies with her.
