Monday, July 21, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

April 12, 2014

This entertainer(singer) was A list not that long ago. Bad choices, drug use and she was gone. A one album wonder. In the past couple of years she has been in the news for her erratic behavior. Anyway, in the past few months she has been stalking her A list celebrity ex and showing up at his NYC apartment and once got past the doorman and slept in front of his apartment door.

Fiona Apple/David Blaine


  1. Replies
    1. And Tricia shaw for the David Blaine assist!

  2. I can see her as a crazy-B.

  3. Get a TRO Magic man. That broad is batshit and then some. It isn't worth the depraved sex you could talk her in to.

  4. It could be cool to find her asleep at the door. Better than the dead bird I had to deal with last week : /

  5. Wow Hairydawg n TriciaS
    U guys rock. And u know ur crazy betches and dooshey bF's

  6. Anonymous9:06 AM

    this sooooooo sounds like fiona. that relationship was '90's amirite? sheesh girly...

  7. Replies
    1. Perfection! I love how they're so nonchalant about their assholery.

  8. She needs to stalk dudes in Cali, there's windows u can break into the pad and get in his bed.

  9. @lady thx for shout out
    @sincerely I do Ido I do,,

  10. Can't he just make her disappear?

    1. LOL!!!! Apparently not. But at least homeboy ain't a cop caller because Apple OG is feelin like a CRIMINAL
      She's been a bad bad girl...

    2. Ha! That made me laugh.

  11. He wasn't really her boyfriend it was just an illusion.

  12. Well I will give her A for effort. Sleeping in front of an apartment door can't be comfortable.

  13. Didn't know they were ever a couple, probably the most boring whinning couple on the planet.

  14. Be kind to her or treat her mean, she'll make the most of it, she's an extraordinary machine.

  15. Fiona lasted longer than an album-- her fans are die-hard! And she's great. Plus, I mean, we've all done this.

  16. Fiona Apple was raped when she was 12. It left her pretty screwed-up and probably contributed quite a bit to her drug use and incidents like this. I'm not going to judge her too harshly.

  17. Can you imagine what their conversations sounded like? It would cure insomnia.

    All those female indie singers from the 90's are still around & have their stans, but they aren't chart toppers anymore, like Tori, Alanis, etc.

  18. I love her too

    so talented back in the day

    she has had her share of issues though and can't seem to get it together

    makes me sad

  19. Drugs are really bad if she's after Blaine. Actually I feel sorry for her, she had a rough time.

  20. Drugs are really bad if she's after Blaine. Actually I feel sorry for her, she had a rough time.

  21. Drugs are really bad if she's after Blaine. Actually I feel sorry for her, she had a rough time.

  22. That is SUCH a horrible description of her. Fiona is NOT a "one Album Wonder".

    Fuck you, Enty!
    Leave my Goddess alone!

  23. rajahcat- "back in the day"? her last album was released a year ago, and is FANTASTIC.

    Listen to it, the woman is still phenomenally talented.

  24. I think I was right on this one.

  25. Come on ParisSucks. How many copies of her album sold last year? 237copies?

    They should have distributed it better so it could penetrate the market. Give it away for free w/ a combo pack of Stay Free and Kleenex.

  26. Eat your words, Count. ;)

    is the fourth studio album by Fiona Apple.[3] It was released on June 19, 2012 by Epic Records.[4] The album debuted at number three on the Billboard 200, her highest debut yet, selling 72,000 copies in its first week.[5] The album earned a nomination at the 2013 Grammy Awards for Best Alternative Album.[6]

  27. I will

    I think I have heard some of it maybe

  28. Fiona is amazingly talented

    I like that she's a little unhinged - my kind of gal ;)

  29. Obviously, I would never condone this behavior. 1.) It's a gross violation of his life. 2.) David Blaine? Seriously?

    But if we get a decent album out of it... ehhhhhhhh...

  30. I love Fiona Apple!!!!!

  31. um Enty she had 2 really good albums!

    David hypnotized her with his peen.

  32. Wow, hope she gers help.
    David Blaine!! Lollol

  33. Is that why she is so painfully thin? I know her beloved dog's death took a very serious toll on her as well :(

    I'm really hoping the "drug use" claim isn't true. 'Tidal' came out when I was in middle school and was such a beautiful and unique album. It stands out so vividly to me as one of the important things that helped me get through those all too hostile years for girls between the ages of 11-14. (Alanis's 'Jagged Little Pill' was my angry album during that time :D )

  34. She seems obsessed with another ex, Paul Thomas Anderson, also.

  35. Didn't she do this to Paul Thomas Anderson when he left her for Maya Rudolph? I think Apple has a history of doing this.

  36. Free Fiona!

    OMG: Couldn't Blaine make her disappear is cracking me up. And, I'm going to hell.

    She is so not a one-hit wonder. Her CDs are EPIC. My mom just totally yelled at me that I need to get rid of all of my CDs. NEVER!!! I wish I got to see Fiona perform. I feel like seeing her now could go really really well or really really really bad. Girlfriend is a head case, but so were all the greats!

  37. Fiona's last album was on nearly every critic's top ten list and she had a sold out tour and her fans know and appreciate and identify with her crazy. Thank you.

  38. @alvin: and every critic hated Led Zeppelin and every critic loved Blair Witch Project. What size venues did Fiona sell out? 1000-2000 seat theaters or 12-18k seat arenas?

    Ya got me on "identify with her crazy." Shark Week Rock resonates w/ the testicularly challenged.

  39. Anonymous8:39 PM

    shark week rock = genius


  40. Fancy, that broad from 10,000 Maniacs just started her own genre, for ladies suffering from estrogen deficiency, Menopause Rock. For men, the suffering starts about 4 bars in.

  41. The description is inaccurate. If anything she has only gained more respect as the years passed. Count if you have some mid 90s hang ups about women singers you clearly haven't listened to her albums, and like enty, are speaking out of your ass. Her second to last album was shelved for being too out there which prompted fans which apparently she doesn't have to launch a Free Fiona campaign which got her album released. In a world where talentless hacks like Rihanna Katy Perry and the Kardashians reign supreme, it's unfortunate that people would tear down someone who has always shied away from the limelight, slaves over her songs and waits years in between albums, and someone who has never sold out despite plenty of opportunities.

  42. @Alvin: So yer saying she SOLD OUT couple hundred seat clubs?
