Monday, July 21, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

April 13, 2014

This foreign born B+ list mostly movie actress is loved by guys she sleeps with marries and works with. Women? Not so much. Our actress has very few female friends and the only one who even comes close gets paid by our actress as an employee. She likes doing her franchise because there are so few women in it.

Kate Beckinsale


  1. Frist and nailed it!!!

  2. Three words. Cold Comfort Farm

  3. Girls can be so catty and Kate is above that shit.

    1. By excluding other women because they are women? Sounds exactly like she's perpetuating the cattiness she claims to hate sandy.

  4. Well that's... Interesting.

    I wonder what life lessons Kate imparts to her daughter.

  5. Nice job LH

    What's beckinsales glitch man

  6. @Ladyh. Woot woot

    I don't know her and I don't like her either.

    But this kind of reeks of the "oh I'm soooo pretty that other women are too jealous to befriend me" sh*t some betches like to play for the men.

    1. Yeah, it's not a coincidence that St. Angie has made the same statement....

  7. And somewhere Seinfeld is saying, "Meeoww".

  8. I can't remember now but just yesterday I saw a meme it was like ricky gervais or I can't even remember who saying there's something wrong with a woman who's only friends with guys

  9. Anonymous9:31 AM

    its not against the law to dislike other women. better to distance yourself than have FORCED communication just to look "normal".

    women can be EXHAUSTING...

  10. Yeah she seems like a complete bitch

  11. Someone didn't watch Underworld movies or some movies with her.
    And i believe she's friend with Longoria and Victoria Beckham

    1. Yeah, I've seen plenty of photos of her with Eva and Victoria, and other women as well. I call BS.

  12. @LadyH, of course!

    Meh. Kate likes the franchise because she gets paid pretty good bucks to play a sexy character. That doesn't preclude having female friends. Nor does it preclude speculation that the reason you're in that franchise is because you don't have any competition. Ask ScarJo.

  13. Angie generally has issues, she seems to think of herself as more of a guy.
    Hudson pulls this same thing, but she's always been slutty & that's why she isn't liked.
    ScarJo & Goopy make me laugh cuz they were both used to being Queen B's on set, Goopy didn't like ScarJo getting more attention.
    I think Beckinsale is more along the lane of Cammie D that she was bullied when younger pursuing modeling & acting.

  14. Not every female gets along with other females. I have one female friend, I would be friends with more if I could find ones that don't talk about you behind your back, do the mean girl stuff, and expect you to be a mind reader. I don't think I am intimidating to women, I am not pretty in the slightest, have never gone after a married or taken man and never would, so it's not always about that. I just don't want to re-live high school and so many women seem stuck in that mindset. It's their choice but I don't think there's something wrong with me or any other woman who doesn't want to do that. I want to have fun with my friends, and none of that shit is fun! Being in competition with your friends is not my idea of friendship. Like I said, there are probably tons of women who aren't that way, I just haven't met any.

    1. +1
      ^what she said ....

    2. ^5+1 my few past female friends were only friends when it suited when their boyfriend was doing other things. No one else was paying attention to them. Can't deal with catty shade.

  15. I know just how she feels

    have only a couple of women friends and find I have little in common with them......strange

    I don't think it has to do with sluttiness-really just interests

    I tend to get along better with men-and I mean as friends

  16. Guess it's hard to be friend with a woman as pretty as her. Joking!
    She's been revealed in a blind-kindness so I won't believe anything bad about her. She seems lovely to me

  17. Well she can LadyH just because she is Kate. OTOH there seem to be lots of actresses lacking female friends--we see them almost everyday in the randoms all by themselves like Katie, JJ., Olivia Wilde., St. AngieJo etc.

  18. Eh- I have six bros and spent 20 years in the Navy. I'm much more comfortable around men than other women. Just never got into the whole BFF - girlfriends thing.

  19. Well Claire Dane a did call her out on it. She even called her "Prickly"

  20. I'm a guys girl too...but only in the workplace. I have lots of female friends, but I can't stand working with females. They're a horror and mean.

    1. +1. Have to say, sad but true, so much of the time. Especially the ones who fall into the conditioned-trap of thinking they have something to prove.

  21. Thanks seven! AND DON'T FORGET IT

    And THIS is what Beckinsale tells all the other ladies encroaching on her shit...

    I really don't get this mentality. Sure, women can be a pain in the ass but so can men. By saying she's above them, Kate is inherently dissing other women and thus attempting to leverage her own benefits by distancing herself. These are known as "gender strategies," and this is one of the main ways that women act as facilitators of oppression. SMFH. It's very essentialist in the sense that this also assumes that all women act a certain way and are fundamentally different from men. Gender politics aside, me thinks Kate likes to hog all of the attention and is really insecure. Come on, Kate - you need a new BFF!!!

  22. If we were talking about a woman in the real world, I would totally throw side eye her way.

    But we are talking about Kate B, and she lives in the Hollywood world. Think about it, how many of those women would you actually want to be friends with?

  23. Listening to women discuss any issue of real substance is like watching a bunch of pigs attempt to understand math.

    1. You are a fucking asshole.

    2. Blahblahblah only stupid insecure men say dumb shit like this.

  24. This ^^^^ dude is werkin hard to genR8 the h8. Went right to pigs. Can't wait to read the responses when I'm done mowing the lawn.

  25. Haha! I just started watching Breaking Bad (I think I'm on ep 10) and I can see why everyone says it's brilliant. The wife kind of gets on my nerves, but Walter's character is very tightly written.

    I don't believe this BI. E has implied the same about ScarJo and JJ and AngieJ. Even Aniston hating Chelsea for hitting on Justin. But not once has it ever been implied that a male celeb doesn't like guys because he's around women all the time. That makes him a stud, not a dud, right?

    1. Or gay Seven....

    2. HA - good point, @BeckyMae! Since every guy in Hollywood seems to be bearded or hiding a shameful encounter with another guy, I guess it does work both ways.

  26. Yawwwwwwn Jordan. So you're a woman then, I take it?

    Count, I don't think anyone was going to bother responding to that weak shit, but now I will just to make you smile since I'm bored and it's Monday. Plus it's the only way that Jordan can get a half chub- when strangers on a garbage gossip site pay any attention to him. He needs his tears as lubricant.

    Jordan: Don't take your inability to pass Ms. Norbury's Pre-Algebra class out on us. Here, let me help you out with a SIMPLE EQUATION

    Bye bye trolldouche!

  27. I have more male friends than female, but then again, I'm not into Jersey Housewife nonsense. Women around here loooove that catty, drunk, backstabbing scene. Not for me.

    1. +1. I loathe inane small talk, soap operas/stupid tv, catty drama, etc.

  28. Does she actually stab other women in the back? Sleep with their SOs? Stir up shit and drama? Or has she maybe been burned one too many times by a supposed "friend"?

    I'm sure that if your husband is a decent director and smokin' hot, you prefer sets with fewer women. Especially after you dated Michael Sheen.

  29. Replies
    1. My bff is a man though, hes fucking awesome. But I like girls too. I get along w everyone tho. Present company excluded.

  30. Since our exceptionally mentally unstable wachadoos have been silent, it's been the d=men that have been having the emotional meltdowns around here. So.. let's not get too high up on our men are so much less exhausting than women horse here.

    That being said, who gives a shit? I had more guy friends than girl friends for a while, and then vice versa for a while, and now i just have shit tons of both. Automatically discounting an individually based upon gender is ridiculous, but I think it just may be she's surrounded by so many shallow, greedy, gold digging women that it's difficult to find female friends you can trust.

  31. And forgive my shitty typing up there... I'm still in my lunch food coma.

  32. "Listening to women discuss any issue of real substance is like watching a bunch of pigs attempt to understand math." Really Jordan?

    Not too fond of generalizations for either sex.

    Working in a mostly male dominated business and having a sister who infiltrated it even deeper than me, we've come to realize that men are worse gossips than women. You want the scoop around town ask these guys.

  33. Oh, hell yes@tina- there are 25 people in my program at work- everyone knows the man to go to for gossip. And right behind him there's 2 more males keeping up.

  34. I agree discoflux as one's life "fluxes" LOL some of your friends will come and go, male and female, just the way life goes, You move you change jobs you change lifestyles demands on your time change as do they.

    I would only say as someone lucky enough to have a small supportive core group of female friends for almost 30 years, through university, I would feel lost if I did not have them to fall back on for support.

    There are some things both men and women need to discuss with their same sex friends or it helps to have same sex friends you can trust to discuss certain topics.

    But if you have opposite sex friends or you have one really cool spouse or significant other that can fulfill that function that's all good.

  35. I dont see why u have to choose. Sometimes u have all female friends, sometimes mostly men. I dont think it indicates what kind of person u are.
    Now if it turns out u hv mostly male friends and you somehow think that makes u special, then you're a pain in the ass. Badically you are saying you cant get along with half the world. That is nothing ti revel in.

  36. in my experience and life I had a small group of women friends, and I found them to be jealous and competitive when it came to our children.....needless to say those friendships did not last. I guess they must have been more acquaintances than friends then.

    I've never had that happen with men then or now

  37. Claire D. and Kate did not get along at all while filming Brokedown Palace. Clare didn't even want Kate's name brought up during promotion.

  38. In my experience, girls who are friends with guys because there is "less drama" tend to start the drama with other girls.

  39. Personally I don't take a tally of the gender of may friends....I have many of all genders and they are all awesome as I'm of an age where I've weeded out the dickheads of BOTH male and female friends....

  40. @Jessie not in my experience

    not at all

  41. I think this blind is based on an interview Keira Knightley gave years ago about them working together.

    Keira said that she found Kate Beckinsale off putting and cold.

    So I don't think this is a case that "Kate Beckinsale hates other women!" I think this is more "Kate Beckinsale doesn't get along with Keira Knightly."

  42. crila I agree. There is nothing worse than a woman manager in her 20's. Mean as shit.

  43. Meh. She has never impressed me in any way…except her hair. She has great hair. Probably extensions anyway. ;-)

  44. never seen her with women frens for real

  45. Whatever. I don't have a lot of female friends either. A couple of really close girlfriends, and even them I hardly spend time with. No real male friends, either. Hmmm, maybe I'm just not a "people person"
    Although I am quite capable of getting along with people.

  46. Maybe her preference of men has something to do with her Dad dying so young. Just a thought.
