Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

June 20, 2014

This A list mostly television actor from a very hit network show was at a party this weekend and was asked about his craziest sex and he said it was with this daughter of a politician while her sister was in the next room and guards outside the house.

Ashton Kutcher/Jenna Bush


  1. New format Enty where's the big blind?

  2. This is called safe sex.

  3. better not be---I chose to run late out the door to catch the big blind that I always miss...

  4. I thought he always denied having sex with both of them, altough he did talk about them & the secret service over at his house & being convinced afterwards that his house & phone was bugged. Rolling Stone Interview back before he was with Demi, I think he was still on That 70's Show or doing Punk'd.

  5. Jenna always seemed like fun she'd be reported getting falling down drunk in bars all the time. Her sister liked her partytime too but Jenna is way cuter than Barbara.

  6. Wait...we conservative women are supposed to be "oppressed" and "hate sex" and be all "puritanical" and what not. ROFLMAO...go, Jenna!

  7. Interesting...,,626026,00.html

    Funny that the little turd thought the SS was bugging his house afterwards yet had zero problem yapping to Rolling Stone.

  8. Gag me with a spoon, Heather!

  9. None of these daughters of Repulicans are actually republican when they are in interviews. They only call themselves republican because their daddy's are & they are the ones paying the bills.

    Yes he did deny having sex with them & remember that interview also about he thought his house was bugged after they came.

  10. Wait where's the 1 pm blind?

  11. Nudge me awake when something "truly escandelo!" goes down.

    1. I think you may be napping all day, Tigercat!

  12. wasn't this just revealed last week?

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I bet they came, Asston's a stud!

  15. Maybe it was two in the bush...

  16. Go Jenna!!! Hopefully you wore protection and didn't catch anything from that dirty man.

  17. Ash was the crush of every girl I went to HS with.

  18. +1 for @b-fabulous! :-P

  19. @Shelly The worst of the Republican daughters is Megan McCain. That girl is the epitome of dumb blonde. Every time I see her being interviewed it seems she has looked up all the big issues in "My First Book of Conservatism (pop up edition)" and quotes it chapter and verse. She can't seem to put the stuff into her own words. Then again, and remember I say this as a Conservative, nobody on Fox News can put things into their own words. Watch one day and just listen to how many times the different pundits use the same terms and words describing stuff. They must have a board in production that forces them to use the same words and terms for everything. Every time they go off script the rest of the on screen "talent" gets to pull a train on them. Except for Greta Van Susteren, she can admit Hitle is her lord and savior and none of them will touch her.

  20. Megan is an idiot, she's uses words the wrong way constantly in her interviews. And, blames Obama for her weight.

  21. Meanie +1

    Also, I love a good bushwacker. Yum

  22. Well Obama did hold Megan down & forced McDonalds in her mouth.

  23. Megan McCain is working the RINO pole for all it's worth. Also, is an idiot.

  24. The Bush kids seem cool, though. I still dislike the nepotism where politicians kids just magically get lucrative high-profile jobs. This applies to both parties. I just wonder who got paid off for the favor.

  25. Chelsea was in the news recently for an interview she gave, she seems more inteligent than most, but really doesn't seem to understand that she would've never gotten into the schools she did or the job she did if her parents weren't who they are.

  26. I thought that JB lady was a lesbian. Maybe taking Asston's peen made her a dyke. That's understandable.

  27. Anonymous1:40 PM

    im sure jenna probably bagged more famous guys than just ashton.

    oh JENNA...u minx.

  28. Anonymous1:47 PM

    1. idris elba (the wire years)
    2. mark wahlberg
    3. hammbone
    4. eric dane
    5. NAS (rapper)
    the above is my (if i were a presidents daughter) sexual exploitation list. lol
    i think many guys would like to say they slept with a presidents daughter. i'd take advantage of it.


  29. Regardless of your opinion about a politician or his/her family, it takes a special kind of asshole to violate the 'kids and spouses are off-limits' rule.
