Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

January 27, 2014

This east coast Real Housewife thinks she has found a great rebound guy. Really young and good looking. She loves paying for everything for him and takes him everywhere so she can be seen. He is loving it too because he is telling everything directly to a tabloid. She doesn't know that part.

Ramona Singer


  1. Somebody needs to hire a discretion coach

  2. I. Get. Stabby. Over. Unflushable. Reality. Turd. Blinds.

  3. Is this crazy eyes?

    1. How DARE you call her crazy eyes!!!

    2. Is she part amphibian with clear eyelids? Bitch never blinks!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Im her side piece don't tell anyone shhhh!

  5. Don't know her. Don't care. Snore.

  6. Whatever works for them. It must be hard now that her baby is in college. That must be why the cheating has been exposed

  7. Where's Looziana? She's supposed to give us the dirt on the leg throwing incident in next week's episode.

    1. Anonymous3:46 PM

      Hey Wiglet! Sorry I've been MIA lately. My friend who was able to give me the initial inside scoop hasn't given me any additional info on the incident. But what I was told would happen in the finale is that Aviva and Heather get into it (as usual) and Aviva throws her leg AT Heather. I'm sure my scoop sounds kinda lame now, but it was exciting when I was told in the beginning of the season. Haha! Maybe I'll harass my friend a little bit this week and see if I can find out anything else ;)

    2. Looziana! I spotted you around but am glad you're back. Mystery of the castaway leg revealed! I don't know how you sat on that for months. Did Heather get hit? That'd suck to explain to people you got kicked in the face... without anyone ever touching you.

    3. Anonymous5:40 PM

      Haha! Yeah, I haven't been around as much lately. To be honest, I wasn't sure if anyone noticed, but I'm glad you did. I always enjoy your comments :) There's lots of baby prep going on at our house but I try to pop in when my energy isn't zapped ;) Unfortunately, I'm not sure if Heather got hit but she seems like a tough girl. It'd be awesome if she caught it and flung it back!

    4. Girl, of course we noticed! Hope baby prep is going okay and you're not too stressed. If all else fails, throw a limb at someone? I dunno. The leg toss is the new table flip :)

      Side note: the 'book club' site has turned into a place where some of us go and shoot the shit. JSierra and I usually snark in Housewives, so if you're around for next week's finale swing by! We Be Book Clubbin

    5. Anonymous7:04 PM

      I'll be sure to check it out! Thanks!

  8. The only things more loathesome than "reality"-tv famewhores are animal abusers and chikd molesters. God, who even cares about these inane, brainless, classless trashy fu*kwits?!!!

    1. That's "chikd", sorry.

    2. Trilby your spelczech hated you twice!

    3. Jeebus, I HATE this fuc*ing phone this morning!!!!!
      If it changes it again, I won't be posting because I'm throwing the dam* thing into the canal outside my front door!!!! AARRGGHH!!!

    4. Hi Sherry!! Always love reading your posts! I'm having a morning, for sure. My Mom's been visiting, taking her to the airport shortly. So I already have the sads. :( And now I also have the scareds because I'm going to have that terrifying crazy-eyed GIF in my head the rest of the day. Probably be too scared to close my eyes to go to sleep tonite. :)

  9. Anonymous9:06 AM

    i dont believe ramona is this naive good young penis or not...

  10. There must be a lot of $ at stake because the word on Mario for a while was that he was cheating and that was before the allegedly pregnant mistress. Why would she push so hard to stay with him unless he was loaded?

  11. There must be a lot of $ at stake because the word on Mario for a while was that he was cheating and that was before the allegedly pregnant mistress. Why would she push so hard to stay with him unless he was loaded?

  12. @Sugar
    That looks like it's gonna come after me in my sleep!

  13. Trilby I actually know a Trilby. Not the same one I don't think though.

    Enjoy your mom visit! I hate mine.

  14. I imagine riding on the Ramonacoaster can get really tiring.
