Thursday, July 17, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

March 4, 2014

This A- list mostly television actor who is on a huge hit cable show has been in this spot before for his drunken behavior. Apparently now he is also doing coke and booze together and a woman says they went back to his hotel and the actor kept doing lines of coke and doing shots and was a sweaty mess when he finally got around to wanting sex. She says it wasn't worth it and left.

Norman Reedus


  1. @sifichick got it (and spilled some deets)

  2. He always looks a sweaty mess to me. Stringy hair don't care!

  3. Since the show has no problem offing favs, I wonder if his number will be up this season.

  4. nothing worse than coke and whiskey dick

  5. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Awwww man. I liked Daryl. :(

  6. I'd have stuck it out. For Norman. Yup I would.

  7. Aww I like Norman :(
    @LottaColada...what deets did sifichick spill?

    1. @Amber too much for me to mention. It's in the original blind. :-)

  8. Not a surprise.

    Hey Norman! What happened to your barely legal "aspiring" "gf"? Wasn't getting the red carpet treatment and walked?

    Yeah, that's what they do -- you should know that. You are middle aged after all.

  9. He always looks like if he needed a shower

  10. I had to google an image of him to see...every pic I looked at he looked high as a kite and filthy.

  11. Ot a plane just crashed in Ukraine. Malaysia plane

  12. Oh, Darryl! Love him on Dead

  13. @Sifichick's story and video just made me fall a little bit more in love with SPF.

  14. Woo Hoo! I actually got one first! Sad that it's a not so nice story about Norman.

    This guy is a total mess. If he's not careful he's going to end up killing himself. I have a LOT of dirt on him because I've been in the TWD fandom since the beginning. So people tell me the crap that goes on at cons. I met Norman once and he's completely full of himself. I was Norman fan until I met him.

    I met him at Austin Comicon in 2012. He got so drunk that one of the Seans had to carry him back to the hotel. His con handler is named Sean. So we weren't sure if it was Clark or Flanery that carried him back to the hotel. Norman seriously needs rehab.

  15. Daryl is actually nice compared to the other characters I've seen him play. I think he's finally got success & is being a dick, after Walking Dead, I think he'll become a whatever happened to.

  16. Aww sad my sister is one of his biggest fans. I am suppose to go with her to one of the Con's in the fall. I really hate for her to go and spoil her illusion :-(

  17. @A Brand New Me:

    I hope she's barely legal, pretty, & skinny. If she isn't talk her out of going. From my experience he treats fans differently if they aren't his "type" & he definitely has a type. I felt like he couldn't get rid of me fast enough. My friends who were with me are a lot prettier and thinner than I am and he was very sweet with them.

    If she likes Rooker have her meet him instead. He's another one of the good ones. I've met him a few times and he always remembers me. In 2013 he spotted me in Laurie Holden's line and yelled at me to come see him. He remembered me from the year before. This year I did go see him. He again remembered me. He came out from behind the table and gave me a big hug. He might be gruff on the outside but he's a big teddy bear inside.

  18. @Sifi---very much not doubting your experience---but I know 2 chicks that met Norman at a convention and said he was really really nice and friendly---and these ladies are older and NO supermodels----they did say he smelled like day old whisky though...

  19. great character on the Walking Dead

    but pretty much an ass in real life then no?

  20. I'm not a Walking Dead fan , but I have a friend that is obsessed. She has gone several times to the set location. He has always been very gracious to the fans especially the kids.

    Hopefully he gets it together. I loved him in Boondock Saints.

  21. @scifi No she is not. This makes me sad. Her obsession with the show has made her come out of her shell a bit and now she is very active in the fandom on Twitter etc. She went from having no friends to now going out to eat with other fans etc. It would crush her if he was mean to her. I am sure she would go right back into her shell again. I know she is a fan of one of the Sean's hopefully I will be able to guide her that way :-)

  22. @sifichick- my friend that has had the great experiences meeting him is very overweight. Maybe he was just having a bad moment before you met him. No excuse, but he's human.

  23. @derek Yeah my experience blew big time. It depends on when they met Norman. Pre Walking Dead he seemed to be a nice guy. He was always great with fans. No matter what they looked like. I've heard from some very long time fans of his that he's changed big time. One girl had been seeing him at cons for years & the last couple times she went he treated her very differently than he had in the past. She was very saddened by it.

    When I met him you could tell he'd been on a bender the night before but he didn't smell like day old Whiskey. He actually smelled pretty good. Speaking of my theory on why he always wears sunglasses at conventions is because he's hung over. Just my theory.

    @A Brand New Me
    Both the Seans are really nice guys. I honestly don't have a bad word to say about either one of them.

  24. @Scarlett Well as soon as my friends got to him his attitude changed pretty quickly. They're both thin and pretty. I know quite a few people who have been long time fans of his and have been seeing him at cons well before he was on TWD and they've seen a change in him. It's quite sad because I heard he used to be a really nice guy.

    I'm glad he didn't disappoint your friend.

  25. Hard to believe Helena Christensen mated with him and they have a son. He was probably less of a mess then.

  26. He used to be nice. Sad for Mingus.

  27. I haven't met him so I have zero personal experience to draw from here. That said: considering his well-known drinking behavior and the erratic schedule that he has (going to many, MANY cons while keeping busy with TWD's filming schedule), I would guess that his jerk-o-meter fluctuates based upon how much sleep he has gotten and how much time he's had to party. If he stays sober on-set, he might be a swell guy to meet there; likewise day one of a con he might be lovely. If he's been hitting the bars between events, partying with the ladies all night before day 2 of a con, hung over and keeping himself running with coke bumps…you get a different guy. Still, so sad that success is ruining him! It's stories like this that keep me away from cons. It would ruin the character for me. :(

  28. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Not surprised. I dated a friend of his who is like d----- list or z and he's a whack job too
