Sunday, July 13, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

June 29, 2014

Friends from his side say this A list entertainer(rapper) and his A list reality star wife have not had sex in almost a year.

Kanye West/Kim Kardashian


  1. Who to believe.....

  2. Replies
    1. Why am I so thrilled to see you libby? Has it been a while? That armpit feels like an old friend. Lol

    2. Yes, libater, you and your pit were missed!!!!

  3. Makes sense considering hes gay and she is repulsive....

  4. Having a baby is exhausting and can do some damage to (ehem) delicate parts to be fair.

  5. I DO NOT believe it. He clearly enjoys fucking woman, picture evidence and all, so even if he likes men also, I still 100% don't buy this shit.

  6. Also--She doesn't like to get down and dirty. I bet.
    High-maintenance chicks are bad lays, so I've been told. Kim definitely looks like the type who'd just be worried about her hair the whole time.

  7. Aw, I lurk. Just find the blinds exhausting, so many per day. IDK. But I'm here, thanks Silly.

    Saw we were having a JUICY reveal on FB; this is not so juicy though, imo.

  8. Please bring back a ban on all Kardashian blinds. You're welcome.

  9. @Libby So you've seen her "sex tape" then? It's seriously the most boring sex tape I've ever seen. She looks like she'd rather be doing anything other than having sex.

  10. If someone can post the reveal from FB over here somewhere - it would be truly appreciated. Thanks in advance to whoever is willing to cut and paste. /big hug/

  11. Between her ass and his ego, where would they find a room big enough to fit the two of them?

  12. I'd be surprised if they've EVER had sex. I totally took this for a test tube baby.

    We all know Kanye has a boyfriend who's a designer, so that's where he gets his physical/emotional needs met. But what about Kim? Does she even care if she has sex? How about love/affection? Or does she even feel love? I don't think she's a sociopath (with no ability to love) but I do think her need for love/ability to give it is pretty damn minimal.

  13. I don't believe this, Kanye has no friends.

  14. Can't believe Kimmode has physical needs, emotional needs OR delicate parts.

  15. Anonymous8:40 AM

    isnt she still boning bush (pun intended)?

    despite all her "smoldering" sexuality kim seems quite frigid, imo. all smoke n mirrors.

  16. I guess it's believable. He has been on tour for most of the year.

  17. Sorry this is a PR arrangement pure and simple. Can't convince me otherwise.

    What man who loved a woman or even liked her would let her dress in the sausage roll for the Met Gala. That was Kanye and his lover having a great big laugh on Kim. I can just see them giggling naked in bed with champagne glasses. Yet she keeps wearing these awful clothes he must insist on. She had much better style before hooking up with him, I will give her that.

    When dingbat made the mistake of cutting Humphries loose way too early after the wedding just confirming to everyone who said this was a PR stunt and the divorce will come with a few months no one expected a few weeks, it was pretty obvious this woman will do anything for attention/ratings.

    So why not have an arrangement where she doesn't even have to sleep with the guy - Kanye gets his controversial PR and a beard or sleeps with his usual female friends with benefits, though frankly I don't think this whole thing has really helped him much at all, I think he has alienated what fanbase he still has.

    She gets attention and ratings for the Kardashian reality empire and a baby and yet another silly wedding. And I thought J Lo was ridiculous.

  18. Her O face is the same as all her faces, botox and fillers do that. How much was Amber paid since after one slip she has never commented on him and her again?

  19. Reggie Bush just got married (that it would stop either of them) and KanMe is too busy cuddling with Ricardo's tuschy.

  20. Wouldn't be surprised if this was true either. I see zero connection between them. Seems like a PR stunt thru and thru.

    Welcome back Libby!

  21. Hey, Libby.

    I wonder how much their housekeeping staff get paid to keep silent about their separate bedrooms, or are they just illegals threatened with deportation?

    1. Mango- seperate bedroooms ? They arent even on the same continent most of the time!!

  22. I believe this. And the denial should begin in 10...9...

  23. This comes as a shock to absolutely no one. He's busy with his designer friend and she's busy being a vapid famewhore.

    Poor little Ignori.

  24. Nice to see ya Libby.

  25. Not surprising. It's all about the pr and money. He has his bf to keep him comfy @ night. She - her singles jaunts around the world.

    ( I can't stand these 2. Such a waste of human life that could've been given to a more worthy soul)

  26. How can they? She's always shrink wrapped in some bizarre dress. He cldnt find gates of heaven even if he tried, lol

  27. Not even on honeymoon? But Portlaoise on a gloomy day is so rosemantic! :D

    1. Bwaaahaaa..I have the misfortune of living there and u are spot on!!

  28. Urno Talbot- Amber who and what slip did she she make?

    About Kanye, I don't think Kim minds, though. She's gotten so much out of this "relationship" as far as publicity, freebies, $$ that she's come out ahead. She also keeps herself busy doing things she loves (pap walks, shopping, makeup sessions, choosing outfits for said pap walks). Even if her hubby comes out publicly with his relationship (or is outed) while they're still married, it would be a wonderful, profitable publicity storm for her.

  29. I'm no Kardashian fan, but as a mom, I can attest to the fact that it can take a long time to feel comfortable and confident enough to have sex again after your body blowing up and practically turning inside out to create a human being.

  30. @Tartan Princess: it's almost as magical as Mullingar ;)

  31. Well we have evidence from her sex tape that she clearly hates the act....home girl looked like she wanted to file her nails the whole time, can't think things have changed much...

  32. Kim is the same as Aniston. Sex is just a commodity to buy fame and fortune. Kim and Jennifer have no emotion attached to sex so neither would miss it. Just like retiring from a job.

  33. KonGAY said before that this fake "relationship" is all about business. I certainly believe it, and he should know that the K's will do anything for the sex tape actress to get pregnant again, thus, more money for her. Everything to do with them is fake, smoke and mirrors, and the vile paps who do their bidding, keeping these fame ho's in the public eye with NO scrutiny as to their statements or actions.

  34. I also think this is why PMK moved Bruce out, and she invited them in, to keep a tight lid on the truth, and the number of people finding out the truth, on Kim' side.

  35. This is a blind I have no trouble believing. I bet Kim misses Reggie, he seemed like a stud.

  36. Ha ha the more I think of this the more it makes sense... The constant delays of the new extravagant house being built and now abandoning, the moving in with PMK - seriously, who wants to stay living in that arrangement for this long, the removal of anything Kanye from the show, Bruce moving out... I'm just waiting or the first one to crack and write a tell all

  37. Bruce never played the disinformation game Kris wanted. When Bruce was living there, he was against Khloe's rushed, DOOMED marriage, he never liked Kanye, spilled the beans that Kanye as "never around." Kris HAD to make sure Bruce wasn't around to spill the beans with this fake, orchestrated marriage to her cash cow. SHE had to be in total control of the Kim side of what is told about the FALSE ARRANGEMENT. The GREAT part is, there are truth tellers on the KonGAY side still with knowledge of the truth.

  38. Oh come on did they ever? I always felt she went the turkey baster route.
