Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

June 19, 2014

In a new twist to spending money in ridiculous ways, this foreign born B list singer/part-time actress paid her girlfriend $5000 to take a not that attractive guy they just met in a club back to their hotel room for sex. The woman did it.

Rita Ora


  1. Maybe this is a kindness reveal? Maybe Rita felt sorry for the guy?

    1. Anonymous9:43 AM

      Lol Chalie. Ever the optimist.

  2. But is Rita's girlfriend attractive? Do we know? In which case it's win win really. (Mind you I suppose it's win win anyway).

  3. Anonymous9:29 AM

    im sure the girlfriend would have done it for a grand or so. way to throw 4 grand at the wind rita.

  4. Why the payment though?

    1. I know, right? She probably would have done it on a double dog dare!

    2. Sounds like girlfriend is in it for these kinds of paid tasks.

    3. It does give new meaning to the "personal assistant" job!

  5. Anonymous9:32 AM

    what is that in your avi. looks like a delicious dessert or....umm desert...

    1. Fancy. You been reading something?
      You had to taste it to truly appreciate its true beauty.

  6. Wait is it her girlfriend or her friend that happens to be a girl? You straight girls confuse me.

  7. Rota must have forgotten Johns pay her for sex.

  8. Probably a power trip for Rita.

    1. I HATE it when rich/powerful people go the "just because I can" route. It's so demeaning to others.

  9. Rita pays her girls well though so good for her.

  10. Anonymous9:39 AM

    it looks like a delicious strawberry ambrosia. not a real name of any dessert/desert just a name i made up i think. tehehehe

    did u make that? it looks heavenly. i cannot stop looking at it.

    oh, btw, i didnt understand your question.

  11. Sandy - You just reminded me of Fellini's composer Nino Rota. For a second there I was like, wow, Nino was into all kinds of shit I didn't know about.

  12. I watched an interview of hers a few weeks ago and realized that I actually liked Rita! She seemed like such a cool chick and had a really positive attitude, even when being asked extremely dumb/rude questions. I was surprised.

  13. Like I need another reason to dislike Rita Whora.

  14. I like rita. Don't really understand all the hate she gets. Plus that Never Let You Down song is catchy.

  15. I don't know if this is a kindness blind or a PSA about the whoreness/slutness/whatever of Rita's friend.

  16. You keep mentioning this Rita chick, but for the life of me I have no idea who the fuck she is. If she's B list, then I'm fucking A list and hanging with the Rat Pack.

    Just because a female R&B singer fucks Jay Z, Nelly or whoever is this years "King of the Black Men" in hip hop does not make them a celebrity, no matter how many crap albums or ringtone downloads they put out that didn't sell as well as an album of Warrant and Ratt doing Nirvana covers in 1994 would have.

  17. Rowdy, she's a woman whose male like sexual freedom drives people crazy. (She's a singer who is bigger in England than she is in the US).

    She is an adult who engages in consensual activity with other adults, and apparently no one is getting hurt. Why all the slut shaming for her?

    1. Because she's a woman so that automatically equals whore in people's eyes.

  18. I like her too!! I always loved her clothes and I've only seen her in one interview which was Watch What Happens Live and she was very very cool. I have no idea what she does though lol and don't care!

  19. Me and wigs tied it!!

  20. If Rita watched, the 5k would make sense. Otherwise if I were the friend, we'll just fake it and i'll give the guy 1k and keep the rest of the money for myself. Easy cash.

  21. Rita O is bi, had a serious Thing with Cara DelovindabrowscosIwasyounginda80s, & apparently Broke the Heart of PimpMama K--'s youngest male spawn, who--like many of us did once--suffered long, tediously, & w/self-indulgent displays of histrionic despair (but maybe she inspired his Winter '11 Sock Line).
    She's some sort of pop singer. Thank you, ye olde Daily Mail.

    Sigh... the DM used to be a FUN read, nutty right-wing editorials & all. Lately, an occasional peek reveals rehashed US goss tab content, & a frightening obsession with LiLo (really! There's daily coverage of her previous night's outings--smh. Maybe it's like the French & Jerry Lewis).

  22. Rita truly is a budget Riri. Get some new dares or something.


  23. If anyone is slut shaming this chick, it might be for all the married men she screws to advance her less than impressive career. Screw whoever you want to get to the top if you must, but when you have no regard for other people's involvements just so you can get ahead, yeah it's pretty slutty and ahameful.
