Sunday, July 20, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

April 7, 2014

If there had to be one actor whom everyone hates working with, it'd be this guy. He's A+ list actor/singer on Broadway, B-list in movies/TV mostly in dramatic roles. Multiple Tony wins/nominations. This incident happened during rehearsals for what was considered to be his comeback show. The actor lambasted a cast member that was supposed to help him on with a waistcoat at the end of a scene -- she couldn't get to him because it was the first time they'd worked with the moving set. He stopped and berated her for 5 minutes: "What the f**k is the matter with you?" and "I'm not getting the support that I need" and "I expect you to be here with that damn coat", etc. The female cast member there and stared at him.  When he stopped with his tirade, she yelled "Mr. _________, I need to clarify one thing: I'm only PLAYING your maid. Never speak to me that way again or I'll quit." The rest of the cast and crew cheered as she stomped off the stage, while the actor's face turned ashen white with horror.

Mandy Patinkin


  1. Not everyone hates working with him but I have heard he is a challenge.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks VIP! I rarely know them and appreciate the call out!

  3. Is this supposed to be "Homeland"? I don't remember any maid in that.

    1. It reads like it's a play and possibly a British one with the use of waistcoat instead of vest

  4. Bad inigo montoya! Bad!

  5. Anonymous8:50 AM


    he seemed so nice on kelly n michael

  6. Anonymous8:50 AM

    That's too bad. I always liked him. Just watched The Princess Bride last night 'smatter of fact.

  7. gossip-monster - yes you're right, especially with the word "rehearsals".

    Except Mandy doesn't need any kine of comeback.

    I can't help but love him anyway, so he's a moody bastard, eh? Prepare to die!

  8. This isn't the first time I read he's not pleasant as a co-worker, colleague. Then again, as someone mentioned before, three sides to every story.

    My question though, to those in the industry then is this: why is it we hear rumors about what a horrible human being some actors are, yet they keep getting role after role after role...and not small roles, either. I'm just super curious because most people would not hire a well documented asswipe. Is there some sort of understanding that certain actors always get hired no matter what? (kinda like a hollywood masonic lodge or something? lol).

    1. Not in the industry, but I would hazard to guess that it's because he is a terrific actor and brings in revenue. Money trumps all.

    2. And sometimes it's the talent, Nora Nader.

      Streisand, for example, is a perfectionist but she really was that much better than anyone else, famously held that note longer than anybody...

      Never forget that many in this business, particularly in theatre, start off as fans and become luvvies.

      Mandy is a total luvvie.

  9. He's an ass hole but a talented one. I would hate to be near when he bets bored, it will be someone's fault, fer shure...

  10. I can believe he's a bit of an asshat, but man, is he talented. I can't think of anything he's ever done that didn't blow me away - he really becomes his characters. Great voice ,too. Streisand didn't let him sing in 'Yentyl' for good reason!

  11. Inconceivable ;-/
    Seriously though. That sux. Was truly hoping it was not him.

  12. Didn't someone guess Mare Winningham for the actress?

  13. Wow! Well I really appreciate anyone who sucks it up and works with him because he does do brilliant work. I really thought he was as kind as his Homeland character! And he seemed great on Letterman or Late Late Show. So maybe he's just horrible when he's trying to concentrate? Yes. Off duty he's as kind as Saul, on duty, he's just focusing!

  14. Still, he's sooo handsome. That has to count for SOMETHING...

  15. Handsome??!! Uh, ok. I think he is one of these intense method actiors that takes the whole thing too seriously and annoys everyone around him, but then puts on great performance and so you excuse him because its part if his ' process'. Cldnt, wldnt work in that industry at any pay.

  16. Talented guy, but don't treat people that way. Good for the actress who stood up to him.

  17. he reminds me of Frank langela, true divas they be

  18. he reminds me of Frank langela, true divas they be

  19. Hey at least it sounds like he realized he was being a tool from his reaction!

  20. He looks and talks exactly like my former boss. He was a prick, too.

  21. It's the same reason why Sean Penn still works. He may be surly as all heck to everyone around him but he is one hell of an actor. I have never believed the story about why he quit Criminal Minds. I think truthfully you don't sign on to a show as an FBI agent investigating serial killers and then opt out after a couple seasons because it was too dark and disturbing. I think he threw a hissy fit at not being the STAR of that show and quit hoping they would chase after him.

    1. @audrey, s'right, I like Rossi better anyway.

    2. I thought he opted out for Homeland.

  22. Spare me the "he's an asshole but he's talented bullshit". There is no excuse for treating people badly.

    1. Rocky boy, that's a very starry eyed outlook. Good for you for being an optimist, but you're wrong--there are many accepted reasons for treating people badly, particularly in tense, high-pressured environments.

      For what it's worth, the shouting and moaning wasn't pleasant, but this was hardly a horrible situation. The other
      Person spoke up and it's all done and over. These things happen.

  23. He has a new movie coming out this weekend...interesting

  24. Awwww someone is just taking out the built up anger that comes with being bullied for having A "GIRL'S NAME!"

    1. I clicked on that with a silent prayer, "please be Barry, please be Barry..."

      Thanks, LadyH...

    2. LOL!!! You know it, Sprink!!!
      Can't wait for Homeland to return!

  25. Love Saul. Warts and all. Kubrick was an A**hole. In fact, lots of professional "Artistes" are known as A**Holes. Their perfectionism is what makes them better than the mediocre talent that infests the entertainment world.

    1. And it's not just the creatives, @Evie--show me a mogul, entrepreneur, world leader, Nobel prize me one who has never shouted at another person unnecessarily.

  26. So disappointing. People like that need a good ass kicking.

  27. Not saying this didn't happen, but he's in a hit show? And he's never had a maid on there that I can think of? So the comeback thing is BS.

    I guess it's too much to expect Enty to actually do research for his/her fake blinds.

  28. I don't know if the actor attitude comes so much from perfectionism, I think it's more of an "it's all about me" mindset.

  29. No excuse for treating people badly but apparently not an excuse to hire someone if they got the goods for the role.

    Keep in mind my own perception is that large percentage of the people who are executives and casting directors in the TV and film business don't behave much better so they would hardly see the issue.

  30. I just watched him in Elmo in grouchland. He was so awesome. To bad hes a butthole

    1. @Rosie, just the thought of that movie gives me night terrors! I must have watched it 87 times when my older kid was 3!

    2. Hahaha it was creepy. You sure got away with very few viewings, lucky you

    3. Hahaha I will probably be watching this today. Again. Yay. Bing! I own it!

  31. Yup he's one talented douchebag

  32. I remember when he trashed Criminal Minds before he left, with his can of gas and matches running around. Then manages to put the blame on Thomas Gibson, cause of their feud on Chicago Hope.

    With friends like him, who needs enemas.

  33. I wish I could remember the source, but wasn't there some stuff about him a long time ago with regard to being bi-polar or something like that?

    He's a big fan of Doctors Without Borders and regularly fundraises for them through informal meet n' greets after his concerts. Right before his closing number, he will tell the audience that he will at a certain exit in 10 minutes holding a bag, and that if they want to stop by and say hi and donate to Doctors Without Borders, he would be very pleased. I know a staff member from Doctors Without Borders who was literally given a garbage bag full of cash after one of his concerts. She said it had almost $13,000 in it. She was a nervous wreck transporting the bag of cash by taxi back to the office that night. Pretty good haul for a spontaneous fundraising gesture and the venue held only 2,600 people.

  34. Ugh I hate this because I love him. So talented but I can believe he's a diva

  35. I think the reason Patinkin still gets work, besides his incredible talent, is because he doesn't hold grudges. It sounds like his temper is quick and then forgotten. It also sounds like he's just a perfectionist, to himself and to others. When's he good, he's great, and when he's bad, just hold on and hope it's over quickly.

  36. Dude, a waistcoat isn't a coat.
    Also, put it on yourself!!

  37. It's all about his "craft".

  38. The shame, I only know him from Criminal Minds & had no idea he was a beloved big deal.

  39. Besides Criminal Minds, didn't he also quit Dead Like Me?

  40. Well, this story should make anyone who hates Mandy Patinkin chuckle:
    When I was 17, and a new driver, I was driving to work from my house in NJ and I came THISCLOSE to running Patinkin over! The idiot, who was doing an engagemt at our local temple later that week, tried to cross a fairly busy road by just strolling right out from between two parked cars. I will never, EVER forget the terrified look on his face! I am 99% sure he had to change his shorts after our "encounter!"

  41. The show was possibly "Sunday in the Park with George" ? Lots of moving sets in that show. Bernadette Peters co-starred.

  42. He's admitted that he was a real jerk in the past but I thought he matured. Sounds like he's a real hot head.

  43. The show could've also been "The Wild Party," which he co-starred in with Toni Collette. She didn't play a maid, I don't think, but there was a maid in the show.

  44. I lost respect for Patinkin after he quit "Dead Like Me" and "Criminal Minds". "Dead Like Me" didn't make it much longer after he left. "Criminal Minds" is going strong. I agree with whoever said he thought CM would beg him to come back.

  45. 'I'm not getting the support i need.' *eye roll* Bitch please.

  46. Mandy had a bad rep on that Showtime series Dead Like Me. He supposedly got the Noxema girl (can't remember her name) fired.

  47. I posted to this yesterday but I guess it didn't take.

    The show referred to in the blind was "The Secret Garden" it happened during a tech rehearsal.

    Mandy beat the shit out of Toni Collette on stage every night during "The Wild Party" going far beyond what the role called for. Finally she'd had enough and gave him a good, hard shove one night. He, being a pussy, and a bully of the 'dish it out but can't take it' variety, got all outraged, left the theater and said he was quitting the show. He didn't show up for the matinee the next day. He finally came back 15 before the curtain went up that night after being threatened with a multi-million dollar lawsuit.

    Also during "The Wild Party" Mandy bit Marc Kudisch so hard during a kiss that he drew blood. On purpose.

    Making excuses for Patinkin's behavior is a fucked up thing to do (Sprink - I like you but, no). He should have been brought up on charges years ago.

    At least he's not Nicol Williamson. Williamson stabbed an actor on stage one night, just for pissing him off.

    1. @Malibu Barbie
      Wow ! I didn't realize this was referring to his run in The Secret Garden.
      I saw him do that musical at the St. James Theater on Broadway as a kid. He definitely had the moody broody character of Uncle Archie down pat.

  48. @Malibu, not to worry, I'm no Patinkin apologist.

    My comments were more devil's advocate/hypothetical and aimed at those who've never been on a film set or in play rehearsals--please, having someone say he's not feeling supported is the least of it.

    Which your comment amply illustrates.
