Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

June 19, 2014

This former A list mostly movie actor turned B list take what he can get actor from an acting family brought a hooker to dinner. No one knew though until one of the dinner companions asked the woman what she did for a living and she replied that she did our actor. Just like that. English was not her first language but she made it clear she was in it for the money and left everyone at the table looking around to find a different place to sit.

Matt Dillon


  1. Anonymous9:01 AM

    i'd do him for free, ungrateful woman.

  2. I don't get why paying for sex is still suppose to be scandalous.

  3. ^5 Rolo. Did I ever mention I once dated a Matt look a like? (Only every time his name is mentioned). It was the highlight of my dating career.

  4. "Let's do it for Johnny man!"

  5. Never would have guessed him in a million years!

  6. Wow, god guess @rolotomassi! This was a pretty vague blind

  7. Anonymous9:09 AM

    I know that's kinda gross, but how awesome would it be to have that happen at a family dinner?

  8. I think he's just been too much of a jerk to people, not to mention the limited acting range.

  9. Matt Dillon shouldn't have to pay for sex unless he so chooses. Not with so many of us willing to for free!

  10. He's one of these that became a jackass when he got famous, now has a chip on his shoulder because he's not A list star anymore.

  11. He don't pay for sex, he pays to not have to listen to yappin between nuts. Get it, Bro.

  12. Oh thanks. I didn't know he was a dick.

  13. ??!! SOOOOO sad to hear that it's come to this for Matt Dillon! I loved him in the 1980s. But come to think of it, haven't seen him in anything for, well, forever.

  14. Sitting on her face must not have been an option I guess.

  15. Matt's loved hookers for a long time. There was a book written by Hollywood prostitutes and Matt is specifically mentioned in the book.

    1. Do you remember the book title by any chance?

  16. What's the name of that book @sifichick? Cuz I would seriously love to read it! haha

  17. I dont think he was ever a BI revealed. That said he hit on me and no I am not a hooker. He is HOT in person.

  18. Yeah, he's the only dick in Hollywood I guess! They are such nice, welcoming and down to earth people, they can't let an ASSHOLE get any work!

  19. I appreciate the honesty.

  20. IMHO. Matt was Hot!!! Now = not!
    I don't think he's aged well attttaallll.
    Have the Hooka Honey. Not that he would but, He couldn't pay me enough.

  21. Wow...never occurred to me..we all guess de da Wilson brother lol

  22. So fucking what? He brought a hooker to family dinner. This is NOT scandalous in any way, and really not worthy of a BI. At least she's honest, unlike all those other tricks, like that hot girl licking Jonah Hill--tell me she's not tricking on him.

  23. Yes bellaluna that is the scandal that a still attractive actor would have to pay for it

    BUT with hookers you can order what you want, looks wise, kink wise and it's a sure thing, no strings attached. Now bringing a hooker as your date, homeboy should have spent more money for a more polished escort.

  24. Most people don't bring their hookers to dinner though. You should keep family and paid sex separate though mind you many a hooker/escort has married one of her clients, this is common in the Real Housewives series is it not?

  25. If my brother brought a hooker to our family dinner I'd be caught off guard. Yall are way too wordly. Lol

  26. Anonymous10:06 AM


    it laughable that at a FAMILY DINNER TABLE no one raises an eyebrow when the hooker date says her job is to do HIM. instead of uncomfortable shifting of seats my family would have been shooting daggers across the table.

    i suspect some people live in a bad sitcom.

    ((cue the canned laughs))

  27. Figgy - "You'll never make love in this town again." It's a thin little book. It has some nice stories in there, especially the Jack Wagner and Stallone sections.

  28. Oh, I can see this.

  29. Yeah, that's the interesting part: that he brought her to dinner. I guess he DOES want to talk to her for some reason. Is he SUCH a dick that no one would eat with him for free (besides his family)?

    Maybe he likes watching women masticate? ;)

    Or, the saddest alternative: my childhood crush is impotent (or close enough that only a pro can get him going) and just THAT lonely.

    Damn, life can be cruel.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. What acting family?

    1. IKR. But Kevin Dillon acts. And apparently so do several other Dillons.

  32. Sounds like dinner at my Mother-in-Law's place.

  33. Why is everyone moving away? She still a human, not an iguana at the table !

  34. @sifichick is the book called 'You'll Never Make Love In This Town Again'?

  35. Seriously? C'mon. Matt Dillon can still get girls for free. He doesn't have to pay for them. Just go and get a model wanna be, and she'll be puddy in your hands.

  36. Bringing a hooker to a class reunion seems more fun and safer - those people you don't have to see again unless you want to, so, be open and have more fun with it!

  37. So are we talking "hooker" in the charges people to put parts of their body inside of them form of the word or are we talking "hooker" in the buys dinner, gifts, etc. way hooker is used? To me it seems to be the same. Buying dinner and all that bullshit ends up being a lot more expensive in the long turn than just giving the woman $50 to suck your cock than all the other stuff you end up paying for while hoping the woman is in a good enough mood to allow you to even broach the subject of getting your dick wet.

  38. Is it wrong that I laughed out loud at this one? That's just gold. Oh to be a fly on the wall...lol

  39. It doesn't sound like it was a family dinner.

  40. It doesn't sound like it was a family dinner.

  41. It's just so hard to get quality escorts these days!
