Monday, July 21, 2014

Blind Items Revealed - Old Hollywood

April 14, 2014

Even though this Oscar nominated actress and singer was A-list for a brief period, the impact she had on the film industry as a whole was groundbreaking. Earlier on in her career, when she was a still a struggling B/C-lister, she got married to her childhood sweetheart who only saw it as an opportunity to cheat on her and/or physically abuse her at any possible time. When she became pregnant with their child, he ordered her to get an abortion or else. She refused and he left for quite a while, mostly spending money on booze and hookers. When she started to go into labor, her family members were very slow to call the ambulance and she nearly gave birth on the front lawn. Unfortunately, the child wound up to be mentally disabled and soon after she divorced her husband, she was forced to sign her child over to a group home. Fortunately, she soon found solace in the man who would give her the break she needed.

Dorothy Dandridge/husband: Harold Nicholas/other man: Otto Preminger, who directed 'Carmen Jones'


  1. Montanaaaa nailed on the frist! Like a champ!!!!

  2. Yummy! And maybe she was part of yesterdays old skool blind too.

  3. This is part of her biography, not a blind.

    1. At least we know this one isn't bullshit! Enty is defending his honor after his integrity was challenged in today's Sugar Momma Bride to Be blind, which Queen VIP asserts is ScarJo

  4. Anonymous10:35 AM

    in donald bogles book about her otto was made to look like a tyrant/a$$hole. here he's a saint/savior...perspective, i guess.


    1. @fancy: I thought the same thing too. I thought he was a jerk from what I read.

    2. Anonymous7:44 PM

      One story can b spun several different ways depending on the teller, I suppose.

  5. Men like this tool should have their scrutum pulled with a large tweezer and impaiiled on a post in a public square with a sign detailing what a gem he is.

    Dirt bag

  6. Um, all of this could have been seen in the HBO Dorothy Dandridge movie with Halle Berry

  7. Yeah, I definitely saw this in the movie.

  8. Sad. I actually did know this.
    I should look for a bio on her to read.

  9. Maybe next time just lift a part of any Old Hollywood celebrity's Wikipedia article, remove the names and call it a blind. Never run out of blind item material again!

  10. I am so obsessed with her. Such beauty, grace and talent. I think people forget about Dorothy all to often.

  11. OK I've been meaning to post this in an OHBI for a while. It's from Sheila Graham's book "The Garden of Allah" published in 1970 ( So this probably happened in the 30s the guy would have died in the 50s and his daughter was famous in the 60s/70s. For some reason I thought the sadist was a director. Maybe it was mentioned somewhere else on the page. But I don't have the book in front of me.

    "A wife of one of the Marx Brothers was called from the Garden at four in the morning by an actress who had been a statuesque silent film star and was then working infrequently in the talkies. “I’m dying,” she moaned. “You’ve got to come over, I’m dying.”

    Mrs. Marx hastened over. She was far from dead, but her bed, her gown, and her body were covered with blood. The sadist, who is now dead – the father of a famous current young film actress – had made little cuts all over her body with razor blades. Cutting soft flesh was his particular hang–up. The same man was always pretending to commit suicide himself one day and succeed. He died of natural causes two decades later."

    1. Flora-all i have is henry fonda and that doesnt ring true. Scary shite there.

  12. This info on Dorothy Dainridge was in her bio, but tragic nonetheless. She really had men in her life who were cruel to her.
    Another tidbit- when she played at hitel or casino, she had to use back door and clnt go in pool. One day, fir spite, she stuck her foot in the pool. The next day, THE POOL WAS DRAINED, SCRUBBED AND REFILLED!!!!!!!! Unbeluevable!!

  13. The bio of Dandridge by Donald Bogle was well researched. In it her husband did not leave her when she was pregnant, he was playing golf when she went into labor and Dorothy refused to go to the hospital because she wanted him to be there. Dorothy became depressed because she knew it was her fault that her baby was damaged.

    The affair with the director was mutual. She wasn't forced into it. None of this blind was a secret.

  14. Flora - My guesses: Charlie Bergen with Candace being the daughter. Or Tyrone Power. His daughter Taryn Power did a few films during the sixties.

  15. Flora - This looks interesting. I'm sure if you had forwarded it to Enty he would have published it. We could spend hours L&Oing this out!

  16. @Flora I'm with the poster Equation ^^ above. This would've been a great blind to send in.

    I've been L&Oing the shite out of this for the last several hours. I can never make the sadist fit to the actresses I've looked up. Hal Roach & Charlie Chaplin lived past the 1950s. John Gilbert died too early.

    The only thing I'm pretty positive on is the wife married to a Marx brother would have been Harpo's wife.

    I'm still gonna dig around for a bit, but thanks for remembering Sheila Graham. I thought she was as classy as a gossip columnist could be. And given that F. Scott Fitzgerald is such a favorite of mine, this afternoon, I really drifted off into the glitz & glamour of that era.

    P.S. I still cry when I watch the movie Beloved Infidel.

  17. re. The Garden of Allah blind
    From what I've read of Tyrone Power, he was more of a masochist than a sadist. Into "scat parties", etc.

  18. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Oh FFS...
    Don't Google scat party. U r better off not knowing. It sounded so innocent. What the hell did I expect it IS a form of masochism, I guess.
    good grief.

  19. re. The Garden of Allah blind
    John Farrow (1904-63), director, producer and screenwriter, died from a heart attack, father of Mia Farrow.
    He dated Dolores del Río, whose career started to decline in the mid-30s.

  20. @fancyscreenname
    Oops, sorry, I should have added a warning.

  21. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Yoj linking it to masochism should have been warning enough. Lol

    Knowing that THAT is a thing is quite disturbing but i'll live. No harm done.

  22. auntliddy, __-__=__ , cornflowerbluezz and Yoj

    Thanks for the info. I did not know you could send in OHBIs to Enty. If I find another I will send it to him/them.

    Yoj, Farrow is who I thought the guy was the first time I read the book several years ago. I recently reread it because I've become obsessed with everything Garden of Allah. But I could not remember why I thought so.
