Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Blind Items Revealed - Mr. X

May 23, 2014

9) What A-list actor who premiered his directorial debut at Cannes was overheard complaining to his PR team on the phone about the crappy job the editors did to his film?

Ryan Gosling


  1. Wasn't this a gimme?

  2. Anonymous9:21 AM

    I'm so glad this was revealed because no one got it ;)

    Do we really need Mr X reveals???

  3. Was this even blind worthy? So he didn't like the editing. The scandal!

  4. Mr X= Mr Obvious
    It's funny because the reviews didn't blame the edit of the movie

  5. We don't need Mr X's revealed blinds

  6. Seems like everybody knew this one....duh

  7. If you direct a movie, shouldn't you be in the editing room to oversee what the editors are doing to your baby? Methinks Mr Gosling is trying to pass the blame for a bad movie onto others.

  8. I can do edit for you Gossling ; )

  9. He overlooked the fact all the critics thought the movie sucked and the acting was piss poor too.

  10. Ryan Gosling could be responsible for the twilight movies and I wouldn't care I'd still do whatever he asked of me.

  11. yeah in the "editing room" where it is quiet and very dark....yup

  12. "oh Ryan this movie is BRILLIANT"

  13. And I'm sure the Editing team had all great things about the Directing.
    No ones responsible if it's crap.

  14. From my Hollywood experience, and from my Editor friends still working in Hollywood, Editors don't make cuts that are NOT approved by the Director firsthand.

  15. The director is supposed to over see the cut, or at least review what they do. No one to blame but himself if he didn't.

  16. I went to school for film and TV and have a lot of friends that work on big movies...the Director has the final say as to what does and does not get edited, not the editors. They just do what they're told.

  17. 1st time directors rarely/almost never get final cut.

  18. Hey Ryan, it's more likely that your movie just sucked. Just because you were in front of a camera reading lines doesn't mean you can visualize the way a movie should look in the end.
    You're not even a good line reader! You're a pretty boy that got 13 year old girls tingly for the first time. Let's not pretend you're Orson Welles or even freaking Gary Busey. You're talent level is up there with William Hung doing classic rock opera "Tommy". Yeah, there are a few people that will go see it but that's only because they can't believe something so horrible could ever exist.

  19. A more inexperienced director might yield to an experienced editor.

    I thought Gosling was funny in the movie Crazy Love? with Emma Stone and Steve Carrell otherwise I find him a bit one note.

  20. Editors can make or break a film. Of course if the footage sucked to begin with there is only so much magic they can do.

    It's like photoshopping Cindy Crawford vs Oprah.

  21. David is right. Scorsese spends at least a year editing his movies. Oliver Stone has three editors in three different suites at the same time and he still approves everything. Spielberg might be the exception because he's worked with the same editor since Close Encounters - the brilliant Michael Kahn, so Mike does the cutting while Steven is shooting and they go over it later.

    If this is true, then Ryan had better be Careful. Sounds like he's venturing pretty close to Vincent Gallo territory there.
