Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Blind Items Revealed - Mr. X - Old Hollywood

June 20, 2014

12) Old Hollywood: Which A++ list Oscar winning/nominated actor who was a struggling B for the first half of the 1930s cheated on his first wife with her best friend, an A/B-list Oscar winning actress who had the public image of a goody two shoes?

John Wayne/first wife: Josephine Saenz/Loretta Young


  1. Ok so John Wayne was a POS you learn something new everyday.

  2. He's John Wayne. He can do whatever he wants as long as it aint lil kids.

  3. Is anyone shocked he was an asshole? Anyone?

  4. As legendary as the man is, I can see him having a jerk side. It's not surprising.

  5. Enty maybe you can assign Mr. X to do Old Hollywood blinds instead of the crap he usually drops on us?? These are better.

    1. I do like the old Hollywood blinds! They seem more juicy than the crap dished on "stars" today. Today's behavior doesn't surprise me but I love knowing the old dirt.

  6. Isn't this the same guy who is known for being extremely racist and homophobic?

  7. Agree! These are real stars. All the blinds now are d list reality stars and celebrities. Have the time I don't even bother to look at guesses if it's about some tool.

  8. Not unusual behavior back then jack.

    1. Yeah I know but doesn't make it okay. My grandpa use to watch all his movies though. I'm not into westerns though so I've never seen him act.

  9. Half the time....stop it spellcheck!

  10. I don't think anyone had guessed John Wayne.

    1. I nailed it. Didn't know/care who the actress was.

  11. Good one! I don't endorse cheating but damn he was handsome as a young man

  12. Loretta also had Clark Gable's baby while he was married then pretended to adopt the child

    el scandoloso

  13. Its all good, I think Duke hated commies and hippies (redundant?) the most.

  14. Boning wife's nest friend is low though. And vice versa

  15. I forget who was riding with JW, but they were in a car and Wayne pulls over to a house. He goes up to the door, chats with the people who live there and because he's The Duke, he and his friend were invited in.

    JW didn't know the people, his liquor buzz was fading and he wanted a drink right there and then. He got a few.

  16. Loretta was a christian slut.

  17. WC Fields used to hide in the bushes and shoot spitballs at people on Homes of the Stars tours.

  18. Loretta's son was also a child molestor that she covered up & paid people off.

  19. Loretta - such a devoted Catholic.

  20. A cheater and someone who will fuck her best friend's husband? Sounds like a good match to me.

  21. My old boss (currently 80 years old) was in the Navy. He and some of his buddies went out in uniform when stationed in Hawaii. John Wayne was at their bar and he sat down with them for an hour and paid for all their drinks.

  22. Dang, for someone who was such a strict Catholic, Loretta got around.

  23. Loretta was one of the biggest hos in Hollywood. No wonder she was so desperate to maintain the devout Catholic image.

  24. I've heard two schools of thought. That JW was nice but could also be a real bastard. Just like us normal people.

  25. I've heard that, too, Sherry. I love THE QUIET MAN, but otherwise I'm not a huge fan. My dad is, though.

    (Hope you're hanging in there today! Hugs and you-can-do-it! fist pumps to you.)

  26. Here's the best Loretta Young story:
    When she had her TV show, Robert Mitchum was that week's guest star.
    He swore a bit & Young told him to put a quarter in the swear box each time he swore.
    Mitchum said: "Here's 20 bucks Loretta, now fuck off!"

  27. I think it was closer to him being a complete jackass who could be nice Sherry.
    Legendary British film reviewer Barry Norman never liked him and told a great story about how me managed to piss Wayne of so badly on a press call in the 70s that the elderly Wayne nearly went for him!

    I could see Wayne buddying up to military people there. He was reportedly self-conscious that his "war service" were those patriotic films. In fairness Lee Marvin constantly ripping the piss out of him for being the big patriot who never served a minute in the military.

  28. My grandmother met him once. She sold him an ice-cream (of all things) and he chatted with her for a while. This was during The Quiet Man. She said he was lovely but a big ole flirt. She had a framed picture of him in the living room for years and years.
    She liked to tell the story that they were gonna run away to America together, but I think that was just to buzz with my Grandad.

  29. He hated the fact that he was unable to serve. When he went down and tried to enlist he found out he was unable as he was flat footed.
    Both my father and husband ADORE John Wayne and I think I have seen every movie of his so many times I can recite some lines from a few of them lol.

  30. what a terrible friend
