Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Blind Items Revealed - Kindness

March 29, 2014

This A+ list entertainer(singer) has been on a kindness roll this week. Apparently she baked well over 1,000 cookies completely on her own with no professional help. None. She did them all in one night and even threw out batches she didn't think were right. She then presented them in tins with 20 each to 50 different crew members with a note thanking them.

Taylor Swift


  1. Im not a fan of her tunes but Taylor make so damn music for all the little girls that adore you---

  2. I'm sure someone will come along and damn her for not presenting them in custom Swarovski dishes lined with baby Harp seal fur.

    Personally, taking the time to make something for all those people impresses me more than going out and buying outrageously expensive gifts. Given her financial wherewithal.

  3. Fast forward 20 years from now.

    Little curious 6yr old Timmy finds a tin full of cookies and helps himself.

    It's the first time he sees his grandfather lose his mind, all the while wondering who TAYLOR SWIFT is and how could she possibly have the VOICE OF AN ANGEL and why he is going to hell for eating them.

  4. Aw, I love a kindness reveal... good on you!!

  5. Southern girls are good in the kitchen. Not a sexist statement.

    1. She's from PA. not the south.

  6. Good for her! She's a sweetie.

  7. Ok I'll bite. Where are the Swarovski dishes, dammit?!?

    Good on Taylor. @Bacon how old is this grandfather in that scenario?

  8. @Bacon Ranch Thanks for the laugh. :)

    This girl is definitely coocoo for cocoa puffs but that is truly sweet. Like Charlie said it's easy to just go out and buy something. Baking 1000 cookies would take all night. Even if you have a ton of cookie sheets and industrial ovens. Shows that it actually came from her heart.

    Damnit! I really don't want to like this girl but there are a few kindness blinds being revealed about her and they're really good ones. Still can't stand her music... SO THERE!

  9. See everyone! Adderall takes getting shit done to a whole new level! She's sweet.

  10. Np scifi :)

    60ish Lotta, son is 40is,Timmy was a surprise baby :)

  11. @Sandy, I won't comment on whether your statement was sexist, but I'll point out that Taylor Swift isn't Southern. She's from Pennsylvania.

  12. I thought she moved down to Nashville when she was still pretty young @Karen?

  13. Nailed it on the fristttttt

  14. I'm a little suspect as to the amount of cookies. I make a batch of 36 with my plain oven and it takes about 1.5 hours. Even IF you had the batter or used those tubes of cookie could it be done? Whatever, it sounds like a lovely gesture.

    1. Depends on the cookie and bake time. Did it mention what type she made? I got recipes that range from a 5 minute bake time to 3 hours, a lot of variables in the science of baking.

    2. I bake shit tons of cookies for my kids fund raisers and I can bake a shit ton in afternoon. It takes 10 minutes a batch. Whip one up got those going in and out and I whip up another. If it's all the same you can have two double batches going at the same time. In one of those big fancy kitchens with a Kitchenaid...I could whip those out in an afternoon.

  15. And remember she doesn't work out, she just goes to the gym and changes clothes..JUST sayin'.

  16. @Sandy, she was 14. Some might say that's young, but I don't think it's young enough to alter your upbringing.

  17. One thousand cookies in a night ?? Yes,of course! Like Nicole Kidman smoking 3 packs of cigaretts in 3 hours( or something like it)

  18. Its a huge lifestyle change though no matter what age she was when she moved down.

  19. @Sherry Most houses in that bracket have at least 2 industrial sized ovens. So assuming she can make several batches at once it can be done. You'll still be up all night baking though.

    @DevOcean "Diet pills Corey? Diet pills? I could be up all night if I was downing diet pills too."

    Did that from memory so it's probably not an exact quote. lol Just watch Empire Records again the other night & had to post that quote to your comment.

  20. It's Rex Manning Day!

  21. I once baked about 300 cookies in less than four hours with a normal sized oven and four cookie sheets (and all by hand, no mixer). An industrial sized oven, a stand mixer, plus lots of baking sheets would make this very possible.

  22. Ok I think I just fell slightly in love with you DevOcean. ;)

  23. @TTM did you make sure to bring cupcakes for Rex or do I have to bake those suckers? lol

    1. You bake, I'll find the sexually liberated friend to bang him in the bathroom @ scifichick!

  24. Were they edible though, inquiring minds need to know.

  25. @TTM HEY! It's been a long time. I wanna get banged too damnit!

    OMG We could call our party Bake & Bang :D

    1. Woo hoo scifi! I'll do the baking, you do the banging! Deal? High fives all around!

  26. That is a good use of neurotic OCD time. Much better than pickin zits or masturbating. Well, maybe not masturbating.

  27. That must be one huge oven.

  28. Wow! Fair play to her.

  29. She must have some big ovens.

  30. I like her, always have. I would have hated to have had a camera following me around at her age. At best, I'd have been labeled a stalker.

  31. @TTM It's baking AND banging. ;)

  32. There's something about this girl that gives me the heebie jeebies. I think she's a psycho.

  33. Is Swifty giving these to Enty? These are starting to sound like planted blinds.

  34. Swifty has a chef and he probably had to bake all those cookies if this blind is true. Sounds a bit like a PR blind....

  35. That's a lot of cookies! I wonder if they were minis.

  36. I'm taking Rex his lunch!!
