Sunday, July 27, 2014

Blind Items Revealed-Kindness

June 22, 2014

This B+ list mostly television actress from a hit cable show who I don't like very much and never seems to do anything nice except for herself, watched a woman have her car towed because she was parked illegally. The woman had a toddler with her and the woman said she had no money to get the car out of being towed so our actress drove her and the toddler to the impound lot and paid the fees to have the car released.

January Jones


  1. She's not despicable after all.

  2. That's the first nice thing I've ever read about her! That is an extremely nice thing to do, especially since it must've taken quite a bit of time to do all that.

  3. I feel like she gets a bad rap because she has permanent bitch face. She seems to really love her kid though and probably has a lot of sympathy for other single moms. So good for her.

  4. Awwww...I totally forgive her for being a home wrecking cunt now.

  5. Seems like she does do nice things for others, besides herself.

  6. Seems like she does do nice things for others, besides herself.

  7. I think it's called a Nebraska face.

  8. JJ's instagram is hilARious. in a town full of whores and homewreckers and molesters and theives, i have a hard time singling her out as being so bad, especially since she's really funny and Does Not Give a Fuck. i actually love that the best.

  9. Totally agree @jack

  10. Super sweet of her! Hope she didn't get a DUI, that would have sucked for all of them.

  11. If her main issue is that married males wanna bang her and cheat their half apples, she is not to blame at all.
    If this is true, a good point for her.

  12. Good for JJ. Walking the path.

  13. Wow maybe the ice queen has a heart after all. lol

  14. I like
    Jj Instagram too.

  15. Maybe she found out the woman was a single mom and has a soft spot for them.

  16. That was nice of her.

  17. JJ did a very good thing here. I'm out of the loop on what she did that was so bad in the past. If the fling with Liam was the extent then she gets a total pass from me.

  18. Did the woman have a hot hubby or boyfriend?
