Thursday, July 03, 2014

Blind Item #9

It probably was not the best idea to have this B list mostly movie actor and his delicate sobriety to star in a film with this B list mostly movie actress big drinker. The two have been partying a lot together. The actor's girlfriend says the actor has stopped coming home at night too.


  1. Efron and Michelle again?

  2. Zac Efron Michelle Rodriguez

    1. VIP, we love you and highly respect what you say. But I can't find where Zac and Michelle are filming something together.

  3. who is Marisa Tomei or Kiki Drunkst filming with.....

  4. anyone? but i doubt its zac because it says the actors girfriend and zac isn't dating anyone right now?
    so dont just assume zac and michelle?

    1. You know that all blinds about junkie former tweeners are about Zac, right? Give your Tiger Beat HSM posters a big kiss and deal with it.

  5. okay well if this is Efron can they please start referring to him the same in each blind? this shit gets confusing.

  6. Delicate sobriety sounds a lot like conscious uncoupling and tender undoing.

  7. @vp blonde
    i dobut its zac because it says the actors girlfriend and zac isn't dating anyone right now???

  8. Go, CUBBIES!

    Zac dating women is HIGH-larious.

  9. Marisa Tomei and Daniel Radcliff are filming together

  10. Good call was gonna say...but would say...foreign born? Funny I write something about that when they were in random pix other day..that he'd slip

  11. @Derek Thought the same thing.

    Hope it's not true for D Rad :(

  12. Dammit derek. I was trying to guess that but my phone was slow.

  13. Anyone see the movie The Paperboy with Zac Effron? That movie was so disturbing and dark---I needed to take a long shower after that one

  14. Maybe Carmeron Diaz and Jason Siegal?

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Actor's "girlfriend" huh? Hasn't Enty always maintained the opinion that Effron likes the gents? Again, it could only be an opinion as only we can say for ourselves how we sexually identify, but I always thought that that opinion was the general consensus around here. Hmm...

  17. @pj
    why are people guessing zac? there are other b-list actors who not zac? also entry says different things on zac everyday? so why guess on zac when there are other actors out there?

    1. Zac, is that you??

    2. Lol @ pj!

      @ cubsfan. I think most posters have a reflexive response. If it fits remotely, they will choose that person . And then status quo/group mentality takes over. Instead of really thinking through who fits, most will acquiesce to the popularly held opinion/vote.

      Its groupthink at work.

  18. uh people were guessing Zac Effron and I wanted to know if anyone had seen (the only movie) of his I had just recently watched and get their opinions---is that cool with you Cubsfan?

    1. Lol, right @Derek?! Some people take these blinds wayyyy too seriously. Friendly posters only!

  19. I think we found our Zac Effron letter writer lmao ---wheres Sugar!??!

    1. right here, Boo

      So Cubsfan is the Zac stan then? Is this what we are thinking?

  20. YUP, im on the Efron/Rodriguez train.

  21. It's possible both celelbs had signed contracts well before shooting started and before the actor supposedly got sober. Hence, he didn't have a choice. Well this sound like Tomei and Radcliffe, unless Tomei is drinking on set around him, there shouldn't be a problem, that is unless he wants to still drink.

  22. @derek
    if you read the item it says actors girlfriend, and zac isn't dating anynoe at the moment, and there are other actors who are dealing with sobriety at the moment also?

    1. @cubsfan. Do you know if Zac is dating anyone right now, because I'm not sure.

  23. @derek
    no i didnt write a long letter to entry about zac;s career either, who honestly has the time to do that? i didnt do that, gezz

  24. I'm going to throw out a random guess - Robin Williams and...

  25. @sugar
    um i'am a fan of zac, but dont just automatically assume every item that says b list actor is about zac? so back off
    why are you rude??

    1. I was just playing with derek. My sincerest apologies to you and Zac.

  26. @sugar
    quit being rude and sarcastic to me gezz

  27. yeah Sugar or I will take you down into alley way lol ; 0

  28. whatever cubs its cool---we all have our fangirl moments---you just seem very uh- enthusiastic!

  29. @derek
    its fine, i just cant take a joke well and im just tired of the entry implying that zac is this,this and this or he's this, he cant seem to stick to one thing, and not every item is about zac tho so why just assume the worst tho?

  30. Really sounds like Harry Potter and Tomei

  31. I don't think it's Zac and Michelle because they aren't filming anything together and there was already a very obvious blind about him today.

    I like the Marissa Tomei/Dan Radcliffe guess since they are filming and he recently revealed a girlfriend.

    I only guessed Cam and Jason because they are promoting their movie and Enty seems to pull things right off the current news.

  32. Geez, I'm not a grammar Nazi but gezz reads jizz to me.

    1. The jizz is in the other post, ethorne.

    2. Good lookin out @Sugar!

  33. Zac and Michelle hanging out with wealthy Italian biz man:

    1. Hanging out and filming something are very different. Tell me what they are filming and I'll believe

  34. I'm on board with the DanRad guess

  35. Derek

    I saw the Paperboy too and concur. It was an exercise in actors slumming for shock value. There wasn't an authentic moment to be found.

  36. @Derek on a roll.. Harry Potter & Tomei for the win again! ..& yeah, "The Paperboy" really bummed me out..disturbing film.

  37. @jane
    I liked ur Cami /Jason guess
    I like the Rad / Tomei guess too
    I'm too lazy to google if Jason has. Gf. Oh yeah, I suppose theyre done filming anyway.
    Ok. Tomei / Rad. Kinda sad tho.

  38. The Paperboy was THE WORST. Just awful. Awful!

  39. btw,this is very upsetting if this IS Daniel Radcliffe-he's been doing sooo well & working sooo hard on his sobriety w/his grueling Broadway Run et al.(which I saw & he was robbed of a Tony nod..again0.this actually makes me pissed toward Marisa-even if she doesn't give a shit @her own alcoholism,she shouldn't bring down a young guy who obviously does,with her...I never thought that she pulled this w/others though-I thought that she imbibed back in her trailer while on set.

  40. "Stans" scare me. /backs out slowly

  41. Well. So I guess I shouldn't guess Zac then, huh?

  42. Sure sounds like poor Daniel Rad. He's filming here in NYC (I think) w/Tomei.

    Even worse, the AltEnt described it as a "dog movie" & indeed, every pic has them surrounded by poodles.

    He was pretty open about the drinking problem, but,

    early-on in recovery, +animal movie? No; worse:

    early in recovery+ (animal movie + Marisa Tomei) = "Flirting w/Disaster"

    Choices, man; not like you're broke & the rent is due.

  43. I read TMZ & Celebitchy today, also that celeb stuff on mSN, one of them said something about Zac & Michelle doing something together. Don't remember what, didn't think it important at the time. Sorry.

  44. Yeah absolutely Marisa Tomei and Dan Ratcliffe. Absolutely. I was looking at the pics of them in the DM where he was walking all those dogs, just wondering if she smelled like booze

  45. At least you know Zac isn't actually having sex with Michelle.

  46. I really hope it isn't DRad - I have a soft spot for him :(

  47. Wow you guys are all so hardcore on this website! Love it! Never would've guessed Zac or Dan-Rad...didn't even know either if them had girlfriends. Totally thought D-rad was into who is he dating then??
    My first thought was Robin Williams...but I guess it would've described him as being older?
    Lol never knew Marissa Tomei was an alky either!
    You guys are all such great lil detectives! I feel like I'm sooo out of the celeb gossip loop!
