Monday, July 28, 2014

Blind Item #9

This B list mostly movie actor is hiding money from his ex-wife. He has plenty of money but has given it to his new wife to keep the ex from getting her hands on it. I hope he trusts the new wife. She might just walk away with it if he gets out of hand.


  1. Sport Alert: this is a repeat. Come on Enty!

  2. Damn! My spelchker is really channelling Sandy today!!! Lol

  3. I thought I saw this damn blind before :( no big blind today no 2pm blind and now a repeat.

  4. His spousal support hearings are resuming and all over the internets today...TMZ, everywhere...

  5. Yup Sandy: I got this blind too the last time the hearings were in progress LOL
    Enty must be having a post-Comiccon hangover

  6. Thanks for that documentation, seven! We are ON TO YOU, Enty!!!

  7. @LadyH, I think it's kind of funny that when you click on the non-mobile version of that page, the auto-play video is from "the Executive Director of Healthy Women". Any woman that gets involved with Mr Diaper Wipes needs to call her first!

  8. Must be primary Enty's vacation week

  9. That's perfect seven!
    Now here's some ACTUAL gossip on our Suspect #1, Terrence Hierarchy:
    Howard's been a bad boy, and he's been mighty busy...
    HERE he is in court today pleading brokeass
    Case Closed....Neeeeext!

  10. Terence is not too bright - the ex wife is entitled to a division of assets as of the date of separation so unless he started moving his money and assets before then, there will be a paper trail of what his assets were his as of that date, that any half smart lawyer should be able to force him to produce or get others to produce documents showing his assets as of that date along with suspicious withdrawals or conveyances AFTER that date showing he was trying to hide that money. Unless Terry Berry was hiding all his cash in a mattress.

    There is an offence called Fraudulent Conveyance which is when you transfer an asset to defeat a creditor and that transfer can be set aside by a judge, it includes all creditors but a ex wife would be included.

    Not sure how often the courts utilize this but worth a shot. Especially if the ex-wife hired a pitbull of an attorney.

  11. Oh I need to check out the scuttlebutt on the spousal support hearings....

  12. "Howard says he's actually an employee on Lori's payroll [his first ex wife] -- his Hollywood movie money goes directly to her ... and she cuts him his monthly check.The single life ... so underrated."

    That's a new one....

  13. This is what a good forensic accountant is for.

  14. It's only a repeat if you read every day.
