Saturday, July 26, 2014

Blind Item #9

This barely hanging on to A list mostly movie actor was telling his friends that he was wasted out of his mind on pills at a recent court appearance.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. But Shia has been diligently going to AA mtgs since he was released from jail, and is evidently sober...

  3. Shia

    LOL I'm dying watching this lady on the right with her striptease dance moves

  4. Zac still seems in denial and had some court issues stemming from the drug buying"take out food" bottle throwing incident

  5. I like the Shia guess. Even if he says so, I don't think he's sober.

    1. Yeah, carrying around the AA book and actually applying the lessons within are two entirely different things.

  6. Shia publicists said he was very openly going to AA to not offend or humiliate Brad Pitt during the press tour for Fury soon.
    Translation: Brad threatened to kick him off all press and promotions etc. If he didn't publicly get help which is why he was papped coming out of AA. His people set those up to appease the studio.

  7. Be careful tossing out the Zac signal, Tricia.

    I don't think the Cubs are playing today.

  8. I was at the DMV the other day when this drunk-off-her-ass old lady asked to use my cell phone because she was there to take her driving test, forgot her glasses and wanted to call someone to bring them to her. I let her make the call then I suggested that maybe it would be better if she waited to take her test until she wasn't reeking of alcohol.

    1. @ Prunella, Thanks for letting me use your phone.

    2. LOL SYF. You have consistently shown yourself to be the master of jokes. Have I told you lately that I love you?

  9. Shia and Zac are in a race. Last one in a coffin is a pussy.

  10. I'm embarrassed for Brad. Don't know why he thought Shitty LaDouche would be a box office draw. If anything he's a repellent.
    That movie has to be $hit show.

  11. @ bacon...u know Whatt u mean:)

  12. Going to AA and stopping drinking/drugging isn't really the same thing. That being said, even if he is going for publicity and to appease Brad, it IS a start and who knows, when he hears others stories of rock bottom it might get him thinking about the road he is heading on.

    If it is Shia, I wonder if the pills he was on was some sort of valium to help with the DT's? It would not do to have an alcoholic seizure in front of the judge. Those things are damn scary to see. Terrifying!
