Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Blind Item #8

Everyone wants to know why this B list mostly movie actress with A+ list name recognition has not found a new boyfriend yet. She has one, but he is married and she is very good at keeping secrets.


  1. I'd say this sounds like Kstew but she's a lesbian so idk

  2. Good at keeping secrets reminds me of Katie Holmes

  3. ooo--Love the Katie guess

  4. Running out of hetros for these guesses.

  5. Jennifer Lopez maybe.

  6. i thought Katie too

  7. Holmes hasn't been seen out with anyone since her divorce has she?

  8. I like the katie guess. She's probably the best secret keeper in Hollywood.

  9. Holmes and that costar who was married. Luke something

    1. She's moving to a new place in nyc for privacy for Suri.

  10. Is Norbert Leo Butz (Broadeay, now moving to TV) still married?
    When he and Katie did Briadway, maybe they got together? Wasn't there a ci-star if hers that was really taken by her???

  11. Katie Holmes has great practice in keeping those secrets! LOL

    1. Good observation. Then I think that's the hint behind this woman being "good at keeping secrets."

  12. Moving to a new place? Won't the paps just find her new place and bother her there?

  13. @jane3113 Katie doesn't seem the famewhorish type, but if she is regularly papped, then that lessens the chance of CO$ doing something illegal to her. Speaking of which, when was the last time Tom has seen Suri?

  14. Luke Kirby wasn't married.
    Norbert is still married but didn't they play siblings?

    That being said I can't picture Katie with a married dude especially since I can't see Katie doing anything that would ruin custody of Suri.

    Its quite possible she may actually want to be single as boring as that sounds

  15. Well we know Katie is pretty used to getting no sex anyhow.

  16. Gwynneth and Donovan leitch. He's getting a divorce and they were caught kissing not long ago. In DM today too.

  17. Sandra Bullock

  18. *Sandys a lezzie, no bf

  19. @jane, the paps will find the new place soon. It probably has better security and maybe an underground garage.

    Goop's still playing 'look at us we might get back together' for the paps.

    Katie is an excellent choice and really, why DOESN'T she have a bf.

  20. @MalibuBorebee because she doesn't want one?

    We complain about celebs not taking a break between relationships when kids are involved and now there's an issue when a female celeb isn't with a man publically anyways.

    Maybe she doesn't want to bring random men around her daughter.

  21. If I were Katie, I'd be a little shy of a new relationship myself!

  22. I feel like we've had this blind recently? I still have no guess.

  23. @CF, it isn't odd to be cautious about getting into a new relationship or about bringing early dates around kids. That's just good sense. She's been divorced for two years and the marriage was obviously bad for a long while before she left.

    It's reasonable to think that a healthy young woman would be publicly dating by now and to wonder why she isn't.

  24. Diane Lane? Sounds like her life before her last marriage.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Probably Katie. She's keeping all of TommyGirl's secrets.

  27. @MB its only odd if its a woman and in this case a famous one. Because if this were a man we wouldn't be questioning it. However a woman not being publically seen with a man is odd to some people. Since we see celebs jump in and out of relationships so quickly. Its quite possible she's waiting till Suri is older or has no interest in dating.
