Monday, July 28, 2014

Blind Item #7

This former A list celebrity/host had her dog saved over the weekend. Apparently the host was too busy talking about herself to realize she had left her dog trapped out in the hot sun for an hour in a carrier with no water and was near death when someone spotted the dog and gave it some water. Our host showed up a little later and grabbed her dog and left.


  1. Who was at QVC thing in Hamptons?

  2. Maria M
    Though rating off

  3. No !!! That's horrible.
    How do you forget about your pet like that ?!?

  4. Abdul was never a "host". The sounds like Sharon Osbourne or Menunos.

  5. She should have her dog taken away.

    Meanwhile, any ideas for Lainey's blind? I'm stumped.

  6. What blind is that, msgirl?

  7. It's nice that they gave the dog some water, but why the fuck would they leave the dog with this twat???

  8. Someone is desperate to get pregnant and is a;sp a bitch, in a nutshell, haha Everyone has to jump hoops for her ovulation schedule.

  9. Blake lively for the lainey blind

    1. It's been noted before that Blake is a bitch to her employees

  10. Didn't that idiot Paris pull a similar stunt? Left her dog alone in an apartment or something?

    Ugh, the way people treat children and animals is a pretty good indicator of their character.

  11. @Msgirl

    For Lainey's blind,i thought about Blake Lively but honestly its very vague and i know some women who are as nuts as her blind about her future pregnancy

  12. sugarbread, yes I got one, hurrah!

  13. Why would anyone put a dog in a carrier outside on a hot day in the first place? And how can you forget about your dog? :(

  14. French Girl, yeah I was desperate to get pregnant so I well know the feeling BUT it's no reason to have minions drop their lives for you.

  15. As for the dog, I really wish someone reported this. and this person should not have kids.

  16. I hate these people

  17. Seriously poor dog, probably not the first time something like this has happened

  18. Paris hosted a party over the weekend at Malibu Beach house she's renting.
    The house doesn't look to have any fencing, people coming and going, maybe to contain the doggie? I'd of left in a nice a/c room for a bit, or asked people to help me see that the dog doesn't get loose.
    I'm not confining it, as u can see I have a wee one myself, she would not be in a carrier in this heat, or hardly ever. (Though some dogs like to get in them, like a little den.) but out weather here as been pretty miserable, so...

  19. I meant, I'm not "condoning it."

  20. I agree that this person should not have ANY pets or chirrens. No excuse! How can you forget about your dog? We're so concerned for our cats being hot when we're driving to Blanc Debris so we point the carrier to the front with the AC pointed in. AND we have water for them as well. Twat!

  21. Yep lately I've been getting up super early so I can walk my beloved before it gets too hot for him.

  22. Yikes. That's horrible.

  23. I have a shar pei and I just put baby socks on his feet to walk him when it's hot out so he doesn't hurt his paws. Off topic but a good tip for fellow dog owners.

    1. I've noticed some Border Patrol dogs with booties.

  24. @ms girl
    It's just because you're NOT egocentric

  25. Breezy you look like Megan Mullaly. Gorgeous. Are you married to Nick Offerman too?

  26. Fucking idiot shouldnt be allowed to have pets.

  27. It's Paris....she had her dog with her at an event she hosted recently. I remember thinking why in the hell would someone want her to host and also I thought...poor doggy!! She is notorious for not taking care of her dogs. Dumb twat that she is.

  28. Wasn't it also Paris who was widely suspected to be the culprit in a blind from ages ago about an owner who would take off for days or weeks on end, leaving dogs locked in her house/room/closet with no food or sitter?

    I forget the specifics, but if the details were true, the negligence was pretty horrific.

  29. That dumb twat Paris should be banned from buying anything alive. It's awful what she does to them.

  30. Paris should be neutered and then not allowed to have pets.

  31. If I rescued a dog from a car under those circumstances, I wouldn't give it back. I'd just smash the window, get the dog and fuck them. This person should be prosecuted. Asshole!

  32. Taking a moment to get serious, I bought a ResQ Me window breaking tool from Amazon and I have it on my keychain at all times. I highly recommend you all get one.

    It has a little pointy end that you can use to break a car window with just 6 pounds of pressure. It won't break the windshield, which is made of stronger glass, but it will break the side windows. It also has a recessed blade that you can use to cut your seatbelt.

    If you're ever trapped in a car this thing could save your life.

    Plus, I have not used it to rescue a dog in a hot car yet but it would be perfect for that.

    Last year - before I got my resqme gizmo - I saw a dog in a car in full blazing sun in the parking lot of a supermarket. Fortunately the family had left the doors unlocked so I just opened the door and took him out.

    I carry a spare leash in my trunk and I put that on him and stood there with him for 20 minutes. The family finally came out with a big ass birthday sheet cake they'd bought for a party. They were MADDENINGLY casual about the fact that they had left their dog in a hot car.

    Next time that happens, I will take the dog to the pound and drop it off, and I'll tell the pound what happened. Let the family explain that they left their dog in a hot car, and have to pay $$$ to bail it out.

    Also, because shit can and does happen at public shelters, I'd put in a CIP (Call Interested Party) so that if for some reason the dog wasn't claimed and were going to be put to sleep, they'd call me and I could get it out.
