Monday, July 21, 2014

Blind Item #7

The girlfriend of this multiple show reality star/offspring with a famous last name says that as much as possible, her boyfriend gets drunk so he can use that as his excuse why he has trouble performing in the bedroom. Despite dating quite awhile they have only had sex a couple of times because of his issues.


  1. Replies
    1. @Sugarbread Yep! And he's in the DM. Great job!!

    2. Yeah he only gets it up for his former fling aka. Step sister in law.

  2. I'm sure VIP's got it, but I also thought Rob when I read the BI.

  3. Issues meaning he's still pining for kimmode?

  4. And the girlfriend is hanging around why?

  5. I vote Brody, too, though I'm not sure his issue performing with women is entirely due to alcohol.

  6. Rob K was my first fleeting thought, but I wanted to find a better one.
    Thanks to u guys I did.

    Luv the Brody guess. BUT WHAT A WASTE OF GRADE A Manliness. (If it's him.)

  7. Methinks that Brody, like daddy, is gay. Nothin' wrong with that Brody, just come out with it.

  8. Trouble getting it up or does he shoot his load to quick..?

  9. Ah, his four inches of loving don't work.

    Brody, there's an implante for that....

  10. How is this a blind?its an open secret he's lame in bed..all his ex girlfriends have gone on record saying it...

  11. Didn't BroDee just say something about how he saw Kim partially clothed and he became physically aroused?

  12. Replies
    1. Wait, what!? Are botoxed nipples really a thing??

  13. This is disappointing news. He really does it for me.

  14. Idk rob k sounds like a better fit to me

  15. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Well that explains him and Avril! Isn't she supposed to be anti sex

    1. I don't know, but if anyone could make me anti sex, it's the jackass Creed loser she hitched.

    2. Nickelback. Different thing entirely, eh?

  16. Ya, the issues are because hes packin 3 inches mixed w douche. 3 inches and charming/nice/kind would get him a ton of pussy w that face. But 3+douche? No way.

  17. Sounds like maybe he's just not that into sex. Which is fine unless he cultivates a drinking problem in order to mask what he feels are inadequacies.

  18. Well, getting drunk isnt the answer. Wonder hiw long man wld hang around if reversed?

  19. I like Brody more now since he didn't go to Kimye's wedding, but did go to Reggie Bush's. Hope this isn't him.

  20. He's very young to be having performance issues...he should see a doctor or maybe he's just not into it.

  21. I strongly believe this is Rob. The National Enquirer was intimating he's gay. I think he and that degenerate crackhead Lamar had an affair that really screwed with Rob's head, and drugs was also a part of it.

  22. No f'ing way Rob did not have some degenerate crackhead sexytimes with goddamn Lamar.

    That is just too far off the beaten path.

    I'm on the Brody wagon and yeah, he's hoootttttt, shame about the douche all over him. Maybe airing out the gay would help a lot.

  23. Rob and Lamar definitely worked out their DADDY ISSUES with each other. They were smoking more than each others bongs.
