Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Blind Item #7

The boyfriend of this former B list mostly television actress from a hit network show off the air for a couple of years has been texting and met up with this A list diva who thinks of herself as a singer/actress.


  1. Eva Longoria man and Jlo

  2. Bam. Methinks @sugarbread got it.

  3. DAAANG sugarbread, took the words right out of my mouth!! I second that!

    Mr. Jose Baston and Jlo

  4. OOOHHHHH a Latina beatdown, I'd kill to see that one. I got Eva for some reason I don't think JLo is a hood as she lets on.

  5. Dang Sugar Tits- dats gooood guess.

  6. I thought Eva is refered to as former A list though. Desperate Housewives was like the biggest thing on tv for a few years there and Eva was the "breakout" star.

  7. Friend of a friend worked on DH. Eva is NOT a nice person. Ergo, bad karma follows her.

  8. Is Eva dating anyone? I thought the last one was from that dating show she produced, but she dropped him, because he wasn't just living off of her, but using her credit cards & taking cash without her permission.

  9. I thought none of them were supposed to be nice from DH.

  10. Text sent 6/30/14 2:00 p.m.
    Hola mi Amor JLo,
    FYI I'm available for hire. E muey paquito, like u like ur men, and familiar wit NDA's. Even throw in a "non-TransgenderED clause, WTF. I'll be by minana to sign. It's ADDIOS Eva!!! Hahahaha , besame', SeƱor Jose."

  11. +1 Montana. $5 on Eva... now if only there was footage and a kids pool filled with mud...

  12. South Bronx >East LA

  13. Hmm. Just to make things more interesting, how about Madonna for the A lister? She can sing though, but lip syncs a lot in her concerts, and she isn't very good as an actress despite her repeated attempts.

    Though I do have to say I really liked W/E which she directed.

  14. Sticking with my guess

  15. Don't think South Bronx would trump Texas bnr in this case, I think Eva would win that one

  16. Oh I like the Eva boyfriend creeping with JLo guesses.

    Where's the store manager? Bitch fight in Aisle 3.
