Sunday, July 27, 2014

Blind Item #7- Comic-Con

This actor/sometime porn star who has B list name recognition says that he also made a sex tape with Farrah Abraham but that he wouldn't play the pretend boyfriend game so she got James Deen. She still has the video though so he expects her to sell it at some point.


  1. Simon Rex? Where's count

  2. It better not be Ron Jeremy :(

  3. Count is waiting in the corner for us to make stupid guesses, then after we are all out of them, will step out and solve it for us.

    Did Simon Rex do porn? First I've heard that.

    1. @AllLace - he did a few solo jack off videos back in the late 90's(ish).

  4. Its already been solved--Ray J

  5. Oh Sandy, I saw Ron Jeremy at a concert. He is just so unattractive. I spotted him and pointed him out to my husband, who doubted me. Within a few minutes several military guys were coming up to him and asking to take a picture with him. By the end of the night he had fallen asleep in his chair. Not sure how he pulled this off as we were right close to the stage with the speakers within 15 ft, blaring loudly.

    1. My busty co-worker sat next to him on a plane. She said he was gross. All sweaty, greasy, and round as he is tall, but nice as could be.

    2. I watched him on Surreal Life years ago. Skeevy as his profession may be, he is actually quite intelligent, well-spoken and seemed quite a good guy. A good guy who wants to put his dick in everything. I think he has a masters in early childhood education or something.

  6. Who was the actor suspected of doing web porn before his break. Everyone agrees he's pretty hot. He would def be B.

  7. Yes, Rex did a porn film of himself solo back in the day

  8. So Ray J will pee on the lowest of low.
    Such a turn off! I like guys who are more particular about who they piss on.

  9. Yeah he was always grotesque but he had a big one so he left comedy for porn. He also could give himself a bj, which was his first porn movie role. Hes about 55 now and a fat slob.

  10. Get the Count bat-signal glowing.

  11. Sandy- the visual you gave me is beyond what I can handle this early in the morning (or anytime really). Your description of him as a fat slob was overly generous too.

  12. Dingle Barry - that is the perfect description, as round as he is tall. He was definitely shorter than average, which makes it harder to hide that extra 100 lbs, resulting in your description.

  13. Who would brag about making a Farrah sex tape? Even JPeen said it was awful, and that dude is into some kinky stuff (that may or may not involve produce, Jude Law and Joshua Jackson might know).

  14. Wait, wait: "he wouldn't play the pretend boyfriend game so she got James Deen."

    Deen wouldn't play the boyfriend game. He very famously and openly refused to play the boyfriend game from Day One. If Farrah was going from porn mope to porn mope insisting on one who'd play boyfriend before she'd release a tape, the released version wouldn't have been with Deen.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Oh Lady you have solved it!

  17. Joshua Jackson. . Hobe.

  18. I don't know. I am trying to confirm that Farrah and Rex cohosted together at Sapphire but can't find pics of them together. But Simon fits. I'm done looking this up because this is giving me the sads. I loved him in that Scary Movie where he played the 8 Mile rip off. And there was Charlie Sheen, some aliens, crop circles and Michael Jackson hiding under a blanket...
    I'd rather not picture him plowing her in the pooper while she wails like a goat

  19. I used to have the biggest crush on Simon Rex

    Had no idea he had a sex tape

    1. He worked in gay porn. They were all solo work. Just watching him jack off. It's still considered gay porn though.

  20. Ron Jeremy aka The Hedgehog.

    *hangs head in shame for knowing this, but wants to remain a JerkuLady*

  21. Instagram tells me Simon Rex is out of the country.

  22. LOL'ing at the comments!

  23. Just to toss this one out... Dustin Dimond (Screech from Saved By The Bell)? Actor, did that disgusting sex tape...

  24. IF the guy got paid for boning Farrah, he gets a pass. At that point is was a business transaction.
    The timeline also matters. If you factor out her personality and track record, Farrah isn't so ugly that a man would cut off his arm to get out of bed the morning after.

    1. U will also have to factor out crabs and herps, and possibly a wide hull tuna boat.

  25. OMG, if it was Screech, he TOTALLY should have played the boyfriend angle! You know? He still should. Let's face it, they both could use the press about now.

  26. Screech actually works well for this. I'm not sure Simon is a B Lister but Screech just for being Screetch is.

  27. Ugh this blind is giving me too many revolting visuals for this early in my morning....

  28. @AllLaceNoLeather: If you aren't paying him or feeding him, Ron Jeremy falls asleep. Even if you are trying to orgy with him.
    NSFW porn blog interview of Dennis Hof

    No way Ron paid his own way into the concert.

    @Cornflower: Everyone knows the Hedgehog, don't feel any shame. I bet his gut is too big to blow himself anymore.

    I would figure RayJ for the blind. I'm sure he wouldn't play BF because it would ruin his shot at whatever money mark broad he was werkin at the time.

    Would be a poor move for a whore though. If you think you gonna have any legs in the industry, you should always hold out a lil bit on IR and Anal. That drives up demand for it, and doesn't alienate racists right off the bat.

  29. D-rock FTW! Thanks AGAIN Count---and I don't even watch porn---it repulses me

  30. gross.... just gross..
