Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Blind Item #6

This A list mostly television actor who has moved on from television now to movies and theatre was telling a story two nights ago about how he once had sex with this A list action movie star back in the day when our first actor was still in the closet. The second actor is deep in the closet.


  1. NPH and Vin Diesel

  2. Not my Vin please :-(

  3. Anonymous8:03 AM


  4. Was Doogie ever in the closet?

  5. I don't find The Rock OR Vin Diesel attractive AT ALL. If I wanted to jerk off to Neanderthal looking men I would go see Planet of The Apes

    1. @Derek, thanks for the reminder that I need to go see the new ape movie!

    2. +1000
      - jerking off part cuz I don't want to see any other apes either, and I got no weenis

  6. Yep, Doogie was in the closet.

  7. @NN---when he was a young teen and rightfully so

  8. its funny that most of these butch action dudes all have gay rumors

  9. NPH and Hugh Jackman?

  10. @derek..agreed I don't either..not my type, not even straitham, whose a great guess, but wasn't in Hollywood back when NPH was still I closet
    Rocks been there for 15 years, he was just saying on a talk show...

  11. @derek..agreed I don't either..not my type, not even straitham, whose a great guess, but wasn't in Hollywood back when NPH was still I closet
    Rocks been there for 15 years, he was just saying on a talk show...

  12. NPH and Renner. That's a much better looking combo imo.

  13. I was reading on some other site that when Michael J. Fox was filming Family Ties he was dating a guy but it was all hush hush and Justine Bateman followed him around set taunting him calling him faggot and making limp wrist jokes etc.

  14. @derek, ALL male stars in Hollywood have gay rumours. It's from the pearl clutching of old Hollywood gossip, when people would gasp and say NO WAY WAS LIBERACE GAY! The world is not as progressive as we think it is when "secret homo" is still a source of titillation, right?

  15. @Seven---very true---

  16. well if the other is deep in the closet then why are you outing him

    not cool

  17. I think Vin and The Rock are very good looking men and I think it's very disrespectful to say they look like apes. Also I don't think it was ne of them but my love JCVD.

  18. your right---I should not insult Apes like least Apes don't do roids

  19. I thought Renner. Renner is "deep in the closet" as we know and perhaps his makeup artist circle was what introduced him and Neil.

  20. NHP & Jeremy Renner.

    I love the Vin but can't see NHP into muscle bears.

    Its sad that Renner has to be so secretive. That bearding debacle with the glamour model and fake baby only made people side eye why he is so desperate. I guess move go-ers are still so homophobic. it sucks.

  21. Depending on when, Imuh guess NPH & Will Smith (but it's probably Renner)

  22. I can see NPH and Renner together.

  23. NHP = NPH Neil Patrick Harris (no coffee yet today)

    And back to say i feel badly that people have to hide their true selves in order to stay employed. SUCKS.

    Stepping off soapbox to make some coffee.

  24. Well, it certainly seems as if our little NPH gets around a lot. And I immediately thought of JCVD as the other partner.

  25. JCVD = Jean Claude Van Damme?

    Isn't he a major puss hound? He's certainly made his rounds here in Asia. He even got a boner on TV when one girl was grinding up against him. I think the clip is still on YouTube.

  26. NPH. "back in the day" makes me think Jean Claude Van Damme.

  27. NPH & I was thinking Tom Cruise too. Especially since the "deep in the closet" and wasn't there a southpark episode like that?

  28. NPH & Kumar. Or Harold.

  29. The Rock is incredibly handsome when he isn't roided up. That smile...

  30. So Statham competed in the 1990 Commonwealth games. In diving. Not to generalise but....
