Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Blind Item #6

Some things never change. The first call this married foreign born former A- list singer makes when he goes to his hometown is to his ex-boyfriend. His wife expects it and knows it, but doesn't like it.


  1. Bryan Adams. Who knows tbh.

  2. Robbie Williams/Aida Field

  3. Sad who ever it is.

  4. Hey, as someone who's tried to sway a couple of gay guys in my foolish naive youth, I'm here to tell you it cannot be done. I even think that so-called "bisexual" men end up leaning far more to the gay side o' the spectrum. So if you marry a bisexual man, this should not surprise you.

    1. I don't think Gavin even says he is bi but that the years long relationship with a man was experimenting! Well publicly anyway. Dunno what he told Gwen!

  5. Robbie Williams was never A list in America. Is this rating for US or the home country because I would imagine he is still A list in the UK.

    I think this is Gavin/Gwen too.

  6. Gavin and Gwen. And Figgy I agree, most bisexual men lean towards men.

  7. Just as most bisexual women lean towards women for sexual satisfaction. This is apparently documented. The number of true bi sexuals, people who can easily swing both ways or live with both sexes together, in a threesome, where it is a balanced sharing arrangement is a very small percentage of the people who call themselves bisexuals at all. But for example a bisexual man may want children and also enjoy the company of women but sexually he needs sex with men.

    1. I dunno. I've slept with a bunch of lesbians and i'm a dude.

  8. Why did they even bother having another child? SMH.

  9. The ex being Marilyn, I guess.

  10. Gavin - who wants to see your shit on his dick.

  11. Gwen knew what she was getting into with Gavin. I think the newest baby was either a band-aid baby or Gwen wanted to try for a girl. I think she would love an adorable mini-me and wouldn't be surprised if they had one more.

  12. Gwen and Gavin in London now.

  13. I thought the buzz was that it wasn't Gavin's baby. Gay, Bi or whatever they're marriage has lasted longer than most in the business (12yrs). Like everyone was saying earlier, you aren't going to change people no matter how hard you try. She knew he was involved with boys before her.
