Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Blind Item #5

This A list mostly movie actress has been trying to go cold turkey on her drinking while pregnant, but hasn't been able to go more than a couple of days.


  1. Replies
    1. Nevermind, she's not based on pictures. I don't know why she came to mind or why I thought she was pregnant.

  2. that isn't even slightly funny

    fetal alcohol syndrome is not a joke

  3. @Montana, Fast!!! You got it!

  4. So Zoe is A list now? B+ list yes! But A list is too much

    1. @FrenchGirl Could be. She's in the highest grossing movie of all-time (Avatar) and she's in the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy.

  5. I was thinking ScarJo because there's a picture of her at a Martha Stewart party and there's a drink right in front of the dinner table. Doesn't mean it was hers exactly but thought it was a lil odd.

  6. If this is Zoe, I was wondering if that wouldn't be a big problem.

  7. True sign the woman is not ready to be a mother.

  8. @ Seven LOL @ The Daily Fail
    Maybe that was one of her sober days.

  9. @Freya and in the new Star Strek also.yes after all she 's the female lead in 3 franchises

    1. @FrenchGirl Yep. Completely forgot about Star Trek. 3 franchises- wow!

  10. Out of Scarlet, Zoe and Eva, i think Scarlett closest to A list

  11. Scarlett is more A-list but Zoe is known for drinking. This blind can be revealed as either one, doesn't matter.

  12. Zoe Saldana (also, yikes, get it together!)

  13. Mila? She is living with a party bot/smoker who is known to throw back a few. She lived with a drug addict for many years -- yet she comes across as clean and sober and wholesome(?).

  14. It is probably part of her PR plan. When she throws a special needs kind, she will make the rounds of all the morning talk shows.

  15. I'm with David, Mila.

  16. Mila. Ashton can't be a good influence or support

  17. How is Mila an A list actress though? I would go with the Zoe Saldana guesses

  18. Eva's a recovering meth addict. My money's on her.

  19. If Zoe is A list, then it is her.

  20. not Mila

    I think Ashton would put an immediate stop to that

  21. Wait what! Eva is a former meth addict? WTF have I been?

  22. Courtney, right? I had same reaction when i read that here coupla weeks ago. Whoever it is, you can do what you want but dont hurt your baby that way. Give the kid a chance.

    1. I guess I just find it hard to believe. I would've thought she was classier than that. I agree. Do what you will but no innocent baby deserves to be addicted to your problems. They just passed a law here in TN that if you give birth and fail a drug test, you're in some serious trouble. As far as I'm concerned you're committing attempted murder. Simply my opinion. @auntliddy

  23. whoever it is, GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER, you are hurting your baby.


    (FAS is a nightmare, those poor children)

  24. can someone point me in the direction of where it came out that Eva was a meth addict. My jaw just dropped.

  25. Uh, if stopping the use of alcohol for any given period of time involves the use of the words "cold turkey" then one clearly has a problem.

    Maybe think about that and make a real effort to get sober BEFORE getting pregnant next time?

  26. Eva has admitted to going to rehab before 4 personal issues
    Mila was doing hard drugs every step of the way with maccully. She likes her hard sht.
    1 of those 2 ^^^^

  27. No way is Zoe A-list. Just being cast in a big hit movie (or two) doesn't make one A-list. They have to be able to open a movie on their own. Zoe doesn't even have A-list name recognition.

    I consider A-listers to be people like Melissa McCarthy or Jon Hamm--you know, people whom everyone knows and can open a movie on their name only, but aren't quite at the super stardom of the Leos and Georges of the world.
