Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Blind Item #5

Network executives had planned a week on how exactly to be able to discreetly pull this former almost A list mostly movie actress out of an event in front of press because they expected her to show up drunk for the event. To their surprise she was stone cold sober and was the life of the event and the press raved about her and was as charming as the days when she was popular for being something other than a train wreck.


  1. Well we know who it isn't.

  2. Sharknado 2 premiere

    I am so happy if this is her. I have always had a soft spot for Melody Valentine.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I like the Tara Reid guess. She was in the random's yesterday.

  5. Good thinking, Riven. I forgot she's out promoting that sequel no one is anxiously waiting for.

  6. @Wigs I confess it's the dress I remembered.

  7. Or JLaw at the Dior fashion show, she admitted she was wasted at the Oscars, why not a fashion show. Except I would call her A

    1. Ah it said former, Nevermind

    2. @Zelda happens to me daily lol.

  8. It's funny, when I saw the pics of Tara at the premier I actually remember commenting in my head, "wow she looks really good"

  9. How about Lilo? Didnt she just shit out a charming interview about how cleaned up she was, 5 hours before she fell on her ass after partying?

  10. @zelda zonk
    What do "network executives" at a fashion show if it's about JLaw?? And in?more Lawrence is A+ list
    Here it's about Tara Reid at Sharknado 2 premiere

    And please don't believe all JLaw say ,she always exaggerated

  11. In spite of her trainwreck MO, I've always had a soft spot for Tara. She seems like a sweet chick.

  12. yeah Zelda get it together! *jokes*

  13. Tookiesmum: She is sweet. Many years ago, she showed up and worked at a telephone bank at a fundraiser for Children's Hospital in Birmingham, Alabama. No fanfare, no publicity. My son was also working the phones and was going "ga-ga" over her. I have always thought fondly of her since then.

  14. Message to all the entys
    Correct spelling is fab .
    Punctuation is your friend.
    Made up words are fun.
    Anagrams are too hard, so why bother
    Deja vu all over again is stupid & sounds exhausting.

  15. Dream on Skippy..

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I just looked at the premiere photos, and she looked great (and sober from what I could see)! But then I saw some photos from 7 years ago, holy hell she was a cutie

  18. You go, Terror! I'm glad you're getting your crap together. Just remember, no more lipo and a good waterproof sunscreen of at least 50 SPF.
