Sunday, July 27, 2014

Blind Item #5-Comic -Con

This almost A list mostly television actor from a very hit cable show was up to his old tricks again this weekend. Out of his mind drunk there were no breasts he refused to try and grope or butts to grab. There is nothing he loves more than an open bar and groupies.


  1. Darn, VIP you are fast!!!

  2. I don't really see how this is scandalous bc Norman Reedus can get it.

    1. Right?! Also I don't think he's as bad as enty likes to make him out to be. His cast mates seem to love him and so do the people who meet him.

    2. I buy it, but his Walking Dead character is about the same, so it just kind of feels like he's in character. Maybe that's why it's not a turn off?

      Miss you jducky ♡

    3. He just seems like a cool guy. He never really seems that wasted to me lol.

      <3 miss you too :)

  3. I wonder what gave this away?

  4. I just decided from now on no more showers because girls these days apparently like their drunks to also be dirty, filthy pigs.

  5. There is something dirty-sexy about that man!

  6. There is something dirty-sexy about that man!

  7. William Shatner - you old slut! Git Some (more)!

  8. A comment so nice, it has to be posted twice. Sorry about that.

  9. Livin' the dream!

  10. Do people in Hollywood not get normal drunk or normal high? They're always wasted out of their minds on pills or drugs or drunk out of their minds. So odd.

    I know someone who met Reedus and she said he's an absolute charmer and smelled good. He took a ton of photos with fans and even ignored the "meet and greet bracelet" thing. He doesn't do it for me, but he was apparently swarmed with ladies. Reedus can get it.

  11. Norman doesn't do it for me either.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. He's so sexy to me. The dirtier, the better.

  14. I've met Norman he's a gross pig. The reason he wears sun glasses inside is not to be cool. It's because he got piss drunk the night before & is still drunk/hung over. It's not cute or sexy at all.

    1. I read that the reason for the sunglasses is that he was in a bad accident and his face/eye socket was heavily damaged is and the lights/flash photos really bother his eye.
      He ALWAYS wears them at cons, so makes sense to me... Lots of flash photos all day, I'd be wearing them too!

      Or he could just be a hung over slut.

  15. Never met him, but he strikes me as the type who is lovely when sober, and an ass when he's drunk or hung over.

  16. Eh, if the worst thing he does is like to party, it doesn't hurt my fantasy one bit.

  17. I'm not supporting him fondling a woman against her will but those women that attend these type events should know that being groped is likely to happen. As for Norman, he seems to take the shotgun approach to banging a woman.

  18. Aww no not Norm again! I really can't work this guy out, one minute I'm hearing how nice he is from fans and people he's worked with and then next it's stuff like this. Could be a case of nice when sober, not when drunk I guess.

  19. Dinklage, get your shit together.

  20. Damn it. I knew I should have gone downtown this weekend ;)
