Thursday, July 24, 2014

Blind Item #4

This married former A list mostly television actor known for two great television roles and one of the original stars of one of the longest running shows ever cheated on his wife before they got married and is cheating again, but trying to break it off with a mistress who has been demanding more of his time and wants him to leave his wife which our actor will not do. A heated discussion was held over dinner with her storming out.


  1. Replies
    1. @VIP It's like the time Carrie was the other woman to Natasha

    2. @Lotta I hope the wife doesn't fall down the stairs and chip her tooth!

    3. They're so over they need a new word for over

  2. Not Ted Danson. He and Mary are tight. I think this is Noth.

  3. Funny Ted sprang to my mind first, but Chris Noth is excellent guess being that Law and Order has been on forever. Of coarse there's Big, and he's also on The Good Wife. It pays to be good looking.

    1. He's not good looking! Put your glasses on SYF. #teamaiden

  4. ER? Noah Wyle? Probably not. BTW, who the hell demands that the married man you've been seing leaves his wife? That's like bitching to your sublet-landlord that you want the deed to the house.

  5. I'm on the Kelsey Grammar train

  6. I don't think it's Kelsey. He wasn't on "Cheers" for the first 2 seasons, so I doubt he would be considered one of the "original stars".

    I'm thinking Chris Noth.

  7. It has to be someone from Law and Order or Saturday Night LIve, right? But it says one of the original stars so would have to be a first season cast member. I had no idea Chris Noth was on the first season of L&O! Great job.

  8. Grammer actually had only one great TV role albeit on two series.

  9. The Simpsons too. Could be him.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Kelsey Grammer had Cheers/Frasier and Boss, which most critics considered him fantastic in.

  12. Whenever I hear a chick say, "I'm dating a married guy. He's going to leave his wife, but he can't yet," I think to myself, "You are so stupid. Too bad I didn't meet you sooner." And most of the time the chick is the product of a divorce.

  13. Definitely Noth!

    Role on one of the longest running shows: L&O, followed by "Mr. Big" and now "Governor Florrick".

  14. Chris Noth is a great guess as he has a rumored rep for cheating. Kelsey Grammer is also a great guess. I am sure it is one of these two, but I choose to believe it is Kelsey because he is the bigger tool of the two

  15. Thought Ted Danson, then maybe Tom Selleck (magnum ran forever)

  16. Cleo, you read my mind. Chris Meloni.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Ted Danson or Ed O'Neill.
