Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Blind Item #4

This A+ list mostly movie actress threw a huge yelling and screaming fit at a doctor's office over the weekend. She was there to get some top secret botox but one of the employees of the office spilled the details and a gaggle of paps were waiting for her. Our actress will not be using the services of the doctor any longer.


  1. Replies
    1. I would think she has a live-in plastic surgeon. And Botoxologist. -)

  2. reese witherspoon

  3. Going with Nikki Kidman. Just because when I picture an A+ movie star yelling, I picture her. Not that her face looks like she's into "top secret Botox" - she hasn't moved her forehead in 10 years.

  4. I can't imagine Nicole's face moving enough to allow her to yell

  5. I think Spoon is a great guess, too - she'd definitely pitch a fit!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. There are so few referred to as A plus..
    Don't think kidman , or Reese are at this point. They are so,I'd A...Sandra is referred to as sometimes A plus


  8. I guess if we REALLY want to know who this is supposed to be, we need to comb the DM for photos of some A+ gal coming out of a medical facility.

  9. Or Angie...yes she does yell at people..

    1. My mate who worked on Unbroken said the opposite. He said she was super charismatic would come and thank the crew every day.

  10. It's Reece. She was papped leaving the office of a famous doctor's office last week. Can't remember which gossip site I saw the photo on.

  11. I'd be mad as hell if one of my doctor's employees spilled private information like that, too.

  12. On the Sandy side of the street

  13. WTF? I'd be pissed too if my Dr. was so inept he/she hired someone who would notify the press about whatever was being done.

  14. Oops, sorry Karen :) Didn't see your comment. Just read the thing and barged right in.

    Right on

  15. How is it that HIPAA rules don't apply in LA?

    1. Anonymous1:41 PM

      HIPAA applies only to doctors and facilities that accept any funding whatsoever from govt... Meaning if they don't accept Medicare/Medicaid than they're not beholden to federal privacy laws. Most high-end plastic surgeons in LA I would assume do NOT take those payments. Not to say I don't think a Dr has an ethical obligation to keep things private, but legally HIPAA doesn't always apply.

  16. Hey how about melanie griffith? She was photoed at tat removal place, how cld anyone hv known she was going to be there unless tipped off?

  17. The actress has a legit gripe. Plastic surgery, Botox, or not - a doctor has an obligation to guard her medical privacy.

  18. I hope those staffers all got fired. HIPAA is in place for a reason. Your medical info, whether silly or not, is still yours and yours alone.

  19. Reese was in DM yesterday leaving her dermatologist's office
    Team Reese here

  20. It can't be Kidman. Kidman's botox is delivered through tankers at her place. That's why her house is officially heated with heating oil, so nobody would notice the truck. The tanker is filled with botox instead, and she has enough stock for one month.

  21. You can't really blame the person wanting the doctor's employees to not share details of their visits. That is doctor patient confidentiality. The worker should be fired and count themselves lucky if they aren't sued.

    But then I guess that will all matter on if this is a "good" celebrity or a "bad" celebrity. You know, the same way a lot of folks here judge drug addiction as either a disease (if the person is nice) or the actions of a person who deserves to die (if it's a person like Charlie Sheen who isn't popular).

  22. Do they honestly think we don't notice when their faces don't freaking move! Either own it, or stop doing it, but quit deluding yourselves into thinking the public is oblivious to your inabilities to accept aging.

  23. Of course it's Reese Witherspoon and of course she had every right to throw a fit. Personally, I would have smiled sweetly and said my lawyer will be in touch.

  24. Enty calls Nicole just A.

  25. I'm also going with Reese. But is she still A+? When was her last hit? Only Sandy and Ange deserve that A+ tag at this time, along with Jennifer Lawrence. julia's only A. That clay-eating, less likable version of JLaw.

  26. The employee probably just tipped off the paps that she was there. That's not a HIPAA violation. Giving medical information - what she had done there - would be a HIPAA violation.

    Still, I'd be pissed too.

    Sandy or Reese.

  27. I'm definitely thinking Angie J.

    And IF I ever got Botox, which will be if someone drugs me and drags me there, I'd be pissed if some Betch from the office told ANYONE. It's not for her to say a thing.

  28. Everyone with eyes knows Nicole Kidman already uses botox--no point in hiding or pretending now. I'm going to say that it's someone who isn't a known user. Jessica Chastain?

  29. I could see this being Reese.

  30. Sandra. And I still love her despite new blinds making her out to be a bitch lol. Didnt enty reveal in another blind how she didn't go to some after party Matthew M was attending because she was "too nice." This actually sounds like it'd be hilarious to watch.

  31. Let's see..actress getting botox and thinking no one notices..no infinity symbol to use.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Sorry for the tl;dr. The basic thing is, even if you pay cash, clinics still make you sign the HIPAA agreement. If you bill electronically, even if it's not through a medical plan, they are beholden to the HIPAA agreement, even if you didn't sign it. The only medical clinics that don't process via a billing service (even in house) are either in Mexico or a 4th floor room in San Bernardino. Malpractice suits alone will kill your business if you have billing records.

    1. *if you don't have. I need more iced tea!

  34. I love the idea of Nicole Kidman screaming at the staff and doctor. Her face not moving or showing any emotion, just her mouth with filler duck lips moving like a cartoon.

  35. This really pisses me off. I work in the medical field, and YOU DON'T TALK ABOUT PATIENTS. EVER.

  36. Julia Roberts seems like the type that would throw a screaming fit. Nicole seems more like she'd just have her lawyer contact you about the lawsuit pending. The public might know you use Botox but I'd be pissed as shit if I showed up for a doctor's appt. and a bunch of paps are standing around trying to get your picture. You'd probably be looking like crap for the appointment too.
