Sunday, July 27, 2014

Blind Item #3 -Comic-Con

This foreign born A list mostly movie actor who doesn't seem to work much because it gets in the way of his partying managed to convince this B list mostly television actress from a hit almost network show to go back to his hotel room where he tried for a minute but failed to launch and then passed out.


  1. Mas tequila por favor

  2. Anna Lynne McCord for the unfortunate woman.

  3. Second guess is Orly Bloom

  4. Aww she must have been upset because she saw Ian feeling up Nikki Reed at their dinner table in the Hard Rock Cafe. Poor girl.

  5. Local San Diego papers/websites have shown a lot of photos of who is in town for CC, but haven't seen any of Gerard. But he makes sense since he has had limp issues in the past.

  6. Isn't he B+ at this point?

  7. He likes to eat gomer 's piles

  8. No,Butler is not A list! He's B+ list

  9. It's ORLANDO & Dobrev
    HeisenBlonde FTW
    HERE they are at the Playboy party

    1. Nooooooooo! I find this so disappointing, lady H!
      Make it not true

  10. Thanks FrenchGirl! Orly can barely keep his eyes open! Yeeeesh!

  11. If it's Butler it did not happen AT Comic Con

    if it is Bloom, doesn't he spend more time looking after his son vs partying

  12. LOL @ the "failed to launch" description. Too bad astronauts aren't celebrities anymore, that would have been perfect for an astronaut blind.

  13. LOL @ Lady he looks fucked up!!

  14. Nina trying to make Ian jealous

    I guess he won't be now

  15. Wasn't there a blind a few years ago about ALM hitting on Gerard and he said something like "too easy even for me">

  16. Gerard wouldn't turn down a goat much less alm.

  17. I don't think their is enough Scotch in California to keep me from Nina Dobrev is I had the opportunity.

  18. Say it ain't so Orlando! How is it that Orlando Bloom had such a promising launch into films with LOTR's and the Pirates OTC? He then proceeds to being led around by his dick then dumped by Miranda Kerr for someone richer. Onward goes the downward slide.

    Orlando! You need to give Viggo a call and go hang with him and learn a few tips about preserving a little mystery and keeping your distance from the skanky mob of HW. God he's proving to be just like all the other manwhores. Way to squash my crush.

  19. Just a thought... That "failed to launch" seemed too obvious not to be a clue, so I checked out the IMDB of that awful movie, and realized Zooey Dechanel is in that cinematic abortion. But Enty doesn't call Fox an "almost network", does he?
