Thursday, July 03, 2014

Blind Item #2

You would think this B+ list mostly movie actor who used to be an A list tweener would learn. Nope. He just couldn't pass up hanging out with his best friend and celebrating the friend's birthday. The same friend who has been his long time drug dealer and the one who makes sure the tweener is well supplied with drugs and women.


  1. Is the BFF that millionaire in a speedo?

  2. Lotta Gotta and so did Kristin

  3. why would you still refer to him as a tweener? he's like 27 now or something. anyways Zac seems to be doing fine right now so idk if I buy all these drug blinds.

  4. lol I was going to come in here and say "Well we know this isn't Zac Effron."

    I was under the impression Zac didn't like the poon. The blind did say woman not guys.

  5. Zac looked high as the 4th of July in that video.

  6. wow entry
    you literally just this item as a pic from mo's instagram and made an item out of it?
    how is this an item?

  7. wow entry
    you literally just this item as a pic from mo's instagram and made an item out of it?
    how is this an item?

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  10. wow entry
    you literally just this item as a pic from mo's instagram and made an item out of it?
    how is this an item?

  11. @jack
    becuase the entry literally made this item out of mo's instagram and zac will always be a former tweener till at least 30. so if anything entry isnt creative at all.

  12. Of course my first thought was Zaquisha too.

  13. Omg I know & I want to not like him but he's such good eye candy

  14. So now Zac Effron is B+ list actor !in what world ?? If Fassbender is B list ?

  15. By this point, it is kinda safe to assume Efron has put a pecker or 2 in his mouth for drugs, right?

  16. It's "Enty", not "Entry"

  17. LOL @ Brenda

    Yeah this is Zach

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Shia LaBeouf

    If you want supporting evidence...

    1. Or
      Shia LaBeouf
      Kid Cudi

      It could be either of them, all 3 are close. I picked Cage because his birthday is difficult to pin down online so it could have been recently, and the BFF has no rank or job description. I've never heard of Cage till I googled Shia. But reading a few articles made me look at Shia's behavior differently.

      And I originally did not pick Cudi because his birthday is in January and no ranking or job description is listed for the BFF. So it's intentionally vague or not someone famous. But, while Shia has had controversies for years, on wiki there's nothing from about 2011 till February 2014, which was the start of all the recent "I'm not famous" stuff. With Kudi's bday being January 30th, maybe Enty just now found out about that connection. And it doesn't actually say the birthday was recent.

      So it could be either of them with Shia. Or I'm totally wrong, I just like researching alternative guesses. Well, research in general.

      So I'm done Law & Ordering the shit out of this BI. I hope whomever this is gets the help they need.

  20. Ooh; thanks, @ Riven. The writing's even decent--fun, interesting take, & above dull-normal literate--reminds me of mid-90s Esquire.

    So Shia wanted to be Young Sean Penn/a homely Young Brando... but they came out of the gate brilliant; & so crazy-charismatic. Only saw him in Transformers,,, He may have made it watchable, tho not memorable. Never got his appeal--but he's so painfully earnest, & sounds so determined, &--kind of bright for such an idiot.

    Wish he'd bathe or something, but had no idea he'd cared so much. Geez--thanks a lot; now it seems like it'd be a pity if he just sort of up & did a Vincent Spano! [Um; supposed to be the Next Big Deal, Back In The Day. Young, ambitious, painfully earnest actors wanted to be "the next Vinnie Spano" or Rob Lowe ;) .]
