Monday, July 28, 2014

Blind Item #2

This C list celebrity has chosen money over family and has not seen her son in a very long time. She does talk to him on the phone but doesn't want to give up the money she is making right now being with this A list celebrity.


  1. Replies
    1. Yup. It's kind of hard to believe that there are actually people this soulless and motivated by financial greed out there in the world. I can't WAIT for Simon to leave her shameless, gold-digging ass in the dust. God is that going to be good...

  2. Simon cowells baby mama

  3. Simon's bitch/ho/golddigger sounmds right

  4. Let's hope she's putting some of that money aside for the poor lad's therapy in 20 years.

  5. Vera, don't look. It's not getting any better

  6. Give yo son some attention woman!

  7. Just to be different, I'll say Kelly Preston not seeing her son in Hawaii because she has her contract with John Travolta.

  8. That hyphenated beeatch Sandy lol

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. This reads like a woman who already had a kid when she hooked up with the A list. Cannot really be Simon's baby mama, because the kid is the reason they are together.

    1. Plus the kid is a baby. How is talking on the phone to a baby?

  11. She has a son with her husband andrew.

  12. Simon's piece has a son from a previous marriage.

  13. I'm going with the Kelly Preston guess as the blind mentions phone conversations and Laura Silverman's baby in only 5 months old. I find it interesting that the bio of Kelly's ex has this statement: Kevin and his ex-wife, Kelly Preston, had no children.

  14. Sandy, you're really disgusting in the way you talk about women.

    1. So ... This is the worst comment you've ever seen about women in the comment section????? You're hilarious!

    2. It's far from the worst, though it's typically coming from only a few people, Sandy being one of the most consistent.

    3. Oh puh-leese! Save it for someone who believes total BS!! There are CLEARLY several posters who consistently post vile things and I've never seen a word from you! You're just trying to stir up trouble!

    4. Um... okay "tillie".

    5. Tardy to the party, but Pip isn't a nasty troublemaker nor an infrequent poster.

      You might be thinking of Massive Knickerbottoms.

    6. Jinx @ Pip!

      I got an email from someone with a seriously gross pic, assumed it was MW.

    7. @Tillie must be a troll.

      Yes, I see the irony of my calling someone a troll. ;)

    8. Not a troll at all! I've been here for years and rarely comment. I just get irritated with people who fake outrage at certain people but encourage more vile behavior. It's so high school!

  15. Fergie came to mind since we never see her with Axl (or Josh). But he's too young to be talking on the phone and it sounds like señior Meth is what's keeping her MIA. No money to be made from that mess.

    1. There was pics of her with the baby over the weekend on the DM I think

  16. Oh, I forgot about the kid from the first marriage. Huummm.

  17. you couldn't exactly call Simon's SO a lady

  18. That's cold. If I was Simon I would think if she could ignore kid #1 then she could certainly ignore kid #2 if something more sparkly came along.

  19. That's cold. If I was Simon I would think if she could ignore kid #1 then she could certainly ignore kid #2 if something more sparkly came along.

  20. this woman is just ewwwww, she is hoping for a ring, she has a long way to go

  21. I was thinking of Pam Andersons boys, but she isn't with an A list celeb right now.

    1. Pamela's sons are pretty much grown now, aren't they? High teens at least.

  22. @beth. My guess is Simon is ready for her to find something more sparkley, and he'll take his son.
    Funny, I think this woman has some dbags in her future, a decent man is not going to look her way. SHES DONE!!
    FWIW. I haven't even heard that her divorce is final yet.
    She's sisgusting! But I don't believe she's getting what she wants, Simon's still working his harem and she has noooo say. Prob why it's so important for her to try to look smug when they're papped. She desperately wants ppl to think she's his one and only, she can't stand that she's not.

  23. Wonder what Pam's sons think of her escapades in Cannes and that jerk Rick Salomon. Are the boys with Dad? this summer while she flits around with the husband she is apparently not now divorcing. See DM.

  24. Simon tried to buy her off and have full custody of son but she won't give up the lifestyle for the $$ the delusional unicorn is hoping for a ring.

  25. Pam's kids are in a boarding school, and I believe they live with the grandparents during holidays.

    Kelly Preston's first child was scrubbed from IMDB and Wikipedia after an anti-$cio group pointed it out. It was on both of their IMDB profiles for a very long time. The child is rumoured to be disabled and lives with Preston's mother.

    Interesting spin on Lauren Silverman. The divorce decree is joint custody and Simon can't see her first son (or ever call him Dad). And she gets $3k a month in child support. There have been reports of how she deals with the custody situation sans Simon. But hey, spin it to win it!

  26. I know ya'll will understand I'm just blowing off some steam when I go ahead and say that I think it's okay that she does this...may as seems like kids just grow up not to give a shit about their parents anyway.

  27. LOL she actually thinks Simon will marry her

  28. Wait how old is Lauren's first son? I did a Google search and it came up with Sarah Silverman's sister. Whoops! That's Laura and her name is Lauren. Can't find any information on the first child though.

    1. Like 8 or 9. Old enough to talk on the phone.

    2. Thanks Aeol.

  29. @TTM...just the usual...devote life to raising and loving kid....kid treats parent like doormat.

    1. Kids come to their senses eventually! Keep your head up!

    2. It's true, Brenda, I don't even think I realised my parent was a separate person from me until I was in my early twenties. It'll get better, lady

  30. I guarantee she will be sorry in 20 years, if not before.

  31. I hope you are right! I am counting on you being right.

  32. Brenda: there is no job that is more thankless than being a parent. I have my mom hell for years like it was my job, but my parents have grown into my best friends. The same will happen for you. XoXo

  33. Thanks you guys, it means a lot. But right now it's hard not to tell Simon Cowell's woman to FLY! BE FREE! GO LIVE YOUR LIFE! :)

  34. Laura Silverman's son from her prior marriage should be old enough to talk on the phone. Toddler talk, not hardly heartfelt, but guess that's her choice.

  35. So, is she getting paid for every day she spends at Simon's side, nightly services or what?? I just don't at all see how traveling back to the States several times a month to spend time with her eldest child is going to cause her to "give up money."

    I do believe wholeheartedly that that's the excuse she's given herself for bailing, it's just that it makes roughly ZERO logical sense.

  36. No amount of money could keep me from my kids. That woman is a piece of shit. Simon should pay her off and raise the new baby himself.

  37. This is sad. I hope his dad is a good father, so at least he has that. It can't be good to know that your mom picked her lover/new baby daddy over you. Simon is never faithful long, so at some point she will probably go running back with her tail between her legs, begging to be back in her son's life. In the meantime, the new baby and her son don't get to grow up together. Tragic!

  38. guys it's not so much "giving up money" as a constant fear of being replaced if she's gone to long on other mommy duty.. the other kid.. simon doesn't stay lonely ever.. if she isn't constantly there someone younger, prettier, hungrier for it will be.

  39. My theory on why Laura Silverman won't see her 9 yo son is partly because she's not allowed to have him around Simon, but it's 90% fear that if she's gone, even for a few days, she and her new kid might quickly be forgotten or she may lose her place I. The rotation, and bye-bye lifestyles of the rich and famous. She has got to keep her finger in Simon's pie.

  40. If you're that insecure there is nothing that can be done. Give it ten years. Simon will have dumped her and her son won't want anything to do with her.

  41. Part of lauren'ss divorce was agreeing to stipulation that her older son cld never be in the company of simon. So to see him, she has to leave her oyher son, or bring baby with her. It was/ is a terrible deal she made; i wld have never agreed to it.

    1. And, as a parent, i dont care how much you hate your spouse, think if your child's welfare. "I wont be seeing mom because she's a whore who had sex with daddys friend and got pregnant with my brother, who has mom with him all the time, while for me, she literally phones it in. Dont worry i will grow up completely well adjusted with tons of love and trust for women. ". And i dont think lauren fears simon will cheat; he's already done that, its part of his lifestyle. I think she fears he will take off with the baby, as in,"Oh, mum, you're back from america? Just miseed simon and baby! Went to malta!" Followed by,"Oh mum, sorry, they left this morning for switzerland!" And on and on, until she dies of old age on an airplane to Tasmania.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. LOVE this so hard - Dies of old age on an airplane to Tasmania. LMAO!
