Sunday, July 27, 2014

Blind Item #2

The publicist of this A list mostly movie actress with the Academy Award has called in all kinds of favors and our actress has also done some spinning. They are trying to make it look like our actress is trying to save her marriage and that her celebrity soon to be ex keeps ruining it by sleeping with other women. Meanwhile of course our actress has two or three guys she is sleeping with while she looks for new funding.


  1. Goopy and Steve the publicist.

  2. Gwyneth. And I didn't think I could like her any less.

  3. HWOOD RULE: always use someone else's funds.

  4. They both got shade:)

  5. Goopie and if Chris's girlfriend is really pregnant it's score one for the Goop

  6. Funding? For her rich lifestyle? Isn't she rich on her own?

  7. PR not doing a very good job b/c I'm not under the impression GOOP's trying to saver marriage.
    As for Kidman, I'm not thinking her troubled marriage is well known enough for her to need to publically try to save it. IMHO

  8. SYF, I think Goop and Chris have been seen wearing their wedding bands recently. Also, they've been dining together.

    1. RenoBlonde - yeah, totally remember that recently, but seems like that disappeared as fast as it had appeared and he was ???shacking up with A Chung??? (And a bl ppl were guessing Chung to be preg by Martin:not that it's true) I was just thinking Goop gave up recouping her hubby.

      Maybe just wishful thinking cuz I'm sick of hearing about her. Lol

  9. FWIW...I truly think he'll win in end..I met him and hung with him(he fancied my lil sis)and Gwyneth showed up I e night..stone cold Bitch
    He one of the most charming genuinely nice guys...ever
    All th coldplay boys hated her..they called her Yolo the buzzkill

  10. Replies
    1. Trish, yes i cld so totally see her being a super buzzkill. Like yoko Oh-no!!, which was always the perfect name for her, lol

  11. Oops should clarify. This is when they just started dating lol

  12. Funding being for her style sight? Didn't the CEO walk? Never a good sign.

  13. I've read somewhere that the Goop site has some serious debt problems. At any rate, Fishstick probably doesn't pay for anything and expects someone else to finance her every whim.

    Chris has been seemed much nicer since the separation. He's going to win their passive/aggressive battle of uncoupling, even if some girlfriend is knocked up.

    1. Exactly. Why? Because EVERYONE hates Goopy Paltrow. Chris can do no wrong. He just needs to keep quiet and let her hang herself.

  14. Paltrow doesn't give a rat's ass about the public's opinion about her lavish lifestyle posturings but she really seems determined to put a spin on break up of her marriage. Let it go already, dumbass, and go back to your ghost-written cookbooks and the grossly overpriced crapola on your website for crissake.

  15. I like saying "Frozen Fish Sticks."

  16. Melanie Griffith and Antonio Banderas

  17. Goopy Paltrow or Granny Freeze Kidman

  18. the latest goop email blast had her talking about what her kids loved to eat and she said her kids loved to eat frozen fish sticks!!
    it's like she's just baiting us!

  19. The problem with raising funding is anybody that wanted to sleep with either Goopy or Kidman already has so no money.
