Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Blind Item #2

This B list mostly movie actress needs a new role to stay relevant. Right now she is making indies and has had a problem with a director she used to date. Anyway, another problem she might have is that nose candy issue since she was doing lines at lunch. You know you have issues when you are doing lines in the middle of the day.


  1. I dont think Rose McGowan is mostly movies but I think this is her, she looked really high in a pic I saw yesterday.

    1. +1
      I gotta admit, my thoughts went right to that picture too. I'd call her mostly movie, isn't Charmed her only tv show?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Rosario Dawson? She dated Danny Boyle

  4. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Was gonna say Stewart but I'm not fast enough. And I'm pretty sure you might have issues when you are doing lines At All.

  5. So, wat? u Enterns do coke @ like midnight?

    1. #cokeforlunch

    2. Right? I've never done cocaine but I was thinking, is it a 5 o'clock somewhere thing? Doesn't coke hype you up? Wouldn't that make using it at lunch rather than 9PM a better idea? Was it done on a toilet seat lid or an iPad screen?

    3. Good point, Seven.

    4. If you know how to party, you always bring a lil Lysol to clean up (wait 10 mins for proper disinfection) but I use the back of the toilet shelf, never on the seat.

    5. A cigarette box works well too, if you're stuck.

    6. @WareCat so sorry about your cat. Take care of your mam too.x

    7. Aw! Thank u, everyone.
      My poor mom had to wrk 10hrs thru the nite after wat happened.
      I gave her a Xanax & tucked her in bed when she came home this morning.

      I wish a speedy recovery for ur Pops, ghoul!

    8. Coke is for squares...

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Michelle Williams! Spike jonze

  9. Stewart is doing an Indie that she's the 4th choice for, and just got dropped for SWATH2. She's also been looking like death warmed over for years now.

  10. I would do lines in the middle of the day if I could but I'm broke and can't afford the good stuff. Booze it is!

  11. I don't think it's KStew (I'm biased I know) but enty doesn't mention how much he hates the actress so it can't be her. Whoever it is sounds fun though.

  12. I thought kstew was all movie though? Idk how, she is such a horrible actress. But for some reason she is growing on me

  13. Stewart also just dropped a good amount of weight very quickly. She's been in the news also, because she had her lawyer contact Joan Rivers, about her "Juggling directors balls" comment. Joan is just using it for more press for her book.

  14. Yeah, Kstew, also since there was that whole "rockin the boat" with that one director guy.

    lol, just for laughs though, what if it were K. Dunst?

  15. Great guess at Cami, but did she date director?

  16. My first thought was Dunst. I googled her and saw that she's also done TV.
    (But Bl says ust " mostly movie"...)

    IDk. I need a line to think better... And faster.

  17. I think K Stew is on heroin.
    She's an odd chick to begin w/
    but the way she acted when she presented @ the Oscars one yr, looked like she was dropped off by the H train.

  18. @SYF, it's not lunchtime yet! Enty does not approve!!


  19. Typically it would be wine for lunch THEN lines for desert. The rest of the day wasn't that productive honestly.

  20. KStew maybe but I think it's someone else we haven't mentioned

  21. Jennifer Love Hewitt

  22. @ SharkWeek - JLH just got reoccurring role on... Some TV crime drama series.

    @ Seven.., lets do it anyways. After one line we won't care what anyone thinks. Snifffffffffff. Emmmmm. Ahhhhhh - much better.
    Anyone else like a lil bump?

  23. Reid?

    Ok, i'll stop, now I'm just throwing names out there. And I don't think that's how this works.

  24. This one's gold Enty: "You know you have issues when you are doing lines in the middle of the day."

    I mean, is there EVER an appropriate place or time to use coke?! You know, unless we're all hopping in a time machine back to the 80's in which case I'm definitely heading straight to my childhood bedroom to pick up my beloved Cabbage Patch Doll and Glow Worm!

  25. Chloe Sevigny?

  26. Did Kristen really "date" that director or just sleep with him on occasion? I'm going with Rosario on this one.

  27. Kristen is big in my house, so I know all about her rave reviews at Cannes and with critics for Clouds of Sils Maria. That movie and Camp X Ray are making the film festival rounds and getting awards talk. American Ultra just finished filming. The Big Shoe filming in August and Equals in October. Still Alice, with Julianne Moore waiting to be released. The kids can remember all this, but can't remember to take their plates off the table. I know some think Kristen is desperate for work, but she has six movies in finished and two more to shoot this year.

  28. Anonymous2:01 PM

    you know you have issues if you're doing lines PERIOD.

  29. Its true - respectable people do their lines before/and after work. Breakfast and Dinner. Everyone knows if you need a mid afternoon pick me up - key bumps in the bathroom.
    I kid...I kid...

  30. Seems like the middle of the day would be a good time to do lines of coke, so it wouldn't interfere with sleep! That's the exhausted mom in me talking.

  31. Rosario Dawson's Poster for the new Sin City is all over the place lookin' fierce in her leather S&M bodysuit! -She's lookin' VERY relevant!!

  32. I agree fancy
    And y'all are naming actresses that started when they were children No bueno

  33. And it is clearly not Chloe sevigny
    She got her first film role as a Tween (back when Tweens were cool) through Kim Gordon cause she babysat her kid smh
