Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Blind Item #2

This B list mostly movie actor from some of the biggest movies of all-time who has also done some quirky television was hammered at an event the other night while doing press and was being overly aggressive with a couple of the waiters he thought were good looking. Lots of groping and begging them to go to his hotel with him.


  1. Spacey is A, right?

  2. Shia
    WTH, if I answer shia to every blind, I'm GUARANTEED to get the Coveted 1 right. ; D
    Too bad I have to go to work...: (
    Anybody want to answer in my name?
    just write:
    By The Power of Steampunk! Shia
    Bwahahaha (optional)

    1. LOL Steamy. Have fun at work.

  3. I immediately thought Elijah Wood, too - Lord of the Rings and that Netflix show with the dog man that I haven't seen. (Wilfred? Winifred?) And there have been BIs that have suggested he's not in the ladies corner of the room.

    I read an article a few years ago that talked about how when he was filming LotR, his nail biting was getting out of hand. Like bleeding fingers. After that, I watched the movie again and immediately noticed how his nails were bit to the quick. I have no idea what this has to do with the BI, it's just a random Jeopardy question.

    1. Hahaha I point his nails out to anyone who I can persuade to watch the movies with me. The show is Wilfred and is super funny.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. @sandy..kaiser Sosa a list foreva!!

  5. Was the use of the word "waiters" instead of "waitress" intentional? That would change some of the guesses as the person would be asking other men to come back to his hotel

  6. Have you seen the aussie version of wilfred? Super funny....or maybe i'm just biased...oi oi oi!

  7. I've never noticed Elijah's nails but will be sure to look for it now.

  8. Elijah probably.
    Anyone ever remember the creepy movie he did as a kid called "The Lady in White" ?

    1. @AJ. Wasn't that Lukas Hass? Elijah was in "The Good Son" with Macalley Caulkin.

    2. @Geyeld.
      You are absolutely right. I mind melded Lucas & Elijah into the same person.
      Oops. My bad. LOL.

  9. Anonymous7:41 AM

    I really want this to b kaiser souze.

  10. @TriciaS. I'd say Spacey is A. He sprang to mind. But also, personally, I can't think of any TV. (You prob can cuz ur super guesser!)

  11. Why do so many celebrities reek of desperation??

  12. spacey is not B list.

  13. Lucas Hass did lady in white and he's mostly indie movies with tv guest spots so not him

    1. Alaina
      Thanks. For some reason I was thinking it was Elijah for that movie. Haven't seen it since I was a kid.

  14. Elijah Wood creeped me the eff out in the movie "Sin City".

  15. Kevin Spacey had one of his greatest roles on tv-- Mel Profitt on Wise Guys in the 80s pretty much made him a star.

  16. Why is this blind worthy unless his advances made the waitstaff uncomfortable and they told him to stop and the actor refused to listen? Which, if that was the case is flat out sexual harassment which, gay/straight/trans/whatever is WRONG.

  17. Also, my guess is Travolta who is apparently known as being a super aggressive, sexually assaulting closet case who seemingly pays off his victims to keep quiet or go away if they ever do come forward.

    What I find most intersting about that is the fact that said accusors always somehow manage to report their stories years later to the media rather than ever going to the police at the time of their alleged attacks. Hmm...

  18. was Going w/Leo..movie Titanic, growing pains for the tv show but I'll get on EW train..choochoo

  19. Mel Profitt, now there's a character blast from the past. Wiseguy was such a brilliant show for a while.

  20. James Franco is my guess although he is probably A. Elijah Wood freaked me out in Sin City too.

  21. Woody Harrelson. He has a freak flag.

    1. And waves it and waves it and waves it.

  22. The guy who plays Wilfred is a thug. Booooooo!

  23. Elijah Wood. And it's Keyser Söze, btw.
