Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Blind Item #1

This B list mostly movie actress is having her part reduced significantly in her new movie because her acting has been really awful. What was supposed to be a fairly major part for the actress trying to be known for more than just a relationship is turning into a tiny role with just a few lines. I don't know where that once promising actress went.


  1. Blake or Megan Fox?

  2. Replies
    1. That's where my thoughts went.

    2. I think back in the "Dawson's Creek" era, Katie was considered a sttrong contender there, MollyMo. : D

  3. Was Amber Heard ever considered promising? In her acting career, that is......

  4. I think "promising" leaves out a lot of people like Biel, Alba etc

  5. KStew? This assumes her relationship was bigger than the actual Twilight movies.

    Why is Elisabetta Canalis the only other guess I can come up with?! I realize it's not her but... off to get more coffee.

  6. Think it's Katie Holmes for sure - nice guess, y'all. Think she's half in the bag on set?

  7. hey steamy ready for your big tv nite?
    Big Brother
    Extant and
    SHARKNADO 2!!!

    1. NO! Snark HEAVEN (awehaw!) Be there or BSquared!

  8. A thought on Katie Holmes: I'm sure she got a boatload of money from Tom, and it seems her heart's not in acting any more, plus she's probably pretty emotionally wrecked still. She should go back to school or throw herself into volunteerism or something. Find something she's really passionate about to give her life a renewed sense of meaning (other than raising her daughter, obviously). Are you listening, Katie :-)?

    1. +1

      Or go help Joshua mend his broken heart (from the break up of his "secret" marriage.)

  9. @MollyMo-Good Guess!! U got it I think (sadly) with Katie Holmes.
    Sadly because I really loved her in Pieces Of April-she makes me cry everytime I watch it on Thanksgiving.

  10. re:Katie holmes-must be that movie w/Meryl Streep set in Africa since they're editing it now.too bad,awesome opportunity for her.

  11. Oh Jeez Katie had to act opposite Meryl? No wonder she looks bad.
    I thought she was great in Pieces of April too. That was the promise part there.

  12. Wasn't Katie H the popular guess for the actress drinking too much blinds. She is certainly best known from the relationship with Tom C.

  13. Katie is shady as fuck. Don't know why Reno and I have to KEEP telling you folks! :D

    Seriously, she is.

  14. Why is she shady?

  15. @Fru: If Katie is emotionally wrecked from a bearding relationship ending, broad needs therapy, not school.

    1. @CJ - fine. Therapy in the morning, volunteering at a soup kitchen in the afternoon. She'll be all fixed up in no time!

  16. Katie plays the protagonist's mother in The Giver and she's playing Ryan Reynolds wife in Women In Gold. These are bit parts and don't understand how they could decrease the part any further.

  17. Blake, Harrison Ford called her a no-talent

    1. @MISCH He's not lying. She's horrible.

  18. Speaking of Blake, has anyone checked out her site, Goop Lite? When interviewed, Martha Stewart told the reporter Blake should stick with acting. In a nice way, she was dogging Blake from all sides.
    Also, if you want a real WTF moment, check out her interview with Vogue.
    Name a movie that made you laugh all the way through, chick said Shawshank Redemption.

    1. @Freya - Shawshank? She serious?

  19. I like the Katie H. guess-she was considered promising after her Pieces of April and Thank You for Smoking roles......

    don't know that Blake was considered promising well except for her turn in The Town

  20. I think the Katie guess is right.

    As for Blake, she obviously has never seen Shawshank, but saw it on a list of movies everyone should see.

  21. Nolan had to re-cast Holmes's role in the Dark Knight trilogy because she was so god awful in Batman Begins. The studio let it appear like she "quit" the franchise in order to appear in a Diane Keaton/Queen Latifah caper that no one remembers.

  22. Whoever it is if they were so awful why didn't they notice it before now?

    I can believe the parts are being cut out but not for the reason stated here.

  23. Megan is a shockingly bad actress

    Megan Fox says 'a lot of girl power' was cut from 'Ninja Turtles'

    from Entertainement weekly

  24. i wonder what m bay got in exchange for casting fox in TMNT. he obviously already knew how horrible an actress she was. the sex can't have been THAT amazing. maybe she has something on him?

  25. also, this is katie holmes

  26. Mmmhh. Yeah Katie Holmes and the Giver.
    Alexander Skarsgard has a role in it too but it isn't being publicized much.

  27. @LooLoo: Yep. her performance was wooden and emotionless. Probably the same as when she bangs.

    Wooden is worse than Dead Fish, cause atleast dead fish are limp and maneuverable.
