Thursday, July 24, 2014

Blind Item #1

At a recent concert this former A+ list singer who has dropped to A-/B+ threw out a skirt to the fans and a fan in a wheelchair caught it. After the show one of her minions came out and demanded the wheelchair fan give the skirt back.  She also won't stop or do a meet and greet for fans unless she gets paid a significant amount of money in cash in advance.


  1. Replies
    1. I can't see anyone else taking clothing off as part of the act, so gotta be Gaga. Or wait, didn't someone go see Cher recently? Do we have any intel on that?

  2. She obviously knows and appreciates good PR.

  3. I just hope the bitch remembered her panties

  4. She didn't want it put up on ebay

  5. I'm going with GaGa..aAdonna is forever A+ in my book

  6. @TTM, cher is forever A+! at least in my heart.

  7. Goodness GaGa. Tame your bitch already. So unflattering!

  8. WHAT?!! Sorry, but once you throw something out into the audience, you are giving it away. That's some fucked up concert bullshit. Whoever it is, I hope people who are fans, start boycotting her concerts.

    Celebrities seem to forget that what goes up, must come down. All those people they treated like shit while up, will not be around for sympathy when they come crashing down.

    I'm going to guess Gaga. Something about her just isn't quite right. (well, i guess we could say that about most celebrities, eh?).

  9. @TTM: Cher would NEVER ask for something back that she threw into the audience. Not her style at all. Something like this blind comes from a fairly newcomer (last decade) who thinks they are hot shit and can treat fans w/ disrespect. I think the mature, more experienced performers KNOW that w/o their fans, they don't make money.

    1. I know, just joshing, nora. I can't see a 68 year old lady (even one as fabulous as Cher) throwing her kit out to the masses but gawd luv her if she did

    2. +1 nora
      Where have you been all my life?

  10. BullPucky
    The gofer was going to get it autographed and the kid said it was worth more WITHOUT it, lol.

  11. And the fan being in a wheelchair has nothing to do with anything.

    1. Thank you, liddy. That was my thought, too. Rude!

  12. All top draw musical entertainers get paid to do meet and greets. And the bigger the act the bigger the price for the meet and greet.

  13. I agree @auntliddy. Like it would be okay to take back the skirt from someone who could walk, but not someone in a wheelchair? Shoot, these blinds are written by 14 year olds now, I swear. Was a puppy involved too?

  14. Cher spends too much time getting into her very intricate costumes to be throwing bits into the audience.

  15. When my mom was younger, she saw James Brown in concert. He flipped his cape out in the audience and two women grabbed it. Needless to say, James didn't attempt to get it back.

  16. No way that skirt would go back if I got it

    1. Now I wanna know what you would do with it, Misch! Teeny tiny lamp shade? Litter box liner? Framed on the wall?

  17. What actually happened:

    Took all of 2 minutes to find.

  18. @Tricia - Madonna is forever A+. Also, she's not currently on tour.

  19. Thanks for the link, JMY. I have no love for Gaga anymore but appreciate hard facts vs. Enty spin.

  20. Reminds me of the story of NFL QB Dante Culpepper. He was at an event, and some kid said, "Dante, gimme some of that bling." Culpepper took off a gold chain w/ big pendant, and gave it to the kid. When the event was over, he had his security team block the kid and his parents from leaving until the kid gave the chain back.

    I'd have told the singer to go fuck herself, and as soon as security blocked my path of exit, called the police.

  21. Madonna knows better than to do that. Bad PR.

    Gaga doesn't seem to be able to tame the bitch inside.

  22. Bottomline anything you throw the stage you need to expect you are not getting it back.

    Adam Levine would give away a guitar at the end of each Maroon 5 concert not sure if he still does that.

    If it is a skirt and you must throw it off stage make several copies of it, duh.

  23. Avril Lavigne. She is a weirdo who demands her fans not touch her

  24. Don't think any way it's Cher or Madonna, who are always A list. Gaga although I do find it surprising.

  25. Smiley!!! She "won't stop" because she can't stop

  26. Damn it Gaga, and I loved the Art Pop CD..

  27. We'll if you read the actual story it said she threw it down on the stage/catwalk (a dancer was suppose to pick it up). A fan reached up and stole it off the stage and then gave it to his friend who happened to be in a wheelchair. They took a bunch of photos with it after the show and then decided to return it to Gaga. Nowhere does it imply anyone in Gaga's employ chased her down and took it back. Considering it was snatched off the stage they would have had every right to do that but they didn't. I'm not a Gaga fan but get the damn story straight. This whole thing is BS.

  28. Gaga posted this on twitter "I wanna meet Krissy who caught my swine skirt. Thank u�� I love it and you too mermaid"

  29. yaaaay @talk too much

  30. LOL @Rosie Riveter - Warm fuzzies. /big hug

    @TTM oh my gosh!!! You just reminded me of her age...for some reason in my mind, I picture Cher much younger. I keep forgetting that Cher is almost 70 years old!!! O_o

  31. @Lula - thank you for posting the whole story. Sometimes these blinds tend to leave out information, that of course, can make it sound worse than what it was.

    I still stand by my post that celebrities need to appreciate their fans. Those mansions, private jets and exotic vacations would never happen w/o their fans.
