Monday, July 21, 2014

Blind Item #1

This foreign born former A list mostly television actor who rarely gets good roles now and is living off that one good role in that huge network hit back in the day might not be married for long. Apparently our actor is back on drugs and booze in a big way and refuses to go to rehab. His family is discussing an intervention.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. He's on Extant with Halle berry

  2. Dr House? I have no idea

  3. Yes, he is...but I is anyone watching that? Dunno much about it

  4. Replies
    1. Bàlki is restoring old homes.its on one of the home improvement channels.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I like the house guess. Oh and hi to all. Long time reader first time commenting. I've enjoyed reading all your comments for sooo long, I thought I might join in 😁

  8. Balki aka Bronson Pinchot is american ,he's born in NY in 1959

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I agree with Goran Visnic. I love him as an actor but since ER has had sucky roles with Red Widow and Extant. He's too hot for roles that low.

  11. House is back in England with his family, working on his music...

  12. @cleo, Dang I deleted my post of Goran...I was the first post lol
    Still think could be him reguardless of show he is on now

  13. Goran was never A list on E and probably not getting big residual checks from that.
    Hugh Laurie most likely

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I don't think this is House.

    One of my friends is currently in Budapest, and posted that she had tickets to see him play (with his band) on Saturday night. She included a photo of the ticket.

  16. I don't know if its Goran but agree with the comment that he is too hot for roles that he is doing now

    he is god awful boring in the hideous Extant

    how is that even possible????? Hottie McHotterson

  17. It's definitely not Hugh Laurie (House). He's been on a world tour with his band and fans have been posting on Twitter how great the shows are. He was also offered the lead role on Crossbones but turned it down because he did not want to return to TV so soon after a long run choosing instead to follow his dream of being a musician.

  18. Nothing about Hugh Laurie's music career excludes him from being the subject of this blind. The residual checks from House probably allow him to do music instead of acting, as the band only gets a partial cut of the overall money from the tour. In fact, touring with his band would probably increase the odds of him using drugs and booze, and refusing to go to rehab.

    I vote Hugh Laurie.

  19. Is Matthew Perry married?

  20. Jason Priestly, 90210

  21. @Megan, the blind also states that the actor "rarely gets good roles". Any network would LOVE to have Hugh as their star whether he were an addict or not. Is fan base is huge. Also, he recently wrapped a movie with George Clooney so he can still get roles if he wants them.

  22. I'm guessing supposed to be Hugh Laurie, who has suffered from chronic depression in the past. And everyone knows depressed people are drunk pill-poppers, right? {eyeroll}

    Of course, it most likely isn't true. His tour has gotten rave reviews and he never appears to be drunk or drugged when performing or taking photos with fans. Unless he has the magical switching off a hangover power (from Hogwarts, of course), the only pill-popping he's likely doing is Paxil.

    He's gone on record saying he doesn't want to return to TV but is interested in directing. Oh, and he's playing the bad guy in George Clooney's Tomorrowland.

  23. First person to pop into my head Micheal J Fox (canada) but the ONLY reason I think he ever did drugs was because of Bright Lights Big City. So I'm sure I'm wrong.

  24. But was Visnjic ever on drugs or booze? IIRC he was never linked to any of that (though he cheated on his wife and had a kid he never sees).

    What about Kirk Cameron, show being Growing Pains?

  25. The blind says "... back in the day." Wouldn't that indicate someone on a show further back than "House"? No guess here, just think it's not a recent show.

  26. Maybe back to the good old Kelsey Grammar stand-by guess?

  27. Tony Danza is more of a health nut I believe.

  28. Eric McCormick canadian
