Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Blind Item #1

This foreign born A list mostly movie actor has been in this space a few times in the past week. He holds himself out to be this happily married man, but for the second time in a week he was spotted with a woman who is not his wife. He should just get divorced because he is not being very shy about his infidelities and it is going to be ugly.


  1. Replies
    1. Might not be him of course. But sad if it is.

  2. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Are we just naming James Bond actors then?

  3. Yeah, I was thinking Daniel Craig as well.

  4. Sean conneryy@ sandy!!!!

    I jokin'

  5. But of course!
    Roger Moore likes boys, so not him....

  6. Geor Lazenby then.

  7. Guido FTW! It was pretty obvious all the time it was George.

  8. Reason I said D.Craig(seriously) is because Rachael Weicz is a spitfire, and rumored I think it could get very "ugly"

  9. This should be easy, but I'm drawing a blank.
    Who's been popping up this week? I haven't been around much.

  10. If D Craig, maybe he's rubbing it RW's cheatin' face. Maybe he wants her to want to just give up.

  11. This blind is very vague like most of these B.S. blinds. My guess is Javier Bardem.

  12. @ sincerely...could be...I think I read somewhere that gives 0 fucks bout what fallout there may be

  13. Pierce, sounds good. I've always been surprised how much weight his wife put on after they married, it was really right after, & just climbed up.

  14. I was coming to say basically the same thing, Jessica. I saw a picture of them together yesterday and I was honestly shocked by her weight gain. I hadn't seen a picture of her in ages so the drastic difference was a bit startling.

  15. Sorry to be guessing this because he seems like such a stand up guy but Pierce Brosnan.

  16. Pierce & his wife got married when I was a kid. She used to be one of the reporters on Entertainment Tongiht & hadn't seen her a a while. She has put on alot since they got married.

  17. Shame if it's Pierce.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Pierce is my one and only Hollywood crush. It is NOT him! No no no no no.

  20. He did not look his charming self on the red carpet this weekend, with his co-star of whatever movie he is promoting, I was shocked so I looked up a few other photos and he had the same don't want to be here look on his face in more than one photo.

    Pierce's weight has fluctuated over the past 10 years, just saying.

  21. Just for debate's sake, how about Hugh Jackman? Scratch that. He isn't former A.

  22. I do not think Pierce is, I looked his instagram and he has been with his son throughout the week in Washington until Monday he was one day in new york presenting his film (interview, premiere ) and he down to washington

  23. I find it hard to believe that his affection for his wife would have drastically changed since he gave this interview on Msrch 31 (and his wife was heavy then, too. They've been married 10 years; I find it hard to understand why you all think he would suddenly be put out by her weight gain (which did admittedly begin not too long after they married).
    (Sorry not clicky.)

  24. Skittle Kitty - It could be because we're just positing answers for a blind item, not writing a well researched piece of non-fiction on the marriage of Pierce Brosnan and Keely Shaye Smith.

  25. Not sure Ryan Reynolds is A, but to be original I am guessing him.

  26. Why bc his wife put on weight that's reason He is leaving her?! No way. I think this is Daniel Craig. Leaving bc his wife is.a bitch and he is just dumb.

  27. Keely has always been curvy. I don't think it's Brosnan.

    Now Daniel Craig is another story. A definite contender.

  28. Brosnan started dating Smith in '94 when she was thin. She had already begun to put on weight when they got married 13 years ago. She's steadily gotten fatter and has been morbidly obese for years.

    It doesn't seem as if he's going to leave her because she's fat. He might have a bit on the side but he's always been pretty rumor-free. He'd be discreet.

    What "happily married" man has been in the BI's a few times since last week?

  29. Can't be Timothy Dalton - he's never been married.

  30. Doesn't Keely supposedly have a medical condition that affects her weight?
