Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Blind Item #10

This B list celebrity offspring/host was a big pain and a big diva this past weekend. She demanded three trailers so she could rotate depending on her mood. She also ordered thousands of dollars of food and drink that she never touched and complained when it started taking up too much space.


  1. Replies
    1. But I thought she would at least drank errrythang...

  2. haha didn't mean to shout it on the mountain top

  3. lots of has-beens being bitchy divas this weekend

  4. I eat off the dollar menu and these people think nothing of waste. Try to earn a living without celebrity!

    1. I use to do hospitality for a music company, most of time contracts details are ignored so the food and drink order is a good way to figure out if a promoter is following a contract. I threw away so much food and drink. Kanye West is the worse , including the amount of gas he likes to waste

  5. Yay, another insufferable bitch in Hollywood. Totally Kelly. Bitch, please!

  6. And sat in her throne as per last blind:)

  7. @Tricia---I think you may be right for Nicole Richie as the last blind actually

  8. @Snookiemonster You're high class. My broke ass can't even afford the dollar menu.

    This entitled coont can just disappear. Just because your FATHER is a legend doesn't mean you're worth shit.

  9. The purple haired diva who is currently at minute 14.5.

  10. People that continue to reward these twits with additional bookings get what they deserve. This creature doesn't have a "career". She shows up, on her father's name. Bee. Eff. Dee. So over these cretins.

  11. She went through a brief moment where she tried to transform into a princess (on DWTS) ... hurling herself into her adoring parents' arms after her dances, looking all weepy and sweet.

    But we've seen the real Kelly and she's a low-class shrieking harpy.

    Not to mention her father once took a shotgun and slaughtered 17 family cats in a cocaine-fueled rage.

    Not that the National Enquirer is the bible but:


    Ozzy was admitted for psychiatric treatment for several months after he went berserk, committing a sick act of animal cruelty, shooting the family's 17 cats. His first wife Thelma came home and found him under a grand piano in a white suit with a shotgun in one hand and a knife in the other: "I was taking drugs so much I was a wreck -- I didn't know which end of the day it was," he admitted.

    "Ozzy came home one night in 1976, grabbed a gun and shot the pet chickens that Thelma kept in a coop in their backyard," said another source."

    "After 10 years of marriage, Thelma divorced Ozzy in 1981. The rocker admitted that he had beat her up "big time" and that she divorced him because he had sex with all her friends."

    Really, Thelma? You don't divorce him after he kills 17 cats but you object to him sleeping around?

    They're all pigs, every one of them.

    1. Why the fuck did they have 17 cats.

      Sorry that's all I got out of your post. 17. Cats. That's a ton of Fancy Feast.

  12. Wait! Wait!! The Enquirer is NOT the bible???!!!! I gotta rethink alotta stuff now!!

  13. Osbournes are talentless hucksters, but they really dont pretend to be anything else.

  14. @Derek I'll take it:)))

  15. Remember long ago I sound like I'm going to start a bedtime story.. Anyway the family was on Jay Leno and she laid down on his couch? She's baacckk

  16. Am I the only who cannot stand Kelly Osbourne? I dislike her and think she is a hypocrite and a phony. I do not know her of course :) but I stand by my impressions

  17. Apparently Ozzy marries women who like to have lots of animals. Guess that makes it easier for him to abuse the animals without risking going on craigslist to adopt pets and being recognized since the wives look the other way. Guess they figure they can always get more animals but they can't get another meal ticket like Ozzy. Of course Sharon has jump-started her own career and doesn't need him any more. But still she stays. Which says more about her than about him.

    It's no wonder they raised a couple of entitled monsters like Kelly and Jack.

    What will be funny is when Kelly's 15 minutes run out and all she is is a fat hag with a Cockney accent and no job skills.

    Sharon was always massively obese until she had her stomach stapled or whatever she did ... she's still very fat below the waist. Both of these brats inherited the fat gene, and good luck trying to stay a normal weight for very long. It's like holding a beach ball under water - you can only do it for so long and then heredity wins out.

    I'm sorry if that sounds mean, I don't normally criticize people for being fat or formerly fat but in the Osbournes' case I make an exception because I hate everything about them and they live in a town, and run in circles, where being fat is a fate worse than death.

  18. Why is this not Kendal Jenner.

  19. WTF. Kelly O, you are a douchebag.

  20. I love that KO used to have this "grunge" image when she was overweight then when she got into drugs and magically got skinny now she works on a FASHION show as if she has any right to critique others?!

  21. What, you don't think THIS is a fashion maven?
