Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Blind Item #10

I don't think it is going to start a rap war or anything but this B list singer with the very interesting look used to be the go to threesome partner for this A list mogul/producer/wannabe singer/reality star and now she hooks up with this A+ list rapper when he wants something "different," than he usually goes for.


  1. Janelle monad/diddy.
    Jay z

    1. T.I./Iggy/Jayz - T.I. has a reality show "the family hustle" and is known for bringing women into his marital bedroom for threesomes. Only rapper I think is considered A+ list is Jayz.

  2. Jjayz/puff Didfleywiggkey/Nikki minaj?

  3. I think Iggy's too young to be a used to be

    1. Sandy: she used to be rolling with TI 5 years ago singing about her pussy being wetter than the Amazon...started rapping at 16... Kids these days do the darnedest things! ;)
      Interesting blind! Can't wait for this reveal!

  4. Yup sandy...but Nicki seems like too easy of an answer so I guessed Iggy first and Minaj as alt.
    Minaj was a threesome jump off for Gucci Mane back in the day so no surprises. Iggy is controversial

  5. Diddy discovered and produced Janelle Monae and promoted the he'll outta her

    1. Interesting look because she's androgynous like Grace jones

  6. Rita Whoras look is interesting to me but then this wouldn't be a blind if its her.

    1. Iggy is all over the news again today too. More claims against her authenticity lol

  7. Iggy, puffy, diddy. Honestly they all dound like they could be one of the Teletubbies.

  8. All of them.

    Pussy wetter than the amazon? Who writes this stuff?

    1. According to this blind and today's accusations that she didn't write her shit, maybe Diddy really wrote it about his bussy

  9. Well maybe we should throw R. Kelly into the boys pool then.

  10. Def Minaj. Probably Diddy Puff Pants. JayZ is sliding downhill fast he is A list in name only because he has no talent unless running Thug Enterprises counts as talent.
    Notice no one ever guesses Kanye when a woman is involved in sexy times.

  11. Scratch that.

    Lil Kim/Diddy/Kanye

  12. "different" makes me think of 2 chainz.

  13. Oh and bussy hole reminded me of PEREZ HILTON'S attempt in the recording studio...Who remembers this hot mess?!

  14. I don't have 3 somes
    I have Ménage A Troas

  15. On another side note: Gucci is allegedly having a lot of sexy times in prison. There have been rape allegations made against him this week for raping a transgender inmate. Why no news on this here, Enty?

  16. They say he had a consensual sexual relations with his cellmate in his last lockup. I believe it. I also believe T.I. wrote I'm So Fancy.

  17. cause transgender discussions go so well here...

  18. @Lady H - I can't find that Gucci story. I even waded through two pages of Blue Ivy BS on MTO.

  19. Jesus f'n Christ LadyH!!!!!! I wouldn't have made it in almost 2 minutes if the song started right away, that lasted 4 seconds. (Never heard of the movie either)

  20. Lol @Kno! You found it! HSK wrote about it this week. Gucci has been having relations with at least one inmate in custody. The inmate claimed it was rape and had friends from the outside leak the allegations, which is now causing a shit storm.

    I don't know if it was consensual or not BUT also keep in mind that other rappers and I think even HSK have out Gucci on blast for having HIV. If that is true, the inmate Gucci is fucking has a case regardless

  21. I think the interesting look is jenelle Monae...with diddy and jayz..I dont think this will be the first or the last time they have had the same chick

  22. I thought JM was gay. Something about one of her lyrics in Q.U.E.E.N. where she outs herself. I still haven't figured out which one it is. I love that she hasn't conformed.

    1. @Freya I don't listen to a lot of rap, r&b or pop music so I've never heard anything by JM. Just want to say thanks for pointing me in her direction, I looked up the song and the lyrics are on point. I'll definitely check out more of her work.

  23. Janel Monae is gay... This is Christina Milian / Diddy / and Lil Wayne

  24. Nothing about lol Kim ight or those girls is different than all the rest:they are all drag queen lookingbfake eyelashed flash
    The point of the blind is that this woman is against type

  25. Or Christiana M she is their prototype..they have done a million just like her

  26. Janelle could have been very straight for pay/ it also works in the reverse

  27. Also most of the women guessed here are rappers, not singers

  28. Kesha, Diddy (or Timbaland) and Kanye.

  29. Yeah ur right Christina doesn't have an interesting look...but this is not Janelle Monae. She does not do men AT ALL.

    Then I'd say this is Iggy....she slept with TI and Tiny and now is occasionally screwing Nas. I'm not sure if TI is considered a mogul . I don't think she screwed Diddy...but I'm about to find

  30. What's the news on Iggy?

  31. Iggy is a rapper, though, right? Not a singer?

  32. I just asked about Iggy... I was told the better question was and I quote....."who didn't she fuck? Iggy got high mileage on her pussy... ain't nobody gonna beef over her unless money is involved. We all know at some point we're sharing these industry chicks."

    So it could be
    I'll have to wait for it to be revealed

  33. Kendrick Ghost wrote fancy.

  34. Imma gonna let you finish but I get the feeling that Kanye only likes women when some kind of kink is involved or he is on 1 out of 3 attempts to impregnate Kim.
    I'm jus sayin probably having a male present is the only thing that's going to architect his erection.

  35. Iggy is a rapper
    And wasn't around years ago

    And how do we know JM never does men exactly?

    1. Pussy was already around in 2011...Iggy's been around a few years

  36. And how is azaleas look different?
    Dang.. That the point of the blind lolshes like all the rest...cookie cutter

  37. Aubrey ODay could fit...

  38. How is her look distinguished enough that it would be mentioned so strongly in this blind?

  39. Kelis for the B list singer

  40. Producer: Linda Perry
    Singer: Courtney Love
    Rapper: Kanye West

    The closest C Love is getting to Fashion Week in Paris is a bottle of two buck chuck and a bench outside of Sears.

    1. In case it's not clear, the only part of this guess that is serious is Linda Perry.

  41. Vicky Guldivson snore in effect

    The blind was guessed:just hope it's revealed

  42. Its iffy, she didn't look or sound that wayy when she first started. TI is the multi slash mogul (diddy hasn't had a reality show in a while) and I would guess Jayz or is it too soon for 2 chains for the rapper. And Janelle is interesting but not interested

  43. Iffy is iggy, she came to Atlanta as a singer and everything looked different on her five years ago and was 'mentored' by TI and became a rapper

  44. interesting about gucci mane
