Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Beyonce Adds Fuel To The Jay-Z Cheating Stories

There has never been any public admission about Jay-Z cheating on Beyonce by either of them ever. There have been no public statements that the marriage of the two is in trouble. I don't know if there will ever be a divorce unless the cheating just gets so out of hand that Beyonce can't handle it any longer or if Jay gets caught on film or in a photo or copies of texts. It would have to be something which would require Beyonce to have to give some type of statement before any divorce happens. I just think they would muddle through. I think that is why everyone was kind of shocked at the Goopster announcement. I think maybe Gwyneth thought she was going to be exposed and made a little preemptive strike. It is not as if their public relationship has really changed. It is just that if one of them gets busted, they have the separation to fall back on to make them look better.

Over the weekend, while performing at a show, Beyonce changed the lyrics to her song Resentment. While belting out the track, which is about a woman who was cheated on, Beyonce sang "been riding with you for 12 years" instead of the original words "been riding with you for six years." Beyonce and Jay have been together for 12 years. Maybe she busted him again before she went on stage.


  1. I don't even get what she means. Am j stupid? ( no answer required).

  2. She is the most powerful celebrity in the biz according to Forbes so why she needs him at this point is ridic. He served his purpose, send him on his way and move on.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. No you weren't.

    2. I started to type, and then I hit the damn publish button too soon.
      Sometimes this phone passes me off. :-)

    3. *pisses *
      See, arrrgh!!!

  4. Please…she got what she wanted you're talking about her….

  5. they have a business arrangement . He screws around she screws round. He makes her a star and she doesnt have to fuck for tracks anymore.
    Happy Hump Day and Candyland Pizza Delivery Day!

  6. Agree…He's the brains

  7. IJU I hope your dad is doing better today.

    1. Thanks Sandy. He had an accident and broke his femur in a few places. He had surgery and had plates and pins put in.
      That was two weeks ago. He's now in a rehabilitation hospital and learning to walk again. It will be months before he's better.
      Still though, at least he's part Wolverine now.

    2. U, my dad broke his femur too last year. He is great now. Good luck to him!

  8. She is losing her appeal rapidly.

  9. You can only keep resentments under wraps for so long before something percolates to the surface. Other than that deep thought... I got nuthin'

  10. Loving that Misss Haversham look for Bey, it's so melodramatic....god love her....

  11. Its Just U, get him to call people Bub all the time :)

  12. No! Really!?

    I find her so tiresome.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. She wrote that song years ago. Listen to most her songs and you'd see she constantly talks about it. I don't care. I love Beyoncé and always will. Jay z I can take or leave.

    1. Okay my bad but she "modified" it then and she's modified it again. Idk why ppl make such a big deal about it now.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. On the Daily Mail there is a story today that mentions the recent Mya reveal.

  17. They're a Hollywood couple and ALL Hollywood couples cheat. This isn't a surprise. Just read all the Blind Items.

  18. Replies
    1. Hey, nipple, how's your neighbor nipple?
      I dunno, if only it was a pepperoni pizza...

  19. I think this is a publicity stunt to sell more tickets for the concerts. I read somewhere that sales were not as high as they expected, and some critics panned the show.
    They created a lot buzz with the Bieber throw down, or whatever that was. And with her being named the top 100 in Forbes, she wants to appeal as a woman with regular problems, maybe?

    I don't think she cares that much about his side pieces, it's all a business transaction for her and Jay, to be the most powerful couple.

  20. Remember, this woman controls EVERYTHING about her image

  21. They're both replaceable.

    Neither of them write their own songs.

    1. Aside from the songs Beyoncé covers she does write her own songs and has since she was in destiny's child.

    2. It's just emotions, taking me over, I'm caught up in sorrow, lost in the soooonggg

    3. Beyoncé doesn't write any of her own songs, she changes a word or two then claims co songwriting credit because that's where the real dollars are made. She is awful

  22. Lol at no one caring. For her ego's sake, I hope she doesn't read CDAN!

  23. I will Sass, ha!

    I remember that Reno. He was in a bad way for a while. Great to hear he's doing better.x

  24. Mornin all. Not to be another blow here but seriously don't care about their "relationship".

    IJU sending your da healing vibes. Meeeaaaannnniiiiieee! Hey girl.

    1. Sherrrrrrry baby! My Da thanks you.x

  25. I was tired of her five years ago.

  26. @Sandy- ha!!! Let me know when you get 'em! ;)

  27. Playing to the press to get attention.

  28. Call me jaded, but I see this as a way to boost ticket sales. Every few shows something gossip worthy happens and gets released then like magic the sales increase. No publicity is bad publicity.

  29. That is one extraordinarily unattractive man. They hit the lottery with Azure Plant being so adorable.

    IJU, your dad is part Wolverine, love it! Hope the healing is swift!

    1. Azure Plant! I died lol

    2. Cheers Seventy Leven. He's an ex soldier so I know he'll push himself hard.

  30. Also I don't understand ppl who say this is a business arrangement. For like the first half of their relationship they never talked about each other and were very private and now that they're being more public it's being called fake. Celebrities can't win with this. If they're open about their relationship it's PR but if they're private like Kerry Washibgton then they're accused of hiding something. It's dumb. I think jay and bey are the real deal but I don't doubt that jay z has strayed although I do doubt it's with the ppl everyone accuses him of fucking.

    1. Or maybe the silence in their early days helped to build the mystery. Everyone wanted to know and waited for it.
      I don't care if they are for real or an arrangement. I've enough to do keeping up with my own relationship.

      I love Beyonce. I think she's a talented and professional performer. My man has worked with her a few times and has nothing but nice things to say about her.
      But I took a turn against her recently with the whole 'eat the cake Anna Mae' bullshit.
      Know your audience.

    2. I'll always love Beyoncé. Even if they get divorced Jay will be the bad guy and I'm fine with that. I love them together though. And I don't hold Beyoncé responsible for the verses her husband spits even if it is on her song so idc.

  31. No Bey doesn't write her own songs, Katy, Nikki, Gaga, JHo, Mariah don't either, they all claim to however.

    1. She does but if you want to believe she doesn't that's fine.

    2. I don't think you're ready for this jelly, I don't think you're ready for this jelly, cause my body's too bootylicious for you babe...

  32. Interesting. ...

  33. Sorry for vomit posting all over this thread. I have an hour of quiet while the kids are out with friends.
    Obviously this was a productive use of that time.

  34. It aint getting busted when dude does whatever he wants. He could do a broad in their house, on the floor next to the crib and Bey aint going no where.

  35. Everyone knows when Beyoncé is given a song, she tweaks a verse here or there or writes the background harmonies to get songwriter credit. She is no alicia keys when it comes to songwriting.

    1. Anonymous7:56 AM

      Agreed Yolanda

    2. Future wrote most of drunk in love but Jay Z stole it a gave it to bey and told him don't bother trying to get credit for it.
      It was on radar online a while back.

    3. I hadn't scrolled down before I wrote my comment above Yolanda,

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Got me looking so crazy right now your love, got me looking so crazy right now..

  38. I still want to know what caused the elevator smack down while Bey stood by.

    1. Jimmy Fallon's thank you note:
      "Thank you Beyonce for not getting involved when Solange started attacking Jay-Z in an elevator and instead just moving to the left, to the left.”

    2. @Sunny
      That's awesome. Hahaha.

  39. Maybe I am completely clueless, but what is the significance of 6 vs 12 years? SHe means the illegitimate kids he has were during their relationship, which wouldn't have been the case if she sung 6 years? His son is like 10 years old right?
    Other than that I can't think of any explanation for the buzz about 6 vs 12.

    1. Yes. In fact, I think his son is older.

  40. A singer having a writing credit on an album is analogous to the star of a TV show receiving a producer credit. It doesn't mean they are actually involved in writing the songs, it's something written into their contract with the record company, so they receive ASCAP royalties along with sales royalties. It's an ego thing.

  41. @SYCB, the significance is that the original song said six years and she just changed it to 12, which is how long they've been married. So the "woman got cheated on" song becomes "Bey got cheated on".

    I think the bigger significance, though, is E using proper grammar (six and 12). My shocked face is shocked!

  42. Lol. She modifies the song to reflect the number of years they've been together everytime she sings it… you're reaching, Enty.

  43. I bet she doesn't care if he cheats. But when the world knows he cheats it makes her seem less desirable which is a no-no.

  44. She's known he's cheated for years. She just wants US to know she knows, and that's her attention ho letting us know.

    Business is business.

  45. If the marriage wasn't in trouble before, nothing like touring together to ruin a marriage. Ask Fleetwood Mac.

  46. Nah, they're just playing with us. It's a made up narrative - like Tori and Dean.

  47. @Seven of Eleven: Ahhh thanks!

  48. Hate them both, hate their so-called music, they need to go away forever.

  49. She's been changing the words to the song for years. It means nothing

  50. Beyonce does write but not all of her songs. She makes the song writers she uses add her name as a writer, so she gets the credit. I think their relationship is real, but they wouldn't still be together if it wasn't lucrative for them. Once people get over them, they'll divorce. Good publicity stunt from Bey.

  51. Epiphany is correct

  52. I agree with RunswithScissors. I don't think Bewulf cares about anything but ticket sales, which have not been great. It's not like she didn't know what he was before she married him, and Basement Baby is the only who seems to care about her marriage.

  53. Yeah @Jack Ducky - I love the time scale on this whole thing - she "wrote" this song 6+ years ago and no one picked up on anything then. Now she changes the words and everybody loses their shit. I personally think that this is a "Oh, No one really likes me any more, better get some sympathy votes."

  54. Resentment was never Bey's to write. The lyrics had been written and recorded by other artists and the music was written and performed by Curtis Mayfield long before Beyonce was ever born!

  55. Beyonce does NOT write her own music, EVERY single album she has had released, she has been sued for theft and plagiarism. BDAY even had to be pulled off the shelf because of it, which they covered up by releasing BDay deluxe visual album. Target was pissed which is why they did not carry the last CD because they got burned by the deal with her they had with her with B Day, so after that lawsuit was settled, Beyonce lost and had to pay the writers she stole from, Target did not support her any longer. that's why she released the last cd the way she did, she burned a lot of retailers who got stuck from her former album. Even with this cd, radio stopped playing XO because of the unauthorized use of the audio from Challenger not to mention the disrespect to their families, Beyonce's team was forced to released a press release saying she DID NOT WRITE the song even though she has gone record and on film with her behind the scenes footage saying she did and how she came up with the idea for the song. To save her from bad press, they admitted that is was not her that wrote it after all, it was The Dream. The rapper Future also outed her by saying he was the one that wrote Partition. Just like Neyo refused to lie for her and outed her when she claimed she wrote Irreplaceable, he wrote it, not her. She does not write any of her songs, she barely can speak correct English, which is not her fault, her parents groomed her to be a star instead of focusing on education, which she clearly does not have, she did not even finish high school or Get a GED. And frankly, why should she bother? As clearly at this point financially wise she doesn't need it. She does not write any of her songs, people in the industry know this, but her dad taught her and old Motown trick, if you want to work with her then you have to allow her to put her name on the writing credits. That's where the real money is, in the writing. Look at Dolly Parton, she could give two tinkers of a damn that Whitney Houston sung her song better than her. Dolly got paid more than Whitney each and every time the song was played because she wrote it. Beyonce's Stans refuse to see all the smoke and mirrors behind her to make her a star. She is the modern day Diana Ross, and just like Diana when her star begins to fade, which the decent has already begun, the real truth about her will start to come out. Nobody knows the real Beyonce, you only know what her well paid PR people want you to know. One thing for sure, she knew exactly who Jay Z was before, and after she married him. They are cut from the same cloth.

  56. well said barbie. i have said before bey did not write her songs but got shut down.
    do you have links to the videos of her saying she wrote the songs?
    xo is my favorite. the dream wrote that you said??

  57. Come on Enty you are smarter than this. They are the most tightly managed business people in the world, you think she would change lyrics out of pure emotion? They do this stuff to keep the world guessing and to create hype for their tour. DUH DUH DUH
