Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Another Way To Win Ben Stein's Money

Before there was a Jimmy Kimmel Live there was Jimmy Kimmel game show host of the program Win Ben Stein's Money. Contestants would compete against Ben in a trivia contest. At the time, no one had seen him since Ferris Bueller. Over the past month though, the married grandfather has been thrust back in the spotlight over accusations he had an affair with a woman and provided her money. The crazy thing about all of this is that Ben Stein fully admits his part in what he did and says his wife was fully aware at all times what he was doing. The 69 year old Stein started reading the blog of 24 year old Tanya Ma and they began texting and talking over a four month period. She says that at the time she was pregnant from an ex and that Ben gave her money and over the course of the relationship asked for her to send him naked photos. He also arranged to fly her to LA and put her up in a hotel and she says that he wanted to hug and touch her. For his part, Ben says that he fully admits wanting to hug and touch her when she came and sees nothing wrong with that. In an article he wrote last month he asks, "When is there anything wrong with hugging?" Ma, in an interview with the NY Post says he is toxic and that she wants to warn other women about his behavior. As for the nude photos? Ben says that he asked to see some of her performance art pieces and some of them included nude photos. Ben accuses Ma of being an escort and Ma says she used to escort but doesn't do so any longer.


  1. Replies
    1. Frist again, what a day!

    2. I hope you brought lube for all this fristing

    3. You're on a roll Ray!

    4. @Ray- Robin Sparkles would be so proud

    5. She would wanna go to the mall


  2. Whatever, a former escort is complaining about getting money for hugging.
    She was happy with the arrangement when she was getting paid, now wants another payday at his expense.
    It's pretty awkward on his end.

  3. I loved Win Ben Stein's Money! Good times

    1. I got excited at first cause I thought it was about the show starting up again and then it got awkward.

  4. He's never really gone away, he's more of a conservative columnist/commentator, than actor.

    He's an American History buff, that whole leason in "Ferris Buller" about the "New Deal" was not in the script.

    This sounds a bit fishy on both sides honestly.

  5. There's no fool like an old fool, as the saying goes. Now that I'm old, too, & my saving for retirement years are few (current plan: Eat cat food, or die); I'd fuck him for money. As long as he promised to stay silent always. The man has annoying politics, but it's his annoying voice that's like fingernails on a chalkboard. I think I'd have to double the going rate. No, triple.

    1. It would be even better if I could convince him that my post-menopausal self was pregnant (I do look alot younger than 51), & I only had to hug him. Then I could close my eyes & pretend he's Don Henley. (See "No Speaking Clause" referenced above.).

  6. I think he's identifies with what the Republicans used to be, back in Lincoln's time, not with what they are today.

  7. So, he cut it off and she is trying smear when he laughed at her attempt to blackmail him?
    What a bitch!
    I mean, who doesn't think Ben Stein is a bit perv?

  8. Hope I can get wood when I'm 69.

  9. Anonymous7:41 AM

    "Ma says she used to escort but doesn't do so any longer." Once a whore, always a whore, darlin', even if you're no longer taking the cock.

  10. They are both telling the truth as they see it, and the real truth lies somewhere in btwn. He's nuts, and so is wife if she lets him get away with this. Ma is either a hustler or poor unfortunate.

  11. It sounds like Enty toned down the language to read to his elementary school gossip class


  13. Wow Ben who knew?

    Are you a creepy old man?

    She's def a ho and looking for $$$ and attention. This is what happens to dirty old men-you eventually get publicly outed.

  14. Man give you money he want da huggy.

  15. He's book smart and life dumb.

  16. Just a whore looking for easy money. She claims he's toxic, huh? I wonder how toxic her used up cunt is after all her hooking?

  17. I loved Win Ben Stein's Money! I think it was on Nick at Nite?

    Sorry, chicken, but you don't expect a man you don't know to pay for your child, your flight, your hotel, and then act like he's a dirty old perv when he wants to give you a hug. She was an escort, she knows how the game is played.

    1. @Seven - it was on Comedy Central

  18. Ben was speechwriter for both Nixon and Ford. He's more politician than actor, which explains the hooker angle.

  19. an ugly old republican windbag.

  20. I think poor old Ben was scammed but not sure why she's so stupid and making an issue of it because clearly the extortion thing did not work out.

  21. No surprise here. I've been hearing stories of dear ole Ben for years from folks who worked on the show. He's not a nice person. Look, Ma! No hands!

  22. @Montague- he probably can't. That's why just hugs.

  23. The man worked for Nixon and carries water for today's Republican Party.

    Hardly trustworthy.

  24. Yeah Ben might be a pervy old man but I'm #teamBen on this one. She took the money & the wife knew. Ho just wants more money. Once a hustler/ho always a hustler/ho.

  25. hahaha holy shit... where did they find all you fucktards? I love the political comments.

  26. hahaha holy shit... where did they find all you fucktards? I love the political comments.

  27. The headline should be...There are Straight Men in Hollywood.

    He wanted to hug her and see photos of her naked? I get asked that by every guy I've ever dated...except they wanted even more than that.

    Sounds like Ma is an opportunist.

  28. Sounds as if Ma thinks she didn't get enough of Ben Stein's money. She must not have been much of a whore if she didn't get her price up front.

    As others mentioned, he's an old Nixon flunky. He has no shame, none of them did, and they were much bigger whores than this girl will ever be.

  29. Um. This story is so not what I expected. LMAO.

  30. Anonymous6:31 PM

    if i were his wife (we are 69 mind u) i would let him HUG her but would NOT let him give that hussy any cash.

  31. Ma says she used to escort but doesn't do so any longer.


  32. Hooker, (plz, bitch), and the old fool. BFD.
