Monday, June 30, 2014

Zendaya Drops Out Of Aaliyah Movie

That didn't last long. It was early last week when Lifetime announced that Disney channel and Dancing With The Stars contestant Zendaya would portray Aaliyah in a new movie on the channel. After Aaliyah's relatives said they would not authorize the use of any of Aaliyah's music for the production though and said they would only do so for a feature movie, Zendaya dropped out. This was going to be a messy production with a lot of negativity and Zendaya didn't want to be involved in that for her first post Disney role. Because of Zendaya dropping out, the production which was set to begin filming in a couple of weeks is on hold.


  1. family refused licensing rights to songs
    ees okay girl

  2. She dropped out because she got her feelings hurt because nobody but Wendy Williams wanted her to play Aaliyah. I'm just tired of hearing about this girl.

  3. I have never heard of her until now!

  4. If Lifetime continues, I'm sure there is an "unknown" waiting to make a name that is more than willing to step in. I understand the family believes she should be represented on the big screen, but if there were a demand for it, it would have been done. I would think they would want her to be remembered since that would equal potential royalty pay.

    1. Cleo, you are right on that score( see what I did there?) Lifetime "may" put out a quality project but their rep for MELODRAMATIC trash wouldn't make a family proud...imagine, if they told the gossip story...:-\

    2. Right?? That's what I was thinking, no amount of contraversy stopped the Liho-Elizabeth Tayor POS.

  5. I don't follow tweens but I saw her on Fashion Police and she seemed cool

  6. The family wants a box office movie, not a tv movie. Lifetime should just continue with an unknown.

  7. I agree Mr. Ducky. A former Disney kid tries too hard to become a household name from constant exposure via reality TV and gossip sites.

    She hasn't even begun and I'm sick of her.

  8. Family sounds a little full of themselves, as week as dilusional.

    Hate to break it to them, there's a lot of folks who've never heard of her. Eh hemmm.

  9. What kind of movie will it be without licensing approval? I think this young girl is beautiful and very poised for her age. I liked her the few times I saw her on DWTS.

  10. The family wants money & try to make Aaliyah the saint she wasn't. Lifetime would actually show Aaliyah relationship with R Kelly when she was still underage. They woould rush through it due to time.

    1. I don't think anyone thinks she was a saint

  11. Aaliyah should at least get a movie on hbo so we can hear and see all the juicy stuff that went down back in the day. Lifetime is great and all but way too cheesy.

  12. Aaliyah Princess of R&B.

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  14. Biggie wasn't a saint either, but I saw his movie & what they were trying to do.

    Aaliyah was with R Kelly when she was under age & her faily knew & encouraged the relationship. She was talented, but she did nasty things to get to where she was.

    1. She was an underaged girl taken advantage of by a known pedophile. The fact that her family encouraged it and allowed it is gross but not her fault. She was young and impressionable.

    2. "she did nasty things to get to where she was."

      lol you mean like everyone in Hollywood. She wasn't the first and wont be last.

      Agreed Ducky

  15. Now, you see why I don't like her family or their real intentions when it comes to Aaliyah.

  16. Well the family probably does not want to expose her secrets---she is dead and not able to defend herself. Do you really blame the family for wanting control? She was the victim being underage and all. Do you think Katherine Jackson would ever allow a movie about pedophile Michael to be made?

    1. Everyone is so disgusting. I could never allow my child (if I had one) to be taken advantage of like that nor would I stand by knowing my child was an abuser. People are fucked up.

  17. Her family wants a box office movie to make more money off her. They don't want to protect her.

    Her family wants to gloss over her life & make a movie making her a saint she wasn't, & them the loving supportive family they weren't.

  18. Wendy said the reason Zendaya dropped out bc people (and I think the family too?) were complaining that she was too light skinned to play Aaliyah.

    1. That was one of the complaints yeah but I don't think it was the only

  19. @Jessica, you mean like that Selena movie that made her out to be the Virgin Mary, the public side of Mother Theresa, Rosa Parks and Betty Crocker all rolled into one?

  20. Aaliyah's family doesn't want the whole R Kelly thing drug out again for public consumption

    She was underage butttttttttt.........probably also fame hungry. I guess you could say she was taken advantage of. But then again sometimes you just have to have PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY to just not go there. Pretty sure she knew what she was doing and to what ends.........

    That being said she was very talented and I liked her.

  21. I think Aaliyah's family is disgusting.

    They rejected Zendaya because they said she wasn't dark enough to play Aaliyah. After selling their daughter to the highest bidder, they are hoping to profit off of her death while making themselves as noxious as possible.

    I hope (and have faith that) Zendaya goes on to even greater things without the stink of Aaliyah's family anywhere near her good name. She is a sweet girl.

  22. I already knew Zendaya from the constant Proactiv ads that run during Threes Company on Antenna TV. Who knew that many teenyboppers were in the Jack Tripper demographic?

  23. This is all about the family not getting a cut of the $$$$ from the movie and keeping quiet all of that R Kelly business. They knew damn well what was going on.
    They want a Selena (whitewashed)type film with a big name. I think Aaliyah's uncle wants Zoe Saldana to potray her.

  24. I thought the family doesn't want the movie made period......not just having a prob with the actress.....

    they also don't want to give any rights to any of her music either released or unreleased

  25. Well thos makes more sense! after reading everyone's comments I think the family used the very stupid light skinned complaint as the only excuse they could come up with as a cover up for wanting more $$ or covering up her lifestyle.

  26. @rajahcat the point is no matter how fame hungry she was, she was a minor. Therefore she was unable to consent to a relationship or a marriage to R. Kelly. She was a child.

  27. I do agree with that

    but even teens know the dif between right and wrong

    Kelly takes the blame imo, but she did what she did to get what she wanted as many before and after her have done. I've seen some pretty calculating teens in my day so I don't always give them an automatic free pass for their behavior

    yes he is the adult though

  28. and he is a completely disgusting pig

    I boycott all of his works then and now

  29. You know what. White people giving their opinion on "too light" or "too dark" is just hilarious. You are not a member of our community so your opinions on the matter are intrusive and irrelevant. She is not good enough to play Aaliyah. She is not attractive enough. She is not dark enough. Period. End of story. Her family wants her story told right. They don't want a whitewashed, watered down version of their daughters life only so it can appeal to WHITE PEOPLE.

    1. It was being made for Lifetime network for god's sake and you know what their demographic is? WHITE WOMEN. They why they cast her, that's all they wanted was someone light enough to be appealing to white women. Because god forbid they respect and appreciate the talent of a dark women WHO ISN'T PLAY A SLAVE. Ya'll need to take a seat.

    2. And you know what.. Her own father said "She'll make sure she stays out in the sun so she gets dark enough" So basically this little girl is avoiding direct sunlight so she can stay "light skinned" because that's what white people find attractive. And god knows if white people don't find you attractive you wont be successful. So basically this little girl is a self-hating, inauthentic, fool. I am not letting this go.

    3. And you guys saying "Her family just wants money" NOPE Lifetime just wants money, that's why they're trying to sell a whitewashed version of a black woman's life. This is 100% about race and 100% about making it as white friendly as possible so they can get as much money as possible. Whew, I'm done now.

  30. When I saw the blind about Sanjaya I was expecting to see a before and after photo of - Zendaya. Get their names confused. Funny there's blinds about both of them on the same day.

  31. Secret Torture, you sound fun. Keep being you, you're awesome. Sorry your man left you for a white girl.

    Anyway Aaliyahhh made some decent music people liked so what. She was not that cute. Weird smile, AWFUL in Queen of the Dammed, and she died cuz she had too much damn luggage on her plane and someone in her entourage (or her) insisted they take it all despite warnings they shouldn't.

    So who cares. Zendaya dodged a bullet.

    1. Enty, block this racist piece of moldy white bread. Go listen to Taylor Swift and fist yourself, ignorant cunt.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. But this is funny because you assume I'm a dark skinned girl - Hate to break it to you, I'm bi-racial
      eat your nasty racist rotten white girl heart out, basic bitch

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Ima let you finish

  35. ''whoa" is right ;) Sounds like someone hit a nerve with that left for a white girl comment....

    If that's true about the luggage that's insane, to die over taking too much crap! Off to google..

  36. From the family statement. They want an A-lister playing Aaliyah.

    “Aaliyah was more than a singer, she was -and is still – an American music icon whose legacy continues to live on and influence today’s music culture, just as Ray Charles, Notorious B.I.G., Selena and Johnny Cash.

    Considering the magnitude of her fans’ affection alone, she deserves to have a tribute much more grand than a television network debut that won’t even consider the perspectives of those who were closest to Aaliyah.

    Disregarding the families and dishonoring the legacies of celebrated figures who have passed on, big networks want to exploit their stories for a buck. We’re here to make it clear that it’s not okay!

    Lifetime Television is trying to dictate the status of our heroes, our heroines and – in this case – our beloved Aaliyah. We implore everyone to call Lifetime Television, send emails and bombard social media so they know we demand respect for our cultural icons.

    We will not sit idly by while they misrepresent and reap profits from our luminaries. There is more at stake than the public could imagine.”

  37. I don't give a crap about the music! I want to know about her being passed around when she was underage. It wasn't just R.Kelly, and she was with women too. There is a hell of a lot of dirt her family does not want to see the light of day.

  38. Did the family really say that? How self-important can they get? I'm sorry I never knew who Aaliyah was while she was alive and barely know now. She's not exactly a cultural icon. Certainly not on the level of Ray Charles or Johnny Cash.

    As for the plane being loaded down, that's the celebrity curse - even pilots who should know better have a hard time saying no to a "star" who brings too much luggage and you may have star power but that doesn't mean you can defy gravity.

  39. PS I am kind of freaked out by Zendaya's hairline.

  40. OK, maybe I was wrong about the "cultural icon" thing. According to her Wikipedia page:

    "Aaliyah sold 52 million records worldwide. She has been credited for helping redefine contemporary R&B and hip hop, earning her the nicknames "Princess of R&B" and "Queen of Urban Pop". She is listed by Billboard as the tenth most successful female R&B artist of the past 25 years, and 27th most successful R&B artist in history."

    Not bad for someone who died at just 22.

    Wikipedia also mentions allegations of an "illegal" marriage with R. Kelly.


    LORD girl keep on keepin on with that bright lighting, though

  42. I understand the family thinks she's big enough for a major movie but no one's going to movies for biopics anymore
    Hbo. Liberace. Btc. Was huge.
    Every one is watching TV it will be bigger on TV impact wise.

  43. Wendy made the point today about no one going to movies anymore and that all the focus is on television. She also makes it clear that the family, and ignorant people were responsible for this Lifetime movie not happening.

    Aaliyah's uncle is Barry Hankerson who used to be married to Gladys Knight. He was the one who got the marriage to R Kelly annulled. He was also behind her career. At best the family is out of touch with the reality of the movie business.

    I don't know who all these people are throwing shade at the CDAN community but they need to go somewhere else with their accusations. We don't get into race here although you can tell sometimes by someone's comments.

  44. I'm going with her being fired.

  45. Shelly Shell said: "her faily knew & encouraged"

    Faily! Hahaha! Best typo ever!

    Not directing this at Aaliyah's family; it's perfect for Kardashians, Lohans, Jacksons, etc.
