Thursday, June 05, 2014

Your Turn

Do you think water has feelings?


  1. Enty are you smoking the green weed??

    1. How's the puppy, Cleo?

    2. She's back to being a princess, Thanks for asking!

    3. That's great, Cleo. My sister had a kitty with epilepsy, was no joke. I'm glad you were able to get her sorted

    4. Yeah, the meds are working (wipes brow). They are also working when it comes to me getting up early, since I'm afraid to deviate more than an hour.

  2. According to Gwen they do but nope.

  3. Ssomebody has been mixing his water with high proof alcohol this early part of the day.

  4. Water, like goofy GOOP, has no feelings.

  5. Yay, an extra OT! Fru, where you at?

  6. Yes, actually.

    Google Dr. Emoto

  7. I think even water hates Gwyneth.

  8. "What the Bleep Do We Know?!" also went on about the Japanese Doc, he did experiments where people yelled at water & told water how much they loved it.

  9. You think Bacon Ranch will be pissed aboot this @TTM?

    1. BR and her pals only get mad if we have fun, sandy. As long as everything stays calm and for the love of god NOBODY LOL! and we should be fine.

  10. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Water has feelings.... It feels wet.

    I'll see myself out.

  11. Oh please the woman is an idiot..

  12. And I thought I was extra baked today

  13. When Goopy is swimming or bathing , water is very, very sad. I get text alerts from waterfeelsyou.jk

  14. I can't top Cocoa, so I'mma just follow her out.

  15. I really appreciate the "What the BLEEP Do We Know?" references. Funniest damn movie of all time.

    Also no. And I went to Berkeley bro.

  16. Ok, enty, you've reached an all time low. Congrats. Lol.

  17. And I thought I was the only one boozing this early in the day.

  18. I'm just glad to see someone else has Dr Emoto's book as their coffee table book.

  19. Someone ate the brown acid.

  20. I just read the Gwyneth article. The woman is a dumbass. I know there are some Gwyneth fans here, I'm sorry. She's a beautiful woman, and is in some great movies, but she is really an idiot.

  21. Yes, water does have feelings and I'm very sorry for all the kids that like to pee in pools of it. Dumb kids.

  22. The look on my face can only be described as incredulous.

    I wonder if anyone ever sits her down and says, "Gwynnie...please. Just please shut the fuck up!!"?

  23. There are books proving that negativity, like death metal music, or people shouting, or other negativity changes the structure of water. I don't think that goofy GOOP should bring the matter up, it will just invalidate an otherwise interesting topic.

    1. She's literally the equivalent of the Kartrashian curse to Homeopathy/anything she touches/etc. I HATE it when she brings up stuff I do like Coconut Oil and oil pulling. Im into that shit and then she brags about it online and suddenly Sprouts is OUT of apple cider vinegar AND then they were OUT of coconut oil.

    2. Texas Gal, thanks for the laugh!

  24. Dude, you have taken a a lot of bad acid and are having a bad trip. Please, just sit down and think of your favorite toy as a kid. Imagine you are there playing with it and everything is a happy fun time. You are on summer vacation and all your friends are there and you're going to a water park. Just relax, we'll get though this, bro.

    1. @Rowdy dude that doesn't help when you're tripping balls and see the grass in front of you collapsing away like it's being eaten but ducking langoliers.

      Not that I would know or anything. ;)

  25. Anonymous10:47 AM

    I keep trying to figure out if he meant does the Waiter have feelings. In which case yes... Don't forget to leave a tip.

  26. When seeing waterboarding I always felt sorry for the prisoner. Now you want me to feel sorry for the water as well? When will the madness stop!

  27. Reminds me of homepathic BS- when it waa pointed out that specified dilutions would not leave a molecule of the agent being diluted, it was then claimed that the diluent water remembered the agent.

  28. Water does not have feelings. However, the molecules, atoms and sub-atomic particles that make up water very well might.

  29. Water does store energy. It stores energy in its chemical bonds. If you bombard it with negative or positive energy, (and what are emotions if not physical manifestations of different energy frequencies?)who is to say it will not react according to the type of energy directed toward it? We are 75% water and react to energy and emotions, no?

    And there's Discoflux's Hippie Moment of the Day.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Gwynnie is actually referring to Dr. Emoto's rice and water experiment. It's actually very interesting. I've actually done the experiment and it worked. It's kinda cool actually. See the link below.

    1. You ruined my

      *drops mic*

      I was so excited and didn't read the comments because I assumed no else would have done it because everyone seems to thinks it's nuts minus a few Scientist type trying against the waves of immediate dismissal to explain the phenomenon. Its nice to have a back up because I don't have pics. BECAUSE it DOES sound completely unbelievable and like sheer new age lunacy until you actually do it.

  32. Only the $20 per ounce water that goofy (autocorrect is correct) touches. I think it feels shame.

  33. I think Goop's water probably hates her guts.

    1. Imagine how pretentious her urine is from absorbing her pretentiousness as it travels to the bladder??

  34. Discoflux you have a fan in me now.
    I think this is highly interesting and I thinks it's sad someone takes it and makes "do you think water has feelings?" Out of it.

  35. I found this water experiment about 5 years ago. I STRONGLY ENCOURAGED (forced) my daughter to do it as her 5th grade Science Project. She's in 9th now.
    No she did not win.


    *drops mic*

  36. Water has about as much feelings as Paltrow has brains.

  37. Oh, this is the silliest yet!!! Wtf is wrong with her??!!

  38. You been hanging out with Maureen Dowd too long man.

  39. Humans are an anomaly. We think we're self aware and above everything, but were not. Animals, vegetables and minerals just are. They know how to "be" without being assholes about it. They don't have to analyze the meaning of everything or make up shit like ridiculous stories in order to validate their existence. They are no less alive than we are.

  40. My answer is "No". "Feelings" is a human construct and therefore a bullshit term.

    1. MadLyb does that mean that all human constructs are bullshit? I'm so confused.

  41. I've had homeopathy work for me, although I was taking the OTC versions, not the super-duper-diluted-to-the-point-of-WTF? versions, which I do have to wonder about; don't vaccines work on a similar principal of using a very small dose of what causes a particular disease to help prevent it? (It was the only thing that touched some godawful menstrual cramps I was having around 20 years ago that were apparently as bad as 1st stage labor; I think the next step would have been narcotics, but thankfully the homeopathic remedy did the trick.) Having said that, though, I agree Sillygurl that Gwynnie really needs to stop talking about New Age-y stuff, because she's just giving it all a bad name by, well, being herself. :-(


  43. George Carlin once said:

    Water says, “Who cares? Drink me, I don’t give a shit. Put me on your ass, I don’t care.” Water says, “Leave me alone, I’m in the lake.”

  44. Robin said: "...don't vaccines work on a similar principal..."

    Not really, in theory but not in practice. Homeopathic products only guess at what causes the various ailments.

    Let's say there's a plant called called ouchflower, which if you eat it, you'll get a case of the poops. A homeopath will then make an anti-poop remedy from it. The problem is the poops has different causes -- if you ate spoiled food, or you're lactose intolerant and ate ice cream, the ouchflower won't fight the stomach virus, nor add the enzymes to digest the dairy.

    Other times, they are even worse. Oscillococcinum, a popular remedy used to fight the flu, has as its active "ingredient" extract of duck heart and liver. WTF??? Some dude claimed to discover a bacterium (which he named oscillococcus) in people with cancer, then claimed to find it in a duck. The bacteria doesn't exist, and never did, making this a worthless product.

    Not only will duck heart not cure the flu, there's no duck heart in the product! It's diluted down to nothing. They say "it totally works, the water remembers" -- if water indeed has memory, it would remember every rainstorm, toilet flush, medication, beer, soap bubble, and dinosaur pee from the entire history of the planet! Anybody thirsty??? :D
