Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Your Turn

Andy Cohen is developing a new show about people who had sex with celebrities. Have you ever had sex with a celebrity?


  1. G Gordon Liddy hugged me. Does that count?

    1. No, but I know who he is, so at least you are not alone in that :-)

  2. With many. In my dreams. Good dreams too.

  3. My male friend had sex with Jake Gyllenhaal after signing an NDA. The friend has since passed away so I feel no concern passing this on.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Define 'celebrity.' Haven't we already talked about this?

  6. Wow @Countervail! Toothy really is Toothy?

  7. Nope. Although I did see Don Johnson in his robe & boxers when I was 12. Does that count? lol

    I intend to get a hug from Nathan Fillion this weekend at the con! Not quite sex but it'll do.

  8. My second cousin was a famous rock band manager type in the 60s and legend has it he dated Stevie Nicks. And my dad once went out with Esther Rantzen.

  9. Oh @scifichick, get a tush squeeze in for your old pal 7!

    Interesting @Countervail.

  10. i heard about this yesterday and my first thought was that celebrities are going to start blackballing wwhl
    andy has taken his i want to be a celebrity so bad it's going to backfire.

    1. Didn't see your comment before I posted sugarbread- I agreee.

  11. Do hookers who became porn whores count? If not, No. If yes, No Comment.

  12. Yeah I totally had a threesome with Rihanna and Naomi Campbell... In my dreams

  13. I'm hesitant to name this person, male at the moment, who made a pass at me during a sporting event in Detroit. (And that, Enty, is how you write a blind.)

  14. Hooked up with a Playboy Playmate for a very wild week in NYC.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I met a TV/movie actor at a local bar once. Went to his apt but left when he started to show tapes of his previous acting gigs. Narcissist

  17. Yep, Toothy is definitely Toothy. And it's why you don't hear more about gay encounters with celebrities - the ever fashionable NDA.

  18. Explain " male at the moment" pleez

    1. I would assume they're talking about a transgendered person?

  19. Stanky cooch is true.

  20. I have one friend who claimed to have slept with Tim McGraw while he was on tour and another who was a PA on XFiles. She claims she got it on with Duchovny frequently. She said she was in the middle of making the beast with two backs with David when his wife went into labor and he got "the call". She said he would have liked me because I was his "type," slightly tom boy-ish.

    I also heard from one of Tom Cruise's doubles that he sleeps with everyone on set. He said, I quote, "...and I do mean everyone." But who knows what's BS in this business.

  21. No sex, but I had an offer to go to the Bahamas to "meet" Jack Nicholson when I was younger.

    Passed that one up in a blink of an eye.

  22. Oh and one of John Cusak's friends told me not to even think of dating him unless I was willing to do anal.

  23. Andy better watch it. A show like this might piss off some of the celebs whose asses he likes to kiss. Or maybe he will only go after skanks that screwed celebs he doesn't like and not of his besties.

  24. this thread is only useful if we name names for goodness sake. If i'd had sex with a celeb I'd be all over this thread telling you all about it in great detail. Honestly I would.

  25. I met Russell Brand in a bar in London once when I was younger and more impressionable and ended up sleeping with him. Not my proudest moment.

    1. I love Russell Brand, and I totally get it, abbiesgail

  26. I had sex with Jeff Conaway about 25 years ago when he was still good looking (and alive for that matter).

    1. So you got a hickey from Kenickie...nice

  27. abbiesgal - was 'it' as small as rumoured?

    1. Pretty much, but it wasn't the worst I've ever had. And he did make me breakfast the next morning.

  28. @Violet, right?! :)

  29. @7 I would if it wouldn't piss him off and/or get me kicked out of the con. I could try to pinch John Barrowman's ass for you. He's one cheeky bugger. I met him at last year's con.

    1. @sifichick, you can blame it on Morena Baccarin. I dressed up as her for a Halloween party once. I can email you a pic with the words "pinch Mal for me". :b

    2. Anonymous11:44 AM

      Oh! Firefly reference! Nice!

    3. @sifi-get a double handful of Barrowman for me;)

  30. I got a kiss on the cheek last Sunday by this pint-sized piano pounder with a sexy voice. I assure you it wasn't pure imagination, it was real.

  31. Does an Elvis impersonator in Vegas count as a celebrity?

  32. @abbiesgail, I think making you breakfast the next day raises my esteem of him slightly. :)

  33. Eddie Kaye Thomas frenched me in a limo once. It was a bit of a surprise. Didn't have sex. I did have sex with a star of an HBO series though. He's a producer not an actor but he was one of the stars of the series.

    1. Writer girl Larry David? Hot.

    2. When did this series go off the air?

    3. Not Larry David. It went off I think around 2004. It was an HBO reality style series.

  34. @Writergirl Not Entourage and Walberg?

  35. Andy. Cohen. Makes. Me. STABBY.

  36. A drummer from a psychobilly band.

    1. Reverend Horton Heat?
      Or Nekromantix?
      Or that one with the chick singer and they toured a lot with Nekro and had like lollipop imagery

      I miss psychobilly. <3

    2. Ha!
      He played a cpl shows w/ Nekro b4 they got the chick drummer.
      Also w/ Blitzkid.
      We still talk every day.
      He'll always be my #bae.

  37. @sifichick you don't know about the Barrowman blind item where he was bottoming in a sex club for guys that went to double digits?

  38. @Count Jerkula - "Do hookers who became porn whores count" 99.9% of who the show will feature. Since Clooney changed the game and went class not trash, well... it's becoming bad for business for - c/d list "actresses", "aspirings", VS "angels", TheDirty wh***s, Vegas strippers, Paris Ho Hilton and her passe - Lohan + all Kardaslutians

  39. I was force Frenched by a member of the band Foghat at an album signing. I was 12!

  40. I used to work with a woman who had a fling with Boog Powell (first baseman, Baltimore, Cleveland, LA, 1961-1977). That's about as close as I've come, at least as far as I know.

    I can't believe there aren't more athlete hookups here. Someone has to have hit it with Jeter????

    1. AndrewBW, I used to deal with a pro place kicker, but nobody knows who those chumps are.

      I'm still impressed with writer girl and Larry David ;) I can't top that.

  41. I hope Andy C includes a review of how the celebrity sex NDA works... Imagine if someone says NO?!

  42. When I was 6, Bernie Parent pinched my nose and called my cute. Does that count?

  43. Replies
    1. Ha! No, not him either. I'll give you a hint. The show was exec produced by two friends who have won an Oscar. And no, wasn't with either of them.

    2. Woot! So Pete Jones?

  44. What a tacky concept for a show. and yes I have a couple of musicians famous in Canada but I will not say names.

    1. @Derek

      Propagandhi. Or Rush. I prefer propagandhi

  45. now this is going to encourage a whole new reason for celebrity stalking :)

  46. @WritergirlinLA Pete Jones? Jeff Balis? They just announced another season of Project Greenlight last month.

    1. It was Balis!! so embarrassed!!!

    2. Hey NJFF, almost Jennifer Westfeld, amirite??

  47. Replies
    1. Anonymous11:22 AM

      Uh, neverrrrrrmind....

  48. How about Sean Bailey, writergirl?

  49. Off to google pics of Balis...

    1. Just so you know, there was lots of free booze involved and we were sort of forced together for several nights of parties for the first season. I blame Damon!!!

  50. I have one friend who hooked up with rapper Noreaga, and another friend who hooked up with the ugly dark guy from Day 26...I feel like I've done something with a celebrity and just don't remember...

  51. Just googled Ballis. Looks like a cross between Ian Zerring and Carrot Top.

    1. He was really nice to me. It was a hook up. I think he may have even been married at the time. And the kiss with Thomas came a few years later. Just realized why I got frenched by Thomas. Ew!!!

  52. D'oh, conflicting edits!

  53. We all have our moments of clouded judgment ;-)

  54. @Derek, I was thinking the same thing!!

  55. No need to be embarrassed @Writergirlinla. We all have our Jeff Balises in our pasts. At least you have a slept with a celebrity story. All I ever did was shake Leonard Nimoy's hand at an appearance when I was 10 years old.

    1. No. That's cool! Nimoy got me drunk at a funeral in NYC years ago. He kept bringing me and his wife wine from the bar at the wake! I heart that man!!!! He is way too cool for school. And his wife Susan is fabulous too. Love them.

  56. Ah, Writergirl, for a second I thought you were Ali G's infamous Julie.

    My aunt recently found herself in an elevator with Tom Cruise. He felt a piece of her dress in between his thumb and finger and complimented her on it. So that happened.

  57. andy cohen wants to be more famous that the ppl on the network

    hes trolling

  58. A LOOOOOONNNNGGG time ago, some chick on MakeupAlley claimed that she slept with Gene Simmons... And it was graphic.

  59. I used to sleep with a Playboy model/radio host named Brandie all the time. Yeah, her mom worked second shift at Planters with my Dad so she and her brother stayed with me and my mom Monday-Thursday nights. Sure I was 6 and she was 5 but it counts, dammit!

  60. @njfirefighter at least you didn't yell out Ryan Gosling's name at a movie premiere, ran up after him, almost scaring him away!

  61. Little Richard hit on me at a concert. He was on stage performing, playing and singing at the piano which was positioned at the side of the stage, only 4 or 5 feet from the edge. This was at an outdoor venue in Toronto about 30 years ago. Myself and another guy were standing there at the side of the stage watching. Little Richard was about 10 feet away and about 5 feet above us on stage, and he and I locked eyes. He smiled and smiled and smiled at me. Never took his eyes off of me while he was performing. It was a mixed bag of performers that evening, I kind of forget who all was there, I thing Alice Cooper was and also King Biscuit Boy whom some of you might know of. Anyway, each performer was on stage for only 30 or 40 minutes and I really didn't want to talk to Little Richard when he came off because it was pretty evident that he was smitten with me so I got out of there.

    Also, had a little meet and greet with Jane Fonda. This was about 25 years ago in a video rental store, late in the evening, maybe 10 PM or so. I was with someone and Miss Fonda was there by herself. She was in town filming a movie and her hotel was close by. and we all got to talking and it was pretty clear that Miss Fonda was taking a shining to me. No make up, and she was stunning. Have always wondered why I didn't dump the girl and go back to the hotel. What did I have to lose? I was stupid.

    1. @harry you are a very good storyteller :)

    2. Thanks Kat. Glad you liked my two "no sex" stories. I really wish my Jane Fonda story had a different ending though. If you know what I mean.

  62. Anonymous11:49 AM

    i made out with matt dillon when he was 24 and i was 18 .. he asked me to spend the night and i turned him down

    1. Anonymous12:45 PM


      OH FFS!

  63. No sex but I did get a kiss from John Stamos many years ago when he was on General Hospital. It was a personal appearance at a mall.

  64. @gingersnapzz----what the HELL were you thinking?!?!?!?!?!?!?

  65. I slept with the dude who had the first dick pic meme on the internet. FWIW we were teenagers and our bros were best friends. Also this was before his dick became an internet celebrity.

  66. @Riven---think more indie and you may have heard of the bands but not their names etc and wont tell sorry : (

    1. @Derek it's ok you don't have to name them. I was just trying to impress you with my Canadian band knowledge. also I really love propagandi :)

  67. @Charlie It went pretty good. The whole day seemed to be a comedy of errors, though. Sunday I was telling my brother I needed to get my hair trimmed (I had it almost to the middle of my back) and had it in a ponytail, my youngest niece heard and I fall asleep, she comes in with a pair of scissors and cuts the ponytail off gapping my hair all around. So I go to find a barber shop to get it fixed, every single one was on vacation and finally found one 2 hours before I was supposed to get Nikki.

    Then she tells me general directions to get where she is staying, she's from out of town so she doesn't know the area she's at very well. She tells me stuff like "Take a left at a school" We only have 15 schools here lol

    Finally her sister gets home and she asks her the name of the school. She's staying about a mile down the street from where the rent house we own and where I lived for 20+ years is lol.

    Dinner went fine, then we had an hour before the movie but she was too full for any desert, so we drove around and I bought her a case of Mangoritas she seems to love, and she drank a couple before the movie. We get to the movie, Days of Future Past and we are the only two in the place lol

    She told me to call her afteer I took her home now just debating how long to wait. 3 days isn';t it?

    1. Anonymous12:15 PM

      Did she like the diamonds you took out that loan for?

    2. One day, Rowdy. One day only.

  68. I got called "the cutest little thing" (in his southern twang) by Ron White once. Made my YEAR! :)

    1. @Danielle-TATER SALAD Ron White?!?! I love him, "I had the right to remain silent, but not the ability"

  69. Brought diamonds and she told me she preferred emeralds. FML lol

  70. @ Harry. It was Little Richard who put the cockroach on your dick, wasn't it?

  71. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Interesting ...

    The only verifiable ex actress is silent. Surely she has a story. Perhaps she's too much of a lady to answer directly.

    ((Crickets) )

    Listen sister ...cough it up. We need deets! Go incognito if u have to.

    ((Giving u sideeye and anxiously drumming fingers on table))

  72. Not my proudest moment but I once hooked up with Adam Levine. He has a nice cock but he's an asshole.

  73. Gavin Degraw hugged me twice and give me a kiss on the cheek.

  74. I was reading through them Fancy.

    Sadly, I only boinked an MTV VJ- Andrew Daddo. Perhaps I had some opportunities and just didn't realize it. Or maybe the years of partying has erased them from memory.

    I think WriterGirl, HollyWestwood and others are much more interesting.

  75. I was asked to be the mother of Michael Jackson's first child. Full contract, second child if all went well. I didn't want the fame, so Debbie Rowe agreed.
    Very true story.

    1. OH MY!!! Is this for real? How old were you? What made you make such a wise choice? Did you consider it? (No shame, promise) how did you get "selected"...I'm so interested!!

  76. Hooked up with Doug Robb after they played at a local bar over 10yrs ago. I was 21 and beyond intoxicated.

  77. Not me, but a couple of friends.

    One friend was Cat Stevens's girlfriend -- not a one-nighter, full-on girlfriend, for a year. This was when he was still Cat Stevens, before he became Yusuf Islam.

    The good news is that she has only good things to say about Cat Stevens, said he was kind and a gentleman. :-)

    And another friend was in high school with Gary Sinese and they drunkenly boinked on a golf course, haha.

  78. On top of sleeping with Brandie (sleeping as in going to actual sleep, we were 6 and 5, get your mind out of the gutter Count lol There she is now for you, bro. You're welcome lol)

    I did have sex with a couple of minor celebrities, Traci Brooks of TNA fame and former Nitro Girl Fyre. Hooked up with them after shows through wrestlers I'm friends with. Soon after Traci started dating Frankie Kazarian and never followed Fyre, she was just hot and I was young. Both of them would be favorites of Count since they liked people making wine of their brown eyes, that's a stupid way of saying they like gape (gape sounds like grape, you make wine from grapes, tenuous I know) and for those that don't even get that, they liked taking penis in the pooper.

  79. Nice, Rowdy. I wonder if they took it in the keister out of fear of getting knocked up and put out of commission.

    Anyway, thems two topflight tushes to tap. Congrats.

    P.S. Only way it could have been cooler is if you bashed the balloon knot of the Nitro Girl who married HBK.

  80. My nympho alkie former roommate met Dave Matthews in a hotel bar by chance, he took her upstairs, they did the deed and parted in the hotel bar later. Only when she asked his name that she realized who he was. And she was a tour groupie with Social Distortion Mike Ness looks and acts like a piece of crap that hit a brick wall, but whatever floats your boat!

  81. This comment has been removed by the author.

  82. I had sex with a Glee star when we were in college....I would gladly do it again (and again...and again...and again)

  83. Only in my dreams. I had fantastic sex with Warren Beatty two times. Oddly enough, in waking life, I am not attracted to him at all. At. All.

  84. Nicole, your story is mind blowing! Can you share any details, such as how much $$$ MJ was going to pay you, did you meet him, how did they find you in the 1st place, was conception to be by turkey baster?

  85. My friend hooked up with Dougray Scott here in Sydney whilst he was filming the first Mission Impossible film....they had such athletic bedroom action that she put his back out and it put production out six weeks whilst he recovered. This meant he had to forfeit his next major role......Wolverine in the first my mate is inadvertently responsible for Hugh Jackman's career!

  86. These are some great stories guys! Love this thread! I'm living vicariously.

  87. There's not much of a "story" to mine, sadly.

    He wasn't famous at the time.

    We met at a frat party and it was so loud we both ended up outside smoking and he laughed and said something like "it's fucking cold, want to get out of here?"

    And being the young, free girl I was - I went.

    I left the next morning and regret not leaving my number..

  88. My (female and mid 20s) friend was regularly hooking up with James Franco while he was attending school in NY a couple of years ago!

  89. @DommyMommy……..Dennis Rodman?

  90. I was at a club , met Ron Jeremy and he sucked on my boobs for a minute

  91. Lil Flip got my phone number after a concert in a mexican restaurant and texted me for a night.

    That's all I got. My celeb encounters are limited to concert sightings. I did make eye contact with Kid Cudi in NOLA last year and Kamtin Mohager of The Chain Gang of 1974 pointed at me and sang to me this past weekend at Free Press Summer Fest. Crazy stuff guys, crazy stuff.

    I've been told I look a lot like Scarlett Johansson so in that respect I've fucked lots and lots of celebs.

  92. Highly amusing thread. I'm keeping schtum.

  93. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Theo from real world hit on me once which is embarrassing. I partied for a week with all the guys from extreme home makeover when i was in college. They all hit on me, but they were all gay. my stories suck...

  94. I totally walked in on Ron Jeremy getting a blow job from some random chick. He was in Cincinnati doing a club appearance and, I was in the vip area with friends. I walked back to the "ultra VIP" area to say hi and meet him and, when I "walked behind the velvet rope" he was straight up getting head from some nasty chick. They both smiled and informed me that I could feel free to join them...I politely declined.

  95. Do NHL players count?

  96. And if NHL players DO count, do CFL players? Asking for a friend

    1. Geez, lookit the power of the internet, it remembers Thomas Rayam! I can't wait to tell my friend

  97. Anonymous6:28 PM

    And what about former nationally ranked swimmers? Pretty far down the celeb rankings? Also asking for a friend.

  98. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Not sex, but I recognised Adrian Brody walking down Lambton Quay in Wellington (New Zealand) one quiet Sunday quite some years ago and asked him for a photo. He was absolutely charming - not at all like what the consensus about him here is - after he obliged with the photo, he told me I was very pretty, and asked what I was up to. Before departing, he gave me a hug, and a kiss on the cheek and said it was lovely to meet me!

    1. Hey Step! Miss ya around here.

    2. Anonymous6:48 PM

      Hi Kristin!

      Awww - thank you! :-)

      I'll be back soon - once I have my nice comfy typing space back ...

    3. Don t take too long, Step. You've missed some crazy shit around here.

  99. One of the last living Munchkins (now dead) used to hang out at this restaurant/bar I used to work at in St. Louis. The cocktail waitresses had to wear jerseys and tennis skirts and he always tried to feel us up when we walked by. Nothing like having a dirty, older than God munchkin run his hand up your leg.

  100. Hey Stepforded! How are things??

    Also, if nationally ranked swimmers count, does a musician-brother of Canadian-famous female country singer? Asking for same friend

    1. Anonymous6:39 PM

      Hi TTM! :-)

      Great - still renovating, but will hopefully be done before Winter well and truly sets in. It's a bit wet here today, so I'm enjoying a bit of down time :-)

    2. Very cool, Stepforded, lovely to see you

  101. Sure NHL guys count, as long as you name them.

    NHL and this thread makes me think of this pic.


  102. Martin St Louis (So this would give me Olympian points as we'll :)
    JS Giguere

    1. @Robinnnn NO FUCKING WAY.

      You slept with Giguere?! Please allow me to give you a rowdy standing ovation. He's my all-time favorite player. Excuse me while I go cry angry jealous tears.

    2. ( also applauds for little leaping Marty cause he's also awesome but he's not my boy)

  103. No, but Bill Clinton made a special point of remembering me when I was working on his first presidential campaign. At the time, I was oblivious but surprised that he remembered my name after meeting me in a receiving line once 4 months prior. After the Monica Lewinsky scandal broke, it made sense -- my 21-year-old self looked a lot like Monica. Bill C clearly has a type.

  104. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Hi Stepforded!

    My sister in law dated a CFL player shortly after splitting with her ex. Best. Rebound. Ever. Apparently.

    Count, judging by the look on his face, #19 Tyler DOES remember those ladies from high school!

  105. Ricky Melendez from that boy band Menudo locked eyes with me around 12 years ago. It was a parade I thought he was going to jump from the car and kiss me the way he was looking at me but after I blew him a kiss he blew me one too from far away.

  106. In the 1960's, i used to frequent bar/ club that ny islanders hung out in. They were always hitting on everyone, inc me. Disgustingly drunk, slurring, weaving, always bragging about how much money they had. In order, turnoff, turnoff, turnoff, major turnoff. Dont know if they ever got laid.

    1. And yes, i know this is ancient history, lol

  107. Years ago, during his Copperhead Road tour I met Steve Earle..he and I shared a few drinks. He was charming and stoned, my daughter said it would have made a better story if I would have accepted his offer. But, after a few shooters my stomach was rolling and I was concerned he'd be wearing my dinner.

  108. When I was working at a smoke shop in college, Sublime (after the singer died, as the longbeach dub name) got my number while I was working. They called a few weeks later and wanted me and "my girls" to meet them. It was Tuesday and my girls, all 2 of them, were busy. So I figured best to not call them back or meet up. Fast crowd, too fast for me probably.

    Another time while studying abroad my roommate and I started having drinks purchased for us by some "international businessmen", we went to a very fancy club with them and they were treated like royalty. Eventually we went to the bathroom and slipped out without a farewell. I'm pretty sure they were mobbed up. Really good food and drink, but thankfully I usually know when to dip. Once again, fast crowds are not to be taken lightly.

  109. completely ot ot ot warning betchy readers!!!
    daily mail has text exchange b/w
    2 teenagers : girl cheated on bf w/ his best friend and she wants him back. he posted it on twitter
    it's highlarious!!
    she quoted hitler trying to get him back.. i don't do clicky but his name is kane zipperman.. main page must read!!

    1. Sugarbread, Clicky here

      Email me at my profile if you want the Clicky code to save.

  110. she : "hate is more lasting than dislike"
    him: "jesus take the wheel... did u just quote hitler?? i knew you were crazy but damn!"
    yeah it keeps going
    he reminds me of mini will ferrell

  111. thanks clone 2 .. always got my back!!! that was fast 2!!

  112. thanks clone 2 .. always got my back!!! that was fast 2!!

  113. oh since i'm still ot i saw giada being interviewed by pauly d at her new restaurant 2night. and her menu is posted i will check it out now

  114. A quick kiss from Matthew McConaughey. Dwight Yoakam was performing at a private event and hit on me but I wasn't interested.

    1. Dazed and confused mcconaughey or Dallas buyers version? Because you know what they say about high school girls. .. but mcconaugheys keep gettin older ♥

  115. mimi's album debut sold 58k copies!!
    ouch!! expect lots of mimi reveals in the morning kiddos!! i suspect this barely holding on to A list singer (elusive chanteuse)has been drinking and popping pills all day long and has to be propped up by her handlers in order to give 2 shits aboot her cheating husband or expanding waistline anymore..
    can you guess???
    not jlo
    not xtina

  116. No sexy times but solid ass grab from Fred Durst, and ass & vag grab during a photo with none other than repressed train wreck Andy Dick. #2 was quite violating, but he was clearly gakked out of his mind.

  117. Anonymous1:29 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  118. Anonymous1:30 AM

    I've been sleeping with Luise Rainer for a couple months now. It's ....interesting.

  119. Anonymous2:05 AM

    @derek harvey

    Hmmm indie, famous in Canada? Well my favorite band fits the bill, Our Lady Peace? I can think of a few others- Broken Social Scene, Crash Test Dummies, Matthew Good Band, The Tragically Hip?

  120. @north you forgot The Pursuit of Happiness ;)

  121. @Persephone - Mickey Carroll, right?! Hahahahaha. Which bar?

    @Seachica - I look a LOT like Monica, too -- 1998 was hell for me, hearing, "Do you know who you look like?" everywhere I went -- but it was in fact my brother who has met Bill C. He did a celeb golf tourney in Jersey for his company and met Bill and a couple of folks like Richard Kind. The pièce de résistance for me, though, wasn't Bill but rather Kyle MacLachlan, who he said was the nicest, most genuine celeb he'd ever met. (He meets a lot of 'em.) 15-year-old AKM nearly died at being a degree of separation from Agent Cooper.

    Sorry that my turn consisted of "celebs my brother has met" instead of "celebs I personally have boinked." I haven't even met too do you people do it?!

  122. Rob Lowe in the late 80's and yes I have the pics :)

  123. @Michigal NICE!!!!!

  124. @Auntliddy that would have been The Islanders until 1972 ;)

    1. Cully, u are correct, thank you.



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